Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Blind Item #5

I told you a year ago that this foreign born, high school girl loving superhero had been replaced as the superhero. Then, there was a whole lot of wishy washy from the studio before they finally decided on the right thing this week and have officially replaced him. 


  1. Replies
    1. Perving on and allegedly grooming 15 year old mbb while casting his new movie was the final straw. Good riddance to bad rubbish!

  2. Replies
    1. Now drake and cavill can have a duel for the hand of mbb in mexico.

  3. Wait, so Enty knew before the studio? How does that work? If he was replaced this week then how did Enty know last year? Are we in the twilight zone where timeline doesnt matter?

    1. He did talk about it a long time ago but everyone talked about it..even Cavill..

  4. @yepthatsme - I believe Douglas Adams said it best "Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special rules."

  5. ENTY, you are full of it with Henry You are either being paid by a rival studio, rival actor, or you are just jealous...much like the Amanda Peet vs Emilia Clark type thing. Pissed his team is not leaking to you first?

    According, to BG....Henry has met a woman and is considering bringing her public.

    Start spreading lies...because you dislike the person you are reporting on.

  6. I like him in other roles, and wanted to like him as Superman, but couldn't get through the first movie. Is it worth trying with any of them?

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Did you like Watchmen? The reconstruction of the superhero archetype and also a subtle satire of the genre? That’s MOS and BvS, minus the subtle satire.

      Full disclosure I loved both movies but I did notice audiences are VERY uncomfortable being asked to question the motives of Superman. Since Superman is our super hero standby, we are being asked to question our own motives. And Americans simply don’t do that (very well)

    2. I enjoyed Henry as Superman and I enjoyed the movies.

  7. @Zebra thanks! So what you are saying is that bad news from this week travelled to Enty in 2018? Thats some twilight zone sh*t right there! We need more of these epiphanies Enty!

  8. Also, the last blind about Cavill a week ago had ENTY with "?????" as to whether he was still a superhero.

    So which is it, champ? Calling you out on this one, ENTY. Because if you spread lies about pedophilia about some people (which has NEVER been proven..also notice how ENTY state "looks underage"...not is "underage"), it ruins the truth when you are ACTUALLY reporting on it.

    Show some class. Much like how when Hermoinne is cool for snorting coke...yet, you call out other stars like Mr. Robot.

    Which is it, ENTY? Pro-Coke, or Anti- Coke?

  9. Superman is boring, a basically invulnerable being with the powers of a god, whoop-de-doo. Most story lines are just excuses about why he can't use his powers to save the day in the first five minutes.

    Clark Kent on the other hand is much more interesting, struggling to be human when he should be ruling the planet.

  10. Just a few more weeks until The Witcher on Netflix, something to fill the void left from the GoT last season. With all the violence and f*cking it will hit that sweet spot that The Mandalorian just can't reach.




  11. Watchmen the comic was outstanding, Watchmen the movie was pretty good, Watchmen the tv show sucks a$$ and is a bastardized version of the source material. Of course we all know by now that there isn't anything Damon Lindelof can't f*ck up, I was shocked the last season of GoT wasn't his creation.

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      I think DL came out of the JJ Abrams factory? More mystery box bullshit. They think we’re so stupid we don’t notice them making it up as they go along.

  12. Brayson - agreed Superman is the vanilla ice cream of superheroes, boring. Disagree about the last GOT i loved it.

  13. Nope! Not gay. You want him to be. Henry is not though.

    Henry pissed off the #MeToo/ #TimesUppers when he said he would like to approach WOMEN on set...but, is afraid...due to the power issues. He was honest and got ATTACKED for it. This is what these attacks boil down to.

    He is a "cool dude," who gets hate for being a man most women (and, especially, looking at you "housewives" that dine with ENTY) and men...find charming, talented and classicaly handsome.

    1. He is a gorgeous man but makes me sad about all the crapola about him and teens.

  14. There is absolutely nothing “cool” about him or the way that he presents himself lmao.

  15. haha ok, Jan. To each their own.

    I am ok with it.

  16. Superman and Batman actors are replaced every three years anyway, it seems, why would this be a big deal at all?

    I still like him.

  17. @zebra what a great quote! Thanks for posting

  18. I find him about as charming and attractive as a cardboard box.

  19. Never felt the appeal of Cavill, too, but curiously i like enough the actor that is said might be the next Superman, and he looks a lot like Cavill, and i like this actor while Cavill..not

    Not that i care who will play Superman, i find him boring, too, super, superboring, i just tolerated the Reeve's Superman bc i liked Christoher

  20. Netflix: Tudors: first season. Charles Brandon. Or..YouTube it. LOL

  21. What a tool. I actually really liked him as Superman but he was not that convincing of a Clark Kent. Still, he worked for me. Brandon Routh was such a miscast with no charisma. At least Cavill has presence but he was made for Superman in a way and not sure how he will do elsewhere. As a handsome raunchy playboy BFF to the King in THE TUDORS he worked too but his good looks are almost a liability in actually transition or passing in roles.

  22. @tee , if that was direct to me ( too) why don't you accept the idea that some people just don't like him? I acknowledge that he is handsome, and has some good stage presence it just don't feel attracted to him

  23. Dislike him! Of course!!

    I will never understand Cumberbitch, Switch's bitch Hiddleston, or Daniel Craig.

    But, when throwing around pedophilia remarks...when all of "history" has of age ( 18+) involved. Is straight up NASTY.

    Prove it to me, MJ. He has spotted at premiere parties with women who ACT as his daughter. You give e proof. I will NOT support him forever.

  24. idk if he is a pedofhile or not, and frankly, i am italian and have an hard time calling " Pedophilia" the love of , say, 16-17 o around ( more )that age persons, and there is Pedophilia and Ephebophilia, but apparently for a lot of people ( Enty included ),are the same, and that leaves out the chance that a teenage WANTS to be with a more adult person, and is not rape and is sex between two consenting people
    but in the Usa i see there is a different situation and sensibility

    anyway, you were suggesting people to see him in this ir that, like you couldn't believe that there are people that don't like him and they have just to see it

    p.s: since you quote BG, is not that BG is soft on Henry

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. And, by pic.. I mean in a compromising situation...not just a photo at event.

  27. " Maybe you do not want to be soft on Henry....because you are jealous. Just, Saying."

    jealous..of what, exactly? :)))

  28. LOL... his handsomeness, charmingness or, you, know the basic chest hair....yum.

    Actually, are you even older enough to have chest hair?...aka a man body? Because, I truly do not mean to insult an underage man/ or mentality wise.

  29. He picked up a rep when he dated a 19 year old college student when he was in his early 30's. She did not look younger than her age, she actually looked older.


    I thought he was good in The Tudors, The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and that Mission Impossible movie.

  30. @TeeHee, I think you might be fighting with yourself, MJ didn't accuse Cavill of being a pedo, at least not above, and already said, "I acknowledge that he is handsome, and has some good stage presence it just don't feel attracted to him " that's pretty neutral.

  31. Brayson, thanks, i tought it was pretty obvious what i meant, but apparently not, there are some people that talk vefore thinking

  32. You cant risk a 250 milion project on an unstable sex pervert. Ask ben affleck

  33. Cavill should have run from superman. What a shitshow dc is.

  34. Michael b jordan taking meetings for supes...

  35. @Brayson....LOL thanks for the call out!

    I have been fighting over at DM comment section...based on rumors from this site. Saying we should not watch because Henry is a pedophile.

    Got proof? Bring it on. But, until them....NOPE. We have proof of AGE women. Just saying. There is absolutely a difference.

  36. @MJ.....I

    I should have added to my last post: I apologize.

    I am just angry at people saying that just because women look underage...means they actually are. I have seen the difference so I hate when terms are "loosely" thrown around.

    Blessings. :)

  37. @ TeeHee@U

    it's ok :)

  38. Henry has got problems because of his creepy actions, same with affleck and drinking. The problem is not the women just look too young for his age, the problem is that him and drake are texting 15 year olds!!!

  39. Anonymous8:22 AM

    OK so I just Googled and there was nothing about Henry Cavill being out as Superman.
    Unless it's going to be sometime before they Announce It.
    But as of right now Henry is talking about how He has all these cool ideas for Superman in the future.
    So yeah I don't know ?



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