Sunday, August 25, 2019

Blind Item #4

One of the people this alliterate former actress turned international celebrity isolated/barred/discouraged her husband from seeing recently had a tragic life event occur. It will be interesting to see the husband's reaction.


  1. Megan Markle. Harry’s friend committed suicide.

  2. The new private secretary looks like Jodie Foster, in that movie where she played a fixer?

  3. I couldn't find out what it was MD - but I just looked. Top results are always fluff.

    Who was it MD?

  4. He was found dead on August 5th, Harry wasn't so gutted that he couldn't jet set around the Mediterranean all month

    1. People deal with loss and grief in their own ways. Still, it definitely seems shady, shifty, and shitty.

  5. The duo will attend PH's ex Cressida's upcoming wedding -

  6. gauloise and MD, it's very sad.

    gauloise - did you notice the trips were so short? The trip to Nice put out carbon equal to one person's output for an entire year - and they stayed only 2 or 3 days.

    The trips were also clustered in one area. I think that's where the baby is until they can legally get him from the surrogate.

    1. You could be right there. Or they are trying to source another baby.

  7. OK here's the friend - it says 'thought to be' a suicide. What if it wasn't? He was cremated fairly quickly?

    Tragic regardless.

    It doesn't say why - but the charity benefited veterans.

    1. Both the mirror and the daily mail are saying suicide. Others are being vague. Harry supposedly sent a note and flowers.

  8. alliterative blind of the day by the OCD Enterns

  9. His name is Jules Roberts. He trained Harry for his South Pole excursion. He worked with Veterans and mental health charities. I have some issues with people referring only to someone as so and so's friend or family. I wonder why it took so long to make public? Also,the British go out of their way to not label a death suicide,if possible.

    1. @Guesser absolutely correct. Even when notes are left, we tend to do everything possible to rule it something other than suicide :/

  10. He sent a note. I would love to know background on this.

  11. A wealthy CEO closely connected to the British royal family "commits suicide"?
    Yeah, okay, nothing to see THERE, right?

  12. So Samantha, you are saying the Queen knowingly perpetuated a fraud when she posed with a picture of the doll? 🙄

    1. That's EXACTLY what every single one here is saying, yes.

    2. Image was yet another photoshop job. Harry’s line of sight was off. Philip’s and Doria’s clothes were from early occasions. But the Queen never publicly objected. Why? Skippy says they are building a case. Who knows.

  13. Boy, MM is surely the most powerful woman on earth. She gets it all, she gets the queen to commit fraud, she gets high end vacations and private planes and there is apparently nothing anyone in the RF (including the queen) who can do anything about it. Just admit you are jealous at her gritting ability that is so huge, she is effectively (in tin foil hat land) doing what she wants and holding the BRF hostage to her antics, lol. I say good for her. She apparently took over, is running that family, enjoying the perks and no one can stop her. Lol

    1. You thonk its funny now? You're gonna laugh your ass off when she goes just A LITTLE TOO FAR and Liz decides she's had enough and your hero gets into a very bad accident in a tunnel. The Family will only put up with so much.

  14. Whatever the half-prince's reaction, we can count on one thing: it will be stupid.

  15. Wrong topic tatty - obvious trollbait, too.

  16. Roberts was directly involved with the mental health charity that Harry was involved with William and Kate. You could easily make a case that Meghan wanted out of this cause. They got a lot of publicity when William,Kate,and Harry promoted this together.

  17. Could also have been an OD, nobody likes to admit a drug habit among the posh set.

  18. I think Enty is winging it with this blind. There’s been no indication that Jules Roberts has been in touch with Harry since the South Pole trip, which was 6 years ago.

    And he wasn’t a CEO. He ran a small charity.

  19. Yes, Gen-Z, the death of Harry's friend is to be dismissed as nothing if it reflects badly on Meeeghan.

  20. The chances Meghan killed this guy are less than 25%. So lay off.

  21. What’s stupid is when people try to assign completely unrelated events to MM, again making her THE MOST POWERFUL WOMAN IN THE WORLD. No one can stop her!

    Some people here have been waiting over 2 years for someone to make her stop, so she has longevity also, lol.

    Some just can’t accept that she is who Harry chose to marry and now they have a son. It’s better to believe she is the all powerful Duchess of Sussex

  22. Oh and by the way, a relative I loved and who was near and dear to me killed himself last autumn. It’s no one’s fault. (No sex, drugs, blackmail, debts, etc nothing but an anxious and racing mind). It’s end stage mental illness.

  23. I just want to plug Nutty Flavor's blog for all things MM.

    The quality of the commentary and discussion there (not to mention her fantastic articles, analysis and replies) is very in depth. Comments far longer, more detailed and thoughtful than the ones found here, it's really more of topical discussions on each article and many people add great insight, links and more.

    Just sayin, it's a great blog.

  24. Be warned though, people there are rational and analytical so if you can't handle it you should stay away. :)

  25. No one said she had him killed. But she appears to be keeping him away from old friends and charities he was closely involved in.

  26. Not out loud, yet.

  27. The heck? Not only promoting one blog on anther but insulting the commenters here...while inviting them to go there? lol

    hunter said -

    "Comments far longer, more detailed and thoughtful than the ones found here,"

    "Be warned though, people there are rational and analytical so if you can't handle it you should stay away. :)"

    Who could resist such a sweet invitation?

  28. People have been saying for months that nutty runs a very nice blog. And she(?) is a respectful commenter here. There's no crisis.

  29. No one said "crisis," don't escalate the defcon.

  30. Aww, thanks J.

    Samantha - nobody is looking for CDAN to engage in literally PAGES of lengthy discussion. It is a culture thing, not an insult thing.

  31. I adore Nutty’s blog. I think many CDaN readers will enjoy it too.

    1. Since everybody’s weighing in on Nutty’s blog, I will too. Nutty’s very smart and her actual blog posts are quite brief and really just a kick off for conversation. Her/his replies to comments are very newsy and insightful.There’s a real clique of commenters who love to congratulate themselves and how smart they are and write numerous wildly long comments every day to the point where they really oughta have their own blogs. Only they have time to read it all. I skim, if at all since I’m more interested in actual information than long-winded analysis.

  32. +1000 Hunter

    Nutty's blog is great. I very much enjoy CDAN, too.

    They are different and the comments are very different. They do not directly compete with each other at all. Easy enough to read and enjoy both of them.

  33. Everyone missed my point(s).

    Kind of internettiquette 101. Don't use one site to promote another one.

    On a similar note, "Enthusiasm Quotes" is beginning of growing on me. Is that when the lyrics to "Hotel California" begin to apply to this place?

    Besides, guys. With shills, alts, sock puppets, 1000 ppl going "this is great" means zip to me.

    If people genuinely enjoy something though, I'm happy for them?? Still: missed the point.

  34. (You guys also forget or didn't know that when I had just arrived here, I was 'quoted' on that blog, w/out my prior knowledge or consent. Worse: misquoted until "I" was saying the opposite of what I had actually said. This, even though what I'd typed was right there in black and white. If that's the standard -- I'm not impressed.)

  35. Then, someone/alts came in and kept trying to get me to go there to read it. (When I didn't, they quoted it here.)

    So, that's one reason why it remains annoying to me.

    But then it's the internet.

  36. So that’s your issue. - you’re upset for personal reasons about Nutty’s blog. That must be the case because Internet Etiquette 101 in this case is ridiculous.

  37. We have a new boss, folks.

  38. Okay how does one go about reading Nutty ‘s blog ? I am interested.

  39. Lol

    "So that’s your issue. - you’re upset for personal reasons about Nutty’s blog. That must be the case because Internet Etiquette 101 in this case is ridiculous."

    And people are STILL missing the point.

    Also: Why can't more than one thing be true at the same time? And no it isn't ridiculous it's a classic example of bad form, and common knowledge on the 'net. You don't advertise on someone else's bandwidth.

    I get sick of seeing people flog the Nutty blog. Or 100 alts flood in claiming it deserves a Pulitzer. It's so transparent.

  40. She or he tells us about once a week.

    Click Nutty's name.

    "Okay how does one go about reading Nutty ‘s blog ? I am interested."

    Now can this suffice for advertising for another day?

  41. @Tatty: The Queen was not photographed with Archie. That photo was photoshopped.

  42. Hunter, I think both you AND nutty are nice, reasonable commenters who add a lot here.

  43. I dunno if that was a doll or not on presentation day fwiw. I don't know what the situation was. And I didn't give any credence to the more bizarre rumors at first. But something's not quite right and it just gets weirder.

    On this topic though I didn't even mention M's name, so the tat attack was random.

  44. Ok, so it was photoshopped. So the queen allowed her to be photoshopped into an imaginary staged picture, but has no means, desire or authority to do or say anything about that. Markel, as the long powerful woman here, wins again.

    By the end, she will have conquered the world. Seems to be in record time too

  45. Markle does what she wants, she photoshopped the christening, and whatever else. HMTQ is 93, and only has so much energy. How many people do you know in their 90s who are still ambulatory, without a walker? And acting as Head of State, and making multiple appearances. Not many!

    And, if someone mentions an interesting blog here on CDAN, like for instance, Nutty's blog, so what? Get a grip!

  46. @Samantha the 1st - you should quit while you're as close to 'ahead'as you're going to get...

  47. Oh, of course, *the queen* has to “build a case” against her Arch nemesis, Meghan Markle, who is so adept at treachery, treason and mayhem, that she has done a professional level OO7 job here. The queen must watch her step and play chess with this larger than life evil figureing, the Duchess of Sussex.

    It’s such a crazy fantasy. MM is now a larger than life, fiction character of herself. A character. She’s ruthless, she’s professional, she’s skilled.

    You all don’t even know what you want her to be because in one breath you try to claim how uneducated and stupid she is and in the next breath she is so brilliant and devious that the queen has to take her time to build a case against her. Lol.

    Maybe get a new fantasy. I know you are bored and your life sucks and this is a nice distraction. At least some up with a story that makes sense, no matter how boring it is. Otherwise you look idiotic.

  48. tatty: no one is harping on Markle in this topic but you - same person who also brought her up when no one was talking about her.

    So who is your rant to?

    The rest - wow. Why are you all losing it? Is it 1996? A blog is a rare and wondrous thing?

    Clearly it doesn't matter what was actually said. Yes, "clique" is the right word to use, because you're acting like middle schoolers, with this dog pile. I couldn't care less if anyone agrees with me. I wasn't taking a vote.

    It was the WAY "hunter" approached it I was commenting on. Then people wouldn't let it go.\

    J, the misogynist online who's afraid to talk to women in real life, who punches people here because he is afraid to in real life, is now the judge of what is reasonable? That says it all.

    JL I don't even remember anything you post. So please continue to scroll.

  49. I did a quick survey and asked 57 people in my office what they think of CDAN. These were some of the replies
    Intimidating. I used to comment but now the clique that has formed jumps on you and makes it not worthwhile to comment.
    Used to love it. The Markle haters have invaded other blinds now and it bores the shit out of me.
    Why would I want to comment when I am going to get jumped on by the facebook group.
    It sucks. They are now catering to the minority and forgetting the majority.
    Used to be fun. Now it is too serious.
    Hate the feeling of the site now. Some of the regulars who comment seem a bit scary.
    You regulars have made this site yours and it shows.
    Everybody - That is all 57 were in agreement that you regulars and your behaviour have made other sites more worthwhile.

  50. That's a hell of an office you have, there, Gnarfcat. 57 people who read CDAN? Do they do any other work? I'd love to read your company's business plan.

  51. Anyway, thank you for all your comments about the blog, which have certainly made my Monday morning more lively.

    Everyone is welcome, and everyone is also welcome to skip it if they'd rather.

    It's just a fun side project. I've intentionally not turned on the Google Ads option, so I don't make any money from it. I just enjoy discussing the Markle case.

  52. Here for the comments. 😂😂

  53. lol gnarfcat.

    Glad you don't work at my company. We have actual work to do.

  54. No doubt they have a perhaps $50MM key-employee insurance policy on you, due to productivity losses should you be unable to work.

  55. @Samantha *You* missed the point. Like you, yourself said: you are new.

    CDAN is fast paced and the comments are more abbreviated. Lengthy discussions on repeated topics are not well thought of here. Even some commenters on this thread say they don't even like MM blinds. Nutty is kindly notifying readers that her blog, while complementing CDAN, *does* welcome a lengthier commentary that CDAN is not suited for.

    Nutty's invitation is entirely appropriate. *You* have misunderstood.

  56. @ Samantha the 1st

    did you know there is an inside man sequel , i have the script, want to read it ?

  57. Andrew needs a deflection = Jules Roberts

  58. Sure Jan. (Who are you??)

    Maybe YOU missed MY point. Like everyone else in this topic quick to buzz with the hive mind.

    You all keep acting like I insulted the blog when I haven't even been there. So before you insist I missed the point, you might want to realize you still haven't understood mine. Nor do any of you seem bothered by that. Typical social media.

    First, it wasn't even Nutty it was hunter. Why don't you go back up and read the "invitation" you label "appropriate." Second, you all are so intolerant it is unbelievable. The irony entirely escapes you all, too. Dogpiles usually don't think though. They just leap.

    Any other people I've never heard of wanna jump in to tell me my subjective reaction/idea of what's appropriate is "wrong?"


    "@Samantha *You* missed the point. Like you, yourself said: you are new.

    CDAN is fast paced and the comments are more abbreviated. Lengthy discussions on repeated topics are not well thought of here. Even some commenters on this thread say they don't even like MM blinds. Nutty is kindly notifying readers that her blog, while complementing CDAN, *does* welcome a lengthier commentary that CDAN is not suited for.

    Nutty's invitation is entirely appropriate. *You* have misunderstood."

  59. gnarfcat has posted (twice, that I've seen) in the past that he or she works for a "very important group" that is watching us. They never explain what that means.

  60. BTW Jan there are topics here with close to 100 comments, so, not sure what you mean by "lengthy discussions."



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