Monday, August 26, 2019

Blind Item #11

Instead of attending a wedding, this alliterate former actress turned international celebrity is going to have a ladies weekend which will probably end up costing taxpayers a cool $1M. 


  1. Megan Markle and Cressida wedding


  3. It looks like someone got their wish and I get a FOURTH allitertive BI from the OCD Enterns (who also get their needed page views)

  4. Storm the castle Brits

  5. Today is National Dog Day do you have any BIs about alliterative dogs to share?

  6. Deputy Dog would be a scandal since he's law enforcement so we should get one about him. Rin Tin Tin is sorta alliterative but not completely.

  7. Must be great for you Brits... roads in perfect condition, schools impeccable, police everywhere with ideal training keeping crime to a bare minimum... and still more than enough money to cater to (i.e., pay for) every need of the Half-Prince and his "superstar" wife.

    Remember, Brits: she is Royalty and you aren't. So bow and curtsy deep!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Don’t rub it in J. We really resent paying for this ghastly narcissistic woman. I would never curtesy to MM. It’s a stupid outdated practice anyhow, yet we were taught it at school. I doubt it’s still in the curriculum. The only one who does a ridiculous deep curtesy is Fergie. A bob will do it these days. The only one I’ll do it for is the Queen, but I still resent doing it.

    1. So, don't curtsy. Why feel resentment over something that is no longer required? The Queen could not care less; she has bigger fish to fry. I'm fairly sure that HRM is aware of the year 2019 and doesn't spend time quibbling over a curtsy.

      Just don't squeeze her hand too tightly. She offers it for a light shake and not for thumb wrestling. She would, I believe, look askance at a broken hand.

  10. Em and 'im, I'm shocked! Half the American commenters here recognize Meghan's royalty, her superiority, her droight!

    You are so lucky to be beneath her in the Great Chain of Being!

  11. Spare me. You should see the bill Trump has racked up.

  12. Between Charles, Jimmy Savile's good friend, Andrew the Pedo, Meghan, the Grifter, and Harry the Dumbass, will the monarchy survive Elizabeth? Seems like many Brits want a Windsorxit.

  13. It's true, the national debt is out of control and doesn't have a prayer of being paid off. I used to think (correctly) running it up was a purely Republican thing. It's certainly true that idiot Reagan kicked off the party. But Obama proved both sides can spend like crazy while delivering precious little.

    Anyway, it's a Markle blind, and I'm just congratulating the Brits on having such a fashionable and sophisticated superior in her.

  14. Why does the monarchy keep allowing her horrid behavior, it’s not like she’s adored by the public!!!

  15. J, I guess you figured out MM isn’t fat so you dropped that insult.

    CB hasn’t even given a date for the wedding yet, and already the interns are out for clicks.

  16. Why wouldn't she go to the wedding with Harry? Free food, free booze, keep an eye on her man, wear a dress that outshines the bride. Let the nanny take care of Arch.

  17. No, tatty, just mixing things up to keep everyone entertained.

    Figure the royal porker's gonna pull the ol' Ann-Margret body-swap any day now.

  18. Shouldn't her PR peeps and the RF be advising her strongly against this? It puts all their jobs in peril!

  19. I believe Cressida won't want Meghan to attend the wedding because if she does, all eyes will be on Meghan and not on Cressida. Meghan is the biggest royal star.

  20. Right, Meghan either shouldn’t go or say she isn’t going (to the press) and then show up last minute (which CB would know). Since the press will lose their shit if she goes, she probably should stay home.

  21. I think she should take Elton John's jet someplace without harming the environment.

  22. Did you pull $1 million out of your ass Enty? Give me a break. The hate for this women is so disproportionate to any offense. With all the crap going on in the world and people get their knickers in a twist over a Dutches? I don't get it. #perspective

  23. Hi SlimKeith!

    Here's a link to the UN mortality information website. You may enjoy it, while the rest of us gossip on a gossip blog.

  24. Anyone who attends her ladies weekend (which could be a PR plant and an event which never actually happens) will be vilified in the press.

  25. I mean in fairness, the irrational love for her is an issue - have you seen some of the comments on IG?! Mental.

  26. Markle will show up, trying her very best to outshine the bride, maybe by announcing a new pregnancy on Cressida's big day. It would not be the first time.

  27. I can’t believe Cressida is even inviting them but I guess she has to given that she went to their wedding. Best for all if MM doesn’t show. Nobody needs an attention whore at their wedding.

  28. National Debt was reduced under each Dem president. Alternatively, National Debt INCREASED under each GOP president.

  29. Err fuck you Gen-z99. Hopefully making your dickhead comment made you feel better about yourself.

  30. You may have hope but you don't have facts.

  31. Sorry, that chart/article makes my point but it's not up-to-date. Here's some more recent information.

  32. @Em and'im said
    "yet we were taught it at school"

    Hey everyone.... England here:

    We are NOT taught to curtsey at school.

    1. Dammit I thought it was a real thing

  33. "I can’t wait to hear what Markle “push” present is going to be!"

    Did she announce the 2nd one yet?

  34. @Scout There might be an age gap. For instance I was taught cursive writing in school, now many children are not. I was also taught formal dancing.

    @RobertaJoan Curtsying and bowing are complex cultural behaviours. To not do so in the appropriate situation shows a lack of polite social skills that will be remembered and remarked upon. Think of the current G7 gathering, if any of the spouses had greeted each other with a lack of proper decorum, it would have reflected poorly on the country they are representing.

  35. Anonymous6:25 PM

    i believe Markle is in rehab again, actually.
    One glance at that fake 'plane' photo last week, made it quite clear that it was a body double, and a poor one at that. (Diff.body structure than Markle; they were ill prepared, just a hat and an arm and a wrinkled shirt.)

    I mean.... Come on. I've done better costuming in the high school play.

  36. Hope: Never lose hope: Um, no. Niiiice try. Your boy Obama DOUBLED the national debt in 8 years, more than ANY previous prez....

  37. You are hoping and wishing too much if you think Markle is in rehab. No. She's still a viper.

    Look for Cressida's wedding to be an opportunity for Markle to outshine the bride, somehow, someway.

    Is anyone in charge in Britain asking anyone in France if they have a guillotine not in use? Preferably one with a rusty blade.

  38. Sorry! Just read the blind.

    How can Markle have a girls weekend when she doesn't have any friends?
    Amal? Serena? Gayle? Those two fat girls from the tennis tournament? Jessica?

    We've got orange cheetoh. The Brits have a Medusa on their hands.

  39. Two fat girls? I saw three sitting in the space of vacant seats at Wimbledon, and one kept fidgeting some hat that didn't fit on her fat head.

  40. Tea Cup those vacant seats had been bought and paid for by members of the public who had to wait outside the stadium until Markle & Co. vacated. They weren't happy. Wimbledon officials said that MM was a nightmare to deal with. I didn't like the yachting hat because, as you said, it didn't fit and had obviously been too well used.

  41. When she heard it would only cost $1million, she wanted to back out. But when someone outlined how many black kids in Africa would go hungry due to her selfishness, she agreed.

    I really find her repulsive. What was Harry thinking?

  42. alliterate = Meghan Markle

    former actress = Meghan Markle

    international celebrity = Meghan Markle

    taxpayers = sheep who ignore Andrew pedo links

  43. Hahaha so much fakery.

    Meghan was in the MEMBERS BOX at Wimbledon. Regular folk were never ever ever getting their hands on those seats, and most of those seats are corporate gifts that go unused. There were no "members of the public" who had bought seats and forced to not use them. Not one person has come forward to say "I paid for Wimbledon ticket then Mean Meghan forced me out!!" and you know the tabloids would have offered ££££££ for that story.

    And Wimbledon staff never said she was a nightmare, someone on Tumblr made that up. Wimbledon released an official press statement that said extremely complimentary things towards Meghan and that is the only on the record thing they've said.

  44. #dtfan
    I used to live in Putney and Wimbledon and still have friends there that I have kept in contact with for ages. One of my ex neighbours has retired from her administrative position at Wimbledon however her daughter still works there.
    I don't have a Tumblr account and haven't read any coverage from there, a friend communicated with me. There is no way that senior staff would ever say anything detrimental about the duchess to the press, however people do tell friends and family things that they don't call the papers about, chasing a dollar.
    If MM was in the members area at Court One she was doing very well to have the dress rules regarding no denim, jeans or hats specifically ignored for her.

  45. the US national debt..WE owe 21 trillion at last count with no way to pay it back....NAFTA wiped out industry/ congress wiped out taxing the rich........can you even imagine the interest on this enormous debt? China is our # 1 lender.....they have probably gotten paid back somewhat by making all the wal mart deals. You would think US MSM would mention it sometime , but no. D. Rumsfield announced the day before 9/11 that 2.2 trillion was "missing" from the dept of defense. Nobody looked for it or was of course, prosecuted.

  46. Molly, it's way, way, way more than $21T.

  47. Anonymous7:09 AM

    MM and Harry were a perfect recipe for disaster. Neither one of them knew well enough what they were getting into, but knew just enough that it would feed their needs for glamour and excitement and ego and forbidden and fun. I don't think anybody expects the marriage to last or really cares if it fails, including the Queen.

  48. MissDavie I legit feel bad for Harry and I am not even of an opinion on their match any more. It is like watching a train wreck that won't stop moving. The metal crunching just continues.

    I was cheering for them. Nice wedding, Harry found love, happy days...

    But the public feels that something is off. We just are not sure what that something is.

    If the public is way wrong, they need to show us, but whatever they do, just makes it worse. It's weird. So many experts on dealing with the public, yet this shambolic result.

  49. BTW re the blind: What type of party could cost a MILLION dollars?!

  50. "If MM was in the members area at Court One she was doing very well to have the dress rules regarding no denim, jeans or hats specifically ignored for her."

    I wondered about that also. She didn't wear jeans the other times.

    I am still wondering WHO were those ladies with her? So random it was like they were contest winners. Or did they donate to her charity?

  51. What's wrong with her spending these idiots' money? haha

  52. Tea Cup: I stand corrected. Three fat girls.

    Samantha the 1st: Supposedly they were her friends from college, but I think they were the modern version of Mrs. Patmore and Daisy sent by the palace to accompany MM.

  53. "Supposedly they were her friends from college, but I think they were the modern version of Mrs. Patmore and Daisy sent by the palace to accompany MM."

    Lol :) Could be.

    Yeah I personally can't/don't buy that MM who is an upward mover just happened to spend a highly visible day at Wimbledon with women from Northwestern U in Evanston Illinois?

    Or who only hangs out with superstars and social X rays, sitting in public view with two randoms who look like recruits from the local supermarket?

    I know her type of showbiz snob and if you ain't skinny, to where you nearly disappear turned sideways, they do not want to talk to you. Let ALONE stand or sit beside you on purpose.

    Unless the thinking was MM would look slimmer (she's not fat imo, she's average-sized now) in comparison?! (BTW those are lovely ladies too and not fat, internet; but hey r/fathate; netpeople still miss it huh.)

    My vote is they were psychiatric nurses. Or some type of "minders." But I like yours better, rabbit.

    And what became of the Downton Abbey film? Maybe I will go rerun the series soon while I figure that out.



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