Monday, September 09, 2019

Blind Item #3

I'm pretty sure the whole world would like to hear the alliterate national sports announcer talking about how he liked high school girls and how he prefers women who aren't too bright so you can trick them a little bit.


Tricia13 said...

Chris Collinhsworth?

J said...

Disagree on the high school girls part.

MDAnderson said...

Smart and older women get tricked too.

Brayson87 said...

Why, is he a magician on the side?

Freckles said...

First, ewww. Now exactly what was he tricking them about, that he was a nice guy? Or something more nefarious.

Brayson87 said...

Probably that he wears condoms.

Pissoff said...

Not ejecting or wrapping the payloads.

MeliticusBee said...

On another note - Gayle King and CBS are licking Billy Bush's ass in exchange for a Trump-trashing extravaganza....
Full interview tomorrow on CBS this morning.

Brayson87 said...

@Mel, Someday they'll reach beyond their base.

sandybrook said...

He grew up around here, so he's pretty used to dumb girls. And desperate girls who cant find a decent guy to date.

Gator said...

I never heard this about Collinsworth, but he does come across as arrogant. He is also married, which Enty didn't mention.

Anonymous said...

I had to go look at a photo and surprise he's an old ATO (fraternity). Think Animal House antics and you have every ATO house in America. My local chapter used to have an old ladder firetruck they rode around town while being menaces. My brother is an alumni (he fits the profile perfectly) and I've never met an ATO I didn't want to shower after shaking their hand. Slimeballs the entire lot.

Count Jerkula said...

Who doesnt like high school girls and bimbos?

Brayson87 said...

I did date a coed once who I was able to convince that many classic children's picture books were actually extreme right wing political commentaries on the socioeconomic environment of their eras hidden under the guise of youth literature. The best part was when she agreed, saying she'd learned about several of the books in one of her classes. Eh who cared, she had everything pierced which was good enough for me. 😉

Vita said...

Crap, I actually just said last night how much I enjoy listening to Chris and Al. Now, im going to be listening with dismay. Please let there be no Al Michaels dirt.

Anyone remember when the Pat OBrien voicemails leaked? Or the whole Marv Albert debacle? Clearly, not a profession with a saintly history.

Count Jerkula said...

I think the only Al Michaels dirt is drinking during broadcasts.

Vita said...

Count--That's just Harry Carey style professionalism!😁


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