Today's Blind Items - Revenge
This permanent A list producer/genius/murderer has been using an intermediary to pass messages to a further intermediary who has a decipher to a code the A lister invented. I guess when you are in jail, you have some time. Apparently the code is based on records produced by the A lister and the lyrics within those songs. The A lister thinks his now former significant other stole millions of dollars from him and also cheated on him repeatedly while they were married. The producer is telling his people to hide the rest of his assets and is seemingly wanting to exact some kind of harmful revenge against his ex. It is getting to the point where the one who is deciphering the messages is ready to go to the police so they don't end up being charged with a crime.
Phil spector
+1 MD
Definitely Phil Spector.
Suge Knight
Yeah, Suge is known for making threats and accusing his ex of stuff like murdering TuPac
Spector. Do you know, the Beatles invited Ronnie Spector to travel with them with them them on their first US tour and open for them, because they really liked her, especially Lennon, and Phil said no, because he was such a control freak.
Phil Spector/Rachelle Short
Suge is not smart enough to create a code & cipher. He's just ruthless muscle.
BayAreaGirl - seriously? he is gang affiliated. that's all they do is write in code in prison.
@alf - agreed!
+! raven
I love this! I picture this being a crazy little, wigless Phil Spector writing out all of his lyrics and creating a code, blaming Ronnie (maybe Rachelle) for fortunes gone that he lost all on his own. This guy already was hanging on by a very fine thread. Years in prison are making his ugly paranoid mind completely spin out.
Spector. Hopefully, not Ronnie as the ex.
Suge Knight isn’t a genius and was never really a producer. He is only listed as a producer because he would beat up, threaten, or kill people.
Spector was probably the first guy to pull a gun on John Lennon, in the studio, at that.
@raven, trust me, Suge is not that clever. The codes that street gangs use aren't that sophisticated either, that's why they're constantly being presented as evidence in court.
+1 MD - that is exactly Suge's M.O.
We have some racists in here. Black man can't be clever.
The blind is about exacting harmful revenge. Pretty much like Suge's M.O.
I think it is Spector since I believe Suge Knight has filed for bankruptcy more than once and doesn't have assets. I thought I read about him having money problems.
First of all Alf I’m black and suge isn’t a genius. Dr Dre absolutely but Suge hell no. Dr Dre was the musical mastermind behind Death Row and Suge Knight was the power. He beat up djs, producers, artists, and execs to get his way.
Alf- Phil's been a spiteful weasel most of his life, I wouldn't credit him with being above vengeance
@Alf, I hope you're not referring to me. 1st, I'm a POC. 2nd, Suge Knight is not clever. 3rd, as a former defense attorney, I know a thing or two about various criminals. Street gangs are not clever. What makes them scary is that they're just brutal & ruthless.
Either Suge Knight or Phil Specter can fit this blind.
Suge Knight has gotten away with a lot for the longest time so I can see how he can fit this blind. Dumb criminals don't stay free long.
So now saying gang members aren't smart is racist...
Key word here is "genius." Spector created the "wall of sound" and his impact on music cannot be underestimated. Phil Spector has always been a malignant narcissist capable of physical violence and revenge against his many "enemies."
@akbar - correction: "street gangs" The guys who run the Cartels, Traid and real Mafia are a whole other story.
This just makes me think of Suge Knight because don't you all remember when 'Storage Wars' very first came out, one of the units bid on and won was full of Suge Knight clothes and shit. Was that "hiding assets" back then?
TW disregarding all of your nonsensical "it's all societies fault" tripe, if you want to pass your "education" classes you should probably know who invented the IQ test before you get on the internet and try to sound smart...
Enty is trolling all you conspiracy nuts. This should be fun watching heads explode
This sounds like the sort of crazy you'd expect from a small, wizened, completely bald, septuagenarian psychopathic megalomaniac like Spector.
He had a feud in the early Sixties with the British and very similar in style record producer Joe Meek. Meek was, incidentally, also a murderer and as mad as a rat in a tin box.
A very interesting guy though and also, like Spector, supremely talented.
Well worth going down a rabbit hole about.
Incidentally, he came from the same rural inbred area as crazed serial killer Fred West.
I wish people would speak out more when people are *actually* racist here.
Calling racism when it's not just discredits the many times it is REAL.
@akbar johnson
Binet invented the IQ test. I thank you for pointing out my mistake. I do not like the way you did it. A little kindness goes a long way. Remember that and you will live a longer life.
@Flashy Vic - Did he have an oo-arr accent? ;)
I do not think gang members are dumb. I think they are easily influenced.
Also, if they join the gang at an early age they never learn to use what little critical thinking skills they have and never grow intellectually.
I'm studying education. Believe it or not, you have to actually learn how to think. That's one of the reasons mathematics is taught in school even though you think you will never use geometry and algebra as an adult. Mathematics teaches us how to think and to think logically.
Fun fact: Your brain is doing calculus at a subconscious level when you drive a car.
Binet created the IQ test to determine if a child's thought process is at, above, or below their chronological developmental stage. He also said a person's IQ score has no meaning if the person is an adult.
In other words, a child who is a genius when compared with their peers will grow up to be "normal" like the rest of us. Their thought process is advanced for their age but normal for their age had they been tested as an adult.
You know what TW you're right, I assume everyone is thick skinned on the internet and are used to the internet smartasses, but you laid out your points clearly without attacking anyone and although I disagree with them I could have come back at you a different way. So you have my apology and a sincere wish that you have a great day.
Genius is referring to someone who was a gamechanger and innovator, not something about IQ. Spector basically made the 1960s sound.
suge was better at getting talent around him, as opposed to being talented himself
Also Spector was moved to a medical facility a few years ago
+1000 Rosie Rachelle
FlashyVic-- your brain is an encyclopedia of interesting characters and trivia! Please continue to share these tidbits! Is this all accumulated from being a lifelong reader, or job-related, or??? Always value-added when you're contributing!
TW-- good luck with your studies!
Oi'm be pretty sure 'e 'ad a gert ooh arr accent, moi lover.
Phil Spector was being a vicious lunatic long before Suge was even born!
Not sure on this one, but here are some fun facts
I don't see Spector having people to do his bidding on the outside anymore, but I also don't see people trying to snitch on Suge.
Lifelong reader and nosey bastard.
Probably the only good qualities I ever aquired.
Somehow I'm picturing Phil Spector as the basis for the Sideshow Bob character. And his vengeful Cape Fear escapade to kill Bart Simpson. Cue the garden rakes!
Hey Rosie, like when President Trump and supporters are called racist on a near daily basis. despite Trump having the first Palm Beach Country Club to admit black and Jew members?
I don’t think suge has ever been considered a “genius”
This screams Phil Spector. What hits did Suge write?? Glad he is in prison.
Definitely Phil Spector.
I think it's Suge. Phil doesn't have the same reputation that Suge has.
It's Suge. Phil is too olc to chew clabber let alone fabricate coded messages no one cares to receive. I'll bet his visitor's log is accumulating dust. Honkety-honk.
"The Life and Times of Suge Knight: A waste of entrepreneurial genius"
I'm not a fan of this piece of garbage Suge or anything, but it;s only logical and rational fo rthe item to be about him.
Phil Spector is a nearly forgotten frail old man why would he have intermediaries? WTF is he running that he would need code?
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