Monday, September 09, 2019

Blind Item #10

I wonder how the closeted rapper feels about his closeted actor boyfriend ditching the rapper for an actress beard with a name. The actor doesn't care, because he doesn't care about anyone other than himself anyway, which is why no one likes working with him.


Tricia13 said...

Chalemet,Kid Cudi/Lily Rose Depp

MDAnderson said...

Kid Cudi/ lily rose Depp and timothee C

sandybrook said...


Brayson87 said...

What, they're both in the closet, it's not like he's going to eat her a$$ too, they're still solid.

Guesser said...

Timothee is the Meghan Markle of actors.

notthisagain said...

don’t hurt Kid Cudi, he’s a good one! been very open about his depression 😞 tho Lily’s just a beard & it’s just staged bearding pics, doubt Kid would take that ‘business as usual’ personally

Aquagirl said...

Hasn’t LRD been bearding for Timothée for awhile now?

Giuls said...

I think Timothée has made fun of us all. He is not the good guy who wants us to believe he is.

Brayson87 said...

Let's hear Gen out, maybe there's a "resting racist face" or something ;)

Anonymous said...

This Timothee kid sounds like a real piece of work.

Aquagirl said...

@MissDavie: Only on CDAN. I’ve never heard anything negative about him anywhere else.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

Did Timothee steal your bacon, Enty?

Sd Auntie said...

looked really ztwinky to me. LRD weighs more than him. Cudi needs to find a virile Italian man..

Brayson87 said...

@Sd, I thought you said viral 😅

WhydoIFindthisFun said...

Guess I'm a dork - thought the photos looked like they were into each other. Is he bi?

Rosie riveter said...

Entys gonna ride this one for all it's worth. Three names nobody hears or cares about all ofa sudden we have several blinds in one week.
Timothee must of ignored SirEntward when he tried to talk to him at Mr chow.

Mahogany1 said...

Kid Cudi is out/bi(allegedly) thay's why the Depp girl is in the feeds she's about to become famous

Fifi LaRue said...

Guesser, that's quite the insult!

Giuls said...

Timothée is totally gay

MarxistFreak said...

It's starting to make more and more sense. He walks the red carpet with Kid Cudi and his stylist. Then a few days later he's on a boat getting hot and heavy with Lily Rose Depp and in direct view of paps? The pictures look desperate. Like he's very very eager to prove something to everyone. It's self destructive and sad whatever it is.

angie said...

This blind is a stretch. Kid is 12 years older than Timothee, so even if they really are either bi or gay, while they may have hooked up, to imply that Timothee was romantically involved with and committed to Kid and then dumped him is hard to believe.

S.S. said...

this has made the rounds

orangesoda said...

Timmy and LRD have been 'together' for a while now. I do think that Tim's at least bi but I don't see any actual evidence for this so-called romantic relationship other than gay gossip sites that have a few pictures of them together.


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