Thursday, November 07, 2019

Blind Item #2

It was nice to finally see what people long suspected about the permanent A list singer and her long time lover. It would also have been nice to see the truth teller admit that the relationship went on up through the singer's marriage before the truth teller finally had enough and broke it off.


Tricia13 said...

Janet Jackson?

Tricia13 said...

Or Celine Dion?

MDAnderson said...

Whitney Houston

TeeHee@U said...

Whitney Houston and Robyn Crawford who is interviewing on Dateline about their affair.

Idk....I do not like tell all books and interviews after someone is dead and can no longer defend themselves. Two sides to every story. I am sure it happened, but, it just seems like an icky way to cash in on someone who cannot tell their side of the story and has been dead for years.

Tricia13 said...

Oh of course-it was all over the news last few days...
Always had heard that about her. She used to come to Bway shows (back in 80s) with Robyn. It was an open secret apparently to those that saw them interact

MDAnderson said...

She’s not here to defend herself but Whitney’s family and Bobby Brown have kind of bashed her in the past. I think hiding the relationship played a big role with her drug use.

MyDogSmiles said...

I think I came across something this morning saying that Whitney Houston's long time lesbian lover was going to spill her guts.

MyDogSmiles said...

Flashy Vic said...

That's one lex sex tape that I would NOT like to watch.

Flashy Vic said...

"Lez", fuck it all to hell!

Rosie riveter said...

So sad. Whitney would still be alive if she was allowed to be her true self and love who she loved. That closet caused her drug fueled life. Times are changing. Thank God

MJ said...

I have seen a documentary on Netflix in which they talked openly about Withney and Robyn relationship, so, is not like Robyn is revealing big secrests, so, i think she has every right to write about it, after being hidden and bashed

let's see how she does it, before judeing her for this

squirrelmistress said...

next will be gayle and oprah discussing their "friendship" ugh...

J said...

Just one more aspect of being famous. You may be talked about after you die. Nasty contract.

gauloise said...

This isn't talking badly about someone after they passed. There is nothing for her to defend because there is nothing wrong or salacious about her being in a relationship with another woman. She may be alive today if she could have just lived her life. Hopefully, others will take inspiration or garner compassion from the tale

Anonymous said...

I thought it was common knowledge that Houston was bisexual.

Unknown said...

I am glad Robyn did this. Now, if we can just get Celine's side-piece to tall all. Robyn is still a beautiful woman - pity she has such a grotesque partner. She and Whitney were gorgeous together.

Me Again said...

Open secret in the music industry. Look at how her mother reacted to see why she never acknowledged her relationship with Robyn. I think it is wonderful that Robyn was able to tell her truth. Like Tricia said, anybody that saw them together knew.

Troy Dyer said...

I remember watching the documentary about Whitney and her “relationship” with Robyn two years ago. Book is nothing new and the rumors have been around since the 80’s

Red Velvet Boots said...

Yep, Whitney Houston and Robyn Crawford. I think she would still be alive if she could've lived true to her heart.

MeliticusBee said...

Not to demean same-sex relationships and I don't know if Whitney was a lesbian or not....but having done my fair share of coke in the past, one fuels the other.
Hiding her sexual proclivities may or may not have fueled her drug use. She may have developed those proclivities alongside her drug use.

Controversial line of thought but....just sayin. Someone with a tell-all story years later is not necessarily reliable.

Sunkist said...

This was known ABSOLUTELY from the beginning of Whitney's career. No new news here.

Gator said...

Robyn was on TV dishing about this yesterday.

Amartel said...

The story is that this relationship stopped before the marriage (it didn't continue "up to and through" the marriage), so what's the big deal? Who cares?

TeeHee@U said...

@MeticulusBee I absolutely get what you are saying. Not me personally but in college I knew a couple people in the party scene who would get drunk and high as a the craziest things....also sexually that they never would have done sober and they themselves have said it and they would sober up and be like WTF did I just do. Coke really is a helluva drug.

And, by defend, I am not saying Whitney would deny the relationship (or even be embarrassed by it) if she were alive as everyone says it was quite known...I am just of the opinion if the famous person is not there to give their side of the story/ break up, what was going on their part during that time in their life and how they felt about the person making claims etc. ....and cannot, because they are dead...and the person telling the stories is making money off of it? Idk, It just seems icky to me.

Really, what is the point, but to profit and get the dirty details of Whitney's life that she did not want to make public?

I was also raised not to speak ill of the dead (Robyn in the interview sound bites I read said she was Whitney's protector...but, a protector would not wait till you are dead and then do a tell all interview). And, at the end of the day Robyn is trying to make money off of it.

Don't get me wrong....I am ALL for people telling their truth, but, do when that person is alive. I would SOOO listen to a Gayle tell all on Oprah haha.

And, the same-sex issue has zero to do with it for me. This also makes me think of Sally Field writing what an abusive, alcoholic Burt Reynolds was to her, but, she said:

"This would hurt him," she said of her book, which touches on the former couple. "I felt glad that he wasn't going to read it, he wasn't going to be asked about it, and he wasn't going to have to defend himself or lash out, which he probably would have. I did not want to hurt him any further." (

The Sally Field quote just seems like a cop out to me because she KNEW if Burt was alive he would have some things to say himself about their relationship and her....again, two sides to every story especially in matters of the heart.

Again, just feels sordid to me. Another reason why I usually do not participate in the old Hollywood blinds. Feels wrong to me.

But, that just me! LOL Not telling anyone not to watch it/ have interest in what Robyn says.

Brayson87 said...

@Amartel, The blind is that the relationship continued during the marriage before it ended.

Aquagirl said...

Robyn was the love of Whitney’s life. The relationship definitely continued through the marriage. The two people who were against the relationship were Whitney’s mother (religious reasons) and Clive Davis (image reasons). I truly believe that Whitney would still be alive if she were allowed to be with her true love, and I’m glad that Robyn wrote the book.

Mrs Libnish said...

It's not like someone else is talking about the two of them having a relationship. It's the other half of the party talking about it. That's legit. Carry on.


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