Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Blind Item #12

This foreign born former A- list mostly movie actress is taking her turn to cheat on that cable star who always cheats on her. Our actress is hooking up with a blast from her past who used to pay all her bills back in the day.


MDAnderson said...

Diane Kruger

sandybrook said...

Is she back with ketchup dude?

Tricia13 said...

And Chris Heinz

Thia said...

Honestly, I would be worried about hooking up with her for fear I'd catch something from her that she's gotten for Reedus. Bleck.

notthisagain said...

LMAO ketchup guy.

she is his mustard

Jimbonius said...

Looks like his name should be Norman Typhus.

MDAnderson said...

Yup. Wasn’t he with GOOP

LondonGirl said...

why are they even together? It's a farce.

Tricia13 said...

Yes.../ Goop never strayed far from dudes with money.

Meg said...

She is in Paris now starting filming on "355", and Norman Reedus is there with her -- but I can't imagine he'll be there for long, because isn't Walking Dead filming now? I can't picture working all day with the likes of Sebastian Stan and Edgar Ramirez, and then going home to Reedus. I just can't.

AmesR09 said...

@ meg LOL.

TwoDots said...

Maybe they just have an open relationship and are ok with that? 🤷🏼‍♀️

Rosie riveter said...

See, this is a decent blind. Refreshing.
Thanks Enty!

Strawberry Surprise said...

Diane Kruger and Chris Heinz

Maybe she’s riding up and is tired of being Norms door mat

Pearl said...

I have never found Reedus at all attractive (he looks like he smells like day old beer, cigarettes, and flop sweat), but he must have *something*, both Kruger and his first one, supermodel Helene Christiansen, are beautiful and graceful women. 🤷🏽‍♀️

notthisagain said...

is sebastian stan gay?

asking for a friend named me

Meg said...

@ notthisagain - It's hard to believe anyone that pretty ISN'T gay, but I don't think so. He was, sadly, the popular guess for this recent blind about an actor cheating on his girlfriend: https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2019/07/blind-item-10.html

hunter said...

word on the street is Helena Christensen is an alcoholic trainwreck which you can see if you google pics.


TwoDots said...

Really? She seems pretty together, and she doesn’t have the alchy “glow”, bloat and generally premature ageing.

Cindy Crawford on the other hand...

orangesoda said...

She's a skank, he's a manskank. Meh. It is what it is.


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