Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Blind Item #5

Speaking of that award show last night, they normally give the winner of a certain award show 12 minutes to perform but cut that almost in half for the winner last night because they thought audiences wouldn't like her and would change the channel.


  1. Replies
    1. I didn’t watch have no clue who won

  2. Michael Jackson Vanguard Award/Miley

  3. Missy had 6-7 minutes last night

  4. I watched for about 10 minutes and got sick of it lol

  5. Anonymous7:46 AM

    I didn't watch. They are all tiresome.

  6. Videovanguard and Missy

  7. I cannot tell you the last award show I saw "live" I just record them and later on speed watch through all the commercials and crap to the few things that interest me.


  8. Does anyone still watch VMA?

    Wish there was still a 24/7 music channel but I guess you tube can pinch hit for that.

  9. The problem with Missy is she is actually talented and doesn't bank off her sexuality and shock value.

    1. Shock value, yes. Sexuality? Meh.

  10. As soon as Taylor Swift went all SJW I was done with it.

  11. VMA bunch of weirdos and z-listers.

  12. If i had watched, Missy would have been the reason why.

  13. I don't know why they bother with this show. The "M" in "MTV" has stood for "moron" for over a decade now. When was the last time they played videos? 2003? IF that?

  14. Taylor Swift?, She's been real messy lately with her videos, That gay rights video with Katy Perry was just plain weird.

  15. I think this is Miley. ENTY has a source with in her camp. I cannot wait to see the ratings report which still does not seem to be out or google is burying it.

    I love that as soon as Hollyweird went all political on everything and started lecturing the middle class to do as I say not as I do...their ratings went to shit. People can disagree on things, but, people who never went to even high school start lecturing...stfu.

    I also cannot wait to see Taylor's , as I said yesterday, her upcoming tour's ticket sales.

    1. Miley did not win an award last night. She performed one song. It's Missy w/ The Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award.

  16. Love Missy! They wouldnt cut her short, she's not controversial. Taylor has her recent political statement against Trump (sorry CDAN) as per the Daily Mail.

  17. Swift still makes bank, this is the other gay lady, Missy.

  18. We are really hitting a wall, artistically. Boring people trying to be interesting and unique by recycling the same old same old. Taking your tits out and covering yourself in sparkles is not a bold, unique statement. They're mostly all sad retreads of prior, better artists.

  19. Missy's age is higher than the average IQ of MTV viewers today. I doubt any of them even know who she is.

  20. LOL the only song I know of her's is "Work it" and I grew up when she was popular.

  21. I watched bits here and there. I am sorry I missed Missy Elliot's performance. I did hear she attributed her success to really hard work (as opposed to working on one's back these days). I caught Lizzo's though. What a breath of fresh air! And such a positive song!

  22. i know im 34 now but god i remember the heyday of that award show and how trendsetting and genuinely interesting it was: madonna, mj, prince , janet, jlo, nsync. christina even to beyonce and early taylor and gaga... the award show was in decline but not beside taylor swift and missy elliot it was a z list affair and boring... i think normani could be interesting going forward... shawn mendes would be so rock n roll if he just came out and then outed all the fake bullshit from the whole industry

  23. DVR’d it and Fast Forwarded to all of host
    Sebastian’s hilarious bits
    which fell on millennial’s
    dead ears. What I can’t wait
    for now is for him to use those
    audience members as fodder
    for his next Stand Up special.

  24. Missy's performance was fire - these people are batshit crazy. Only thing better was Queen Lizzo

  25. Missy is a fucking LEGEND. No, they did not cut her segment. She was fire, the entire 7:19 performance. And it got everyone dancing up a storm in the aisles. 🙌🏼


  26. Past VMA Vanguard winners have gotten a MUCH longer performance. Beyonce got over 15 minutes. I believe Justin Timberlake's was about 20 minutes. There's no reason Missy shouldn't have gotten 12-15 minutes. Girl's got hits for days.

  27. JT's 20 min set was AMAZING - he is an incredible performer despite being a massive douchebag.

    Yes, this is Missy Elliott, I looked up her & Rizzo's videos only based on reviews - WORTH IT. Missy got screwed but she showed up and had a fantastic performance.

  28. Justin Timberlake is overrated, never got the hype. I haven't cared about him since after his first album.

    OT: Missy Elliott

  29. JT always resembled a shy middle aged lady from accounting, to me; but yeah he can sing. Bad perm, though.



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