Thursday, September 12, 2019

Blind Item #11

This A- list mostly television actor from a soon to be ending hit network show has been in this space a lot over the years. If things don't break his way soon, he will end up going to jail. 


Tricia13 said...

Terence Howard?

tall, dark, and handsome said...

Agreed. Terrance Howard.

sandybrook said...


Pissoff said...

Yea right

MeliticusBee said...

Tax evasion...

he has had a run of bad "luck" - the tax evasion thing...and then his ex-wife sued him for non-payment of support and the judge ordered him to pay $1.3 mil including several hundred thousand for her legal - everyone hates him.
Last week...he said he was quitting acting after Empire is done.

R. J. Anderson said...

How do these people end up not paying their taxes? Didn't their parents tell them to:

1) Don't ever do anything that involves talking to the police with a flashlight shining in your face or sitting in the back of a squad car.

2) Don't screw around with the IRS. They are basically outside the law.

Totally basic information.

Nona de Plume said...
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Amartel said...

How these people must hate that French actor.

Unknown said...

@Amartel, Juicy Smooyay??

Super Comic Fun Time! said...

What a bummer! I hope things break his way soon!

Oh, wait, I was thinking of Clint Howard, whew! I guess I can stop plotting Ice Cream Man 2 (which would be an instant hit!) unless this other fellow thinks it would help him out?

Roxanne said...

Smollett skates and Terrence may go to jail?
Jeez...How must Terrence feel about that BS?!

Count Jerkula said...

Phil Dunphy, guy has creep written all over him.


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