Monday, October 21, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

October 12, 2019

I don't know why this A- list actor/singer is whining now about losing out on a role he once had. If he hadn't been such a tool to everyone when he played the role, he would have got the movie. If he hadn't made his female co-star cry every day, he probably would have got to play the character again. If he hadn't been the biggest spoiled, entitled miserable a-hole when he played the role, he would have had another chance. But yeah, complain it went to someone else this time like you are a victim. Go take some more photos with your slime photographer buddy.

Jared Leto/Joker/Terry Richardson (and then it became public knowledge this weekend)


  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    He really won’t shut up about this shit.

  2. He would have ruined the movie

  3. Hey at least he made it out alive, more than Heath can say.

  4. The Walking Talking STD is back in the news.😣

  5. 🎶 Smile and the world smiles with you 🎶
    Act like a twat and the world twats back.

  6. Worst Joker ever. Didn't deserve another chance. I think he is so full of himself, he's acting is suffering. Can't wait for him and James to go down for good. Creepy asses.

  7. I dislike Leto so much. Who did he make cry? Margot or Cara?

  8. What's sad is that I liked his Joker, seemed truer to the comic persona's spirit than others.

  9. 🎶 Leto go, Leto go
    As an actor
    You fucking blow 🎶

  10. What has he even been in recently that he thinks he can get a film cancelled? What an egomaniac! Hopefully he will get blackballed soon!

  11. Can someone please find the original blinds of him being an asshat while filiming SS?

  12. I think Jared thought he was being uber method while filming Suicide Squad and should have been rewarded as a genius actor in Heath Ledger league. When really he came off as a entitled twat the whole time. He was cut from a lot of the movie and only had 10 minutes of screen time. That speaks volumes.

    I 100% believe he tried to have the Joker movie killed to soothe his bruised Oscar winning ego. Though I did see him walking down the street on 7th avenue years ago in NYC. He is fucking gorgeous and his eyes are hypnotic. Fuck, he's hot, I am ashamed.

  13. Yeah the dick lived the part on and off set and did shit to the other cast members in character. No wonder they hate his guts.

  14. Who knew hipster Jesus was such a petty little douche?

  15. Wow just looked up the Hollywood Reporter article because of this blind and wow.. couldn't have happen to a nicer guy! We saw Joker and Joaquin Phoenix was AWESOME in it

  16. He really was astoundingly good. i hope Joaquin finally gets the Oscar.

  17. Yeah Jared was SO upstaged by Margot in every scene they had. He is a tool. Hope this is some sort of wake up call to the entitled bitch but it won't be. He can just point fingers and be blameless.

  18. I saw 30stm perform about a decade ago. I don't rate their music much, but he is a stunning specimen. Shame about his personality

  19. Leto : "Wwwahhh Wwwahhhh they took my role"!
    - Fuck you Jakass, You don`t deserve that role!
    You`re a terrible human being and you`re not that great of an actor! K?
    Whatever shit Phoenix has going on with his strange personal life, he seems like a real pro on set. The dude looks like he will jump off a building if thats part of the role.
    Go do your weird "Hipster Jesus" cult thing and leave "acting" to actual ACTORS.

  20. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Phoenix ruled in Joker! If he does not land an Oscar, its robbery!

  21. Still remember him playing Reading festival with his band and standing in front of the barriers in a very flimsy vest.
    He was trying desperately to get the young girls at the front to rip his vest do he could show off his bod.
    Nobody did it so he was quite pissed off and tried to point out a rip that wasn't actually there which meant HE had to rip his top off.
    The whole thing was cringe.
    But to be fair, he did look good...the git!

  22. his cult he has started is super weird, women all around him while he acts like Jesus... he even lets one woman sleep in his bed each night what an actual joke he is

  23. he's heinously unattractive, his eyes are too closer together and he's a shit actor

  24. I am actually quite shocked reading all these things about Leto...that he likes barely teen girls, is an insufferable asshole etc...I was pretty sure he was at least bi and in a relationship with Colin Farrell since they filmed Alexander! I'm shook



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