Friday, July 12, 2019

Blind Item #12

The financial backer of the wealthy pedophile has been heard from. Here is someone who knows him all too well.

So... he tried to make one of my 18 year old employees his literal f**k boy in 2002 and was notorious for having parties and inviting very young teens here in Columbus to them to have orgies, my friend/ex employee would attend and was gay and always said really f**ked up things would happen at these parties... he killed himself a few years later and got hooked on drugs around the time of these parties.

The young grandson is also such an asshole elitist and has a security guard he takes w him but no one knows who he is unless he tells you and he always does... he came into my job and bought bikes for him and his gal pal who wasn’t interested in him by any means (he’s a fat little twat) anyways he spent about $2000 (asked for a discount, I googled his net worth after running his card, he’s a millionaire, his Instagram is so douchey...) he said they were just leaving the bikes in the desert after burning man bc it would be too expensive to ship them back 🙄 the security guard was super nice and buff and from overseas. But that family are assholes. I’ve met a bunch of them. But never _____. He’s elusive and old... 


  1. Leslie H Wexner/Epstein

  2. Hmm, zero comments for the last 5 or so blinds?

  3. What is the big deal about trying to make an 18y/o a fuck boy?

    1. I am child free this weekend, so if you promise to eat my ass, i'll let you suck some manspackle out of muh ballz, Gen. I'll give ya a $20 if you take yer dentures out, toots.

  4. doesn't make sense as wexner, he doesn't have any grandchildren old enough yet. columbus is the area they are set up in, though.

    1. Right. He has two sons in their 20s, neither are fat.

  5. Les Wexner's oldest kids are in their twenties, not old enough for grandchildren.

  6. Lex Wexner is from Columbus.

    1. Les Nessman is from Cincinatti and i wouldnt put this sort of behavior past him. Look at what his boss did to Arnold and Dudley. Herb Tarlik would be a huge liability in the #metoo era. And Dr Johnny Fever was Dennis Blunden's teacher. Fuckin Rust Belt heathens.

    2. Hehe +1 he always had bandages on as well. Creepy.

    3. Many weirdos from Cincinnati......

    4. Or Ohio in general -Cleveland ,etc

  7. Something tells me you are being screwed with none of you posts have comments.

  8. My guess would be Mike Jeffries former CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch. Not sure if he has a grandson.

  9. Where r all the comments

  10. Well, this person seems to hang out with assholes regularly.

  11. Bad Momma- the first paragraph does sound a lot like Mike Jeffries but his son, AJ, only got married a few years ago and didn’t have children before his marriage. And Mike Jeffries isn’t elusive, as described in the blind. But that first paragraph does sound a lot more like him that Wexner. 🤷🏽‍♀️

  12. wexner's kids are in their 20's???? he's 81. i know that's possible but is that true? anyway, this has to be him. maybe someone assumed his very young son was his grandson?

  13. Probably thought the son was a grandson given the age

  14. Wexner is known to be Epstein's benefactor. Epstein lined up people for "work" at Wexner's house

  15. Les Wexner's children are not old enough to have grandchildren yet, which is too bad because the other information would make sense. Even if it was supposed to be his kids and not grandkids, none of them are fat or have douchey instagrams. One is even private. What about someone from the Schottenstein family?

  16. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Hey, man, the Buckeye Newshawk Award is serious business.

  17. Jay Schottenstein? He Lives in Columbus

  18. Count has shown decent humanity/empathy for a bit now. Like a churchboy but don't tell him lest he takes offense

  19. I think Part 1 is about Wexner & Part 2 is about somebody else.

  20. Wexner makes sense if the earlier commenter is right and he basically owns the town of New Albany, OH. It tracks with what I found out last night: Epstein has a mansion in OH. I wonder why no one is breaking down the doors to see what filth is in there?

  21. You people are gonna get me thowed out of the Sociopaths of America.

  22. +1 Dane. I know Wexner sounds right and def is involved, but no grandkids
    I was thinking someone in the Schottensteins family, too. They own Value City Furniture and are huge in the Columbus area. Some I'd the older ones ran in my great uncle's circles.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You went to the Wexner parties? Daaamn, that's crazy.

  24. Count, you really are on best behavior today...talking about Arthur Carlson and his hodgepodge of employees without one acknowledgement of Jennifer Marlowe! Im not sure whether to be impressed or concerned!😉

    1. I couldnt reme.ber her name, and i am not a fan of fake cans. I would rather hump Bailey.

  25. @Tellmelies, tell us more! I would ask my uncle but he is 95 and, frankly, a bit off his rocker. Plus I doubt he would snitch on anyone.

  26. Off-topic, but does anyone else think Les Wexner is the real-life version of Will & Grace's Beverly Leslie?

  27. Would have loved to get access to the room they stacked the passed out bimbos on.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Wexner issaid to have given him the Island for $1- for one purpose

  30. @TellMeLies come back and spill more details! Please!!!!!

  31. Count is correct! Les Nesman is Epstein's muscle and helicopter pilot. "I didn't know Turkey's
    can't fly" is a BS excuse. How many exploited youths never safely made the helo fights back safely from Little St. Jeff's?

  32. Count is correct. Les Nesman is known to be Epstein's muscle and helicopter pilot. "I didn't know turkeys cannot fly" is the latest excuse I've ever heard. How many exploited youths never safely made the helo trip back from Little St. Jeff's? You know too much, Count!

    1. That Turkey deal was one of the funniest things ever on TV. Right up there w/ Rev Jim's driver's test.

  33. I believe I was the first to 'out' Count as a human. He has since many times made me want to retract my comment - but yes, he has a soul.

    1. Now i think you people are trolling me, talkin about how i am such a sweetheart. If this persists, i will have Enty moderate such comments, to protect muh e-cred.

  34. I would caution those leaving comments to do their research. This is a BIG DEAL WITH BIG IMPLICATIONS. If we get the facts straight we can help these poor kids and families that need it the most.

    The head of the Schottenstein Family in Columbus Ohio is Jay Schottenstein. The family is very large and connected, though are not all wealthy and powerful. Jay is connected with DSW, Value City Furniture, American Eagle, and many others, including a weed company and vast re holdings.

    Michael Jeffries is a solid guess. He was flamboyant and utilized the Abercrombie private jet, typically outfitted with young boys (would assume legal age). I would love to get my hands on HIS flight logs --- that could be worth connecting the dots on.

    Wexner has been referenced by Enty as being on his second marriage, though I have only found one marriage, to his current wife, a former NYC attorney Abigail. They do have kids, so I am not seeing the potential grand kid aspect.

  35. @SarahB, with all due respect, I think the amount we can actually do, even with research, is very little, and I worry about mob vigilante justice. This is ultimately, just a gossip site.

  36. IMO - There is little to no doubt in my mind Wexner is knee deep in this. I just hope they get access to the island and the evidence if there is still any to be had.

    Sadly, the fire on the island could have been intentional and the documentation of a huge shredder has likely been used often. Let’s not also forget about the fact that they could have people on standby or back up options to destroy at anytime.

    One thing enty has hit on, which I think could be huge is a Geffen and others going by boat.

    This is a great site and despite the bickering, it’s great seeing a community do things for the better.

  37. After reading some new info released online today, it appears that Leslie Wexners wife also knew and was good friends with Mr. Epstein.

    With her recently having a children’s hospital named after her and being hailed as such an advocate for children, what does she really know?

    Unfortunately, as an attorney who is surrounded by money, one can’t help but think it’s unlikely as it would ruin her and her future as well.

    Why can’t the NSA be used for things that are relevant?

  38. This article is disciminatory towards fuck-buddy's, that attitude is SO 2010.

  39. TellMeLies - really? Columbus OH was a debauched party town? Who'd a thunk? Maybe that was the point one would be looking there.

    Tell us more.

  40. I’d hasten to guess Jeffries is balls deep in this. His assistants are always twinkle. Work in the industry and have heard this info from multiple sources.

  41. Sarah B..."Why can’t the NSA be used for things that are relevant?" Have wondered the same thing myself.The only answer is they were all in on it. Esp. since Epstein's private plane had State Dept. tail numbers. But on the bright side, if there is one, the number of pedophiles who are being outed is unprecedented in our history. There are currently 30 reps and senators in DC who are retiring. Most people probably don't remember Strom Thurmond who died as a senator at the age of 101 or thereabouts. You just know they had to prop him up at the last. Anyway....that isn't the bright side.Michael Flynn , who has been treated so horribly in the Mueller fiasco , has a background in intelligence. Would bet he will be a big bean spiller.

  42. Can someone please tell me what the "turkey deal" is? Also, what do you mean "out of the way" (the passed out chicks)? As in easier to rape? Out of it? Thanks.

    Don't assume peeps that the FBI nor the NSA isn't reading this site. My guess is they are. Let's hope they're more put together about this entire pedo ring than 9/11.

    1. --On WKRP in Cincinatti, they did a Thanksgiving promotion where they dropped turkeys out of a helicopter, not knowing they couldnt fly.

      --If you want to date rape one part of a couple or one of a group of friends, you get the other ones even more fucked up so they pass out and cant cockblock you.

  43. Wexner owns L Brands, which included AF pre 1996.

    Wexner installed Jeffries as CEO of AF in 1992

    L Brands jettisoned AF in 1996.

  44. Wexner has credited Max Fisher as one of his biggest inspirations. OSu's Fisher College of Business is his namesake. Wexner has given the college's most prestigious awards at the centennial celebration. Max Fisher's grandson presented Wexner with the award. If I recall Fisher had something to do with Bear Stearns as well. Isnt that where Epstein got his first big break? Maybe Max Fisher had as much to do with bankrolling JE's life as Wexner.

  45. Anonymous8:18 AM

    18 is the proper age to recruit a F-boy so I don't see the issue here.

  46. I think I was mistaken. I removed my comment.

  47. Not sure if it’s enough but Schottensteins have way more money than most people think...
    Here is yacht of Jay
    And Jerome...the old old man has a sports arena and a bunch of University stuff named after him...
    Jay also has 3 kids and at least 3 grandchildren...of adultish age.

    Still not sure he fits...but they are not ruled out.

  48. Think you may be onto something w/ Max Fisher. Fisher was closely involved in advising American presidents on Middle East diplomacy. His nephew, Stephen Ross, is now one of the richest men in the country, even wealthier than Wexler, and owns property in both nyc and Palm Beach. He worked at Bear Sterns before launching a real estate investment group bankrolled by his uncle. He now owns the Dolphins and is the man behind many of the largest development projects in the country.

    Recall the old blind Enty reprinted from 18, where he said. Epstein’s main backer was married unhappily when he met Epstein, but Epstein then connected him with an underage mistress whom the benefactor stayed in touch with him after his second marriage? Wexner has only been married once but Ross has been married twice.

  49. Wel,l about Epstein and giving Enty credit for his stories.

    You just need to read the Miami Herald. They've been publishing detailed reports on Epstein for four years, as one of their reporters, Julie K. Brown, has broken major story after major story on him. For a long time, the rest of the press didn't do anything with that, but she was the one who caused justice to re-open the case after she revealed the terms of the previous deal and how Epstein hadn't respected them.

    Enty merely jumped on this bandwagon early on to make up salacious stories quite disconnected from her investigative work but that would still imply the random celebrity in the mix. But it's her work and the testimonies of the victims that have resulted in Epstein being arrested, not the made up blind items by Enty or QAnon's whispers, that just try to spin the situation against opponents. These were facts, direct testimonies and evidence that got results, and you won't find in the archives stories about Epstein before Brown started her series on him.



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