Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Blind Item #7

This former A/A- list actor who also does voice overs for a national chain was confronted by a blogger while north of the border last night. The blogger asked about the madam/procurer/pedophile and the actor's relationship to her. The actor refused to answer and then had security keep the blogger from pursuing.


Tricia13 said...

Josh Lucas/Ghislaine

MyDogSmiles said...


MyDogSmiles said...

Parker Lewis approves

Carolyn said...

Jon Hamm? Does Mercedes voice over, and was at TIFF, so definitely north of the border right now...

Freckles said...

Josh Lucas. Karma is arriving soon

Vita said...

Agree with Josh Lucas bc of photos with Ghislaine...still surprised by his inclusion in all of this. Not doubting it, just would never have guessed.

Brayson87 said...

Can we put Ghislaine in chains for being a gender traitor if nothing else?

MeliticusBee said...

Josh Lucas does Home Depot "let's paint"

MeliticusBee said...

@Brayson....have to find her first.

Brayson87 said...

Just saw this, really is birds of a feather

MyDogSmiles said...

@Brayson87 They are all part of the same sick club. It's amazing they can sleep at night.

codyave said...

SATURDAY, AUGUST 03, 2019: This A-/B+ list mostly movie actor all of you know who has that common first name of actors that all look the same and does voiceovers for a national company/Josh Lucas has been in contact with the procurer/madam/Ghislaine Maxwell. Apparently they have had multiple flings over the years.

sandybrook said...

Lainey, you did this?

MountainMama said...

Where is Ghislaine? Has she been seen? Are her whereabouts known?

La Morena said...

Like a cockroach they disappear when the light shines on them

Rosie riveter said...

Brayson Yes. Ghislaine should be hung in the village square for what she's done. She is more of a monster than Epstein.

gauloise said...

also that Jean-Luc Brunel has disappeared now, the one who owned the modelling agency

Brayson87 said...

@gauloise, I'm betting he's in a suitcase at the bottom of a waterway by now.

Max Power said...

Two cheers for The Blogger! It's cute how random people are forced to do the media's job.

Vita said...

Codyave-- I appreciate your seek and post skills! Very helpful!

cc423 said...

Enty should write reveals like Codyave...

Dumblesnore said...

Why hasn't the Ghis been arrested? And why would anyone outside of a bar in Ohio look at the Ghis and want to bang her, particularly someone who could pull normal looking chicks like Lucas? That nasty bitch has looked 57 since she was in her 30's with a tacky middle aged mom haircut to match.


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