Saturday, December 07, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 26, 2019

If you only read the state run media channel for the reality family, you would have thought a recent public performance was the greatest show ever. You would have thought people were healed and the dead raised. It turns out that it was a disaster, but that won't stop the former A+ lost rapper from trying again to find new ways to take more of people's money. If he is so anti-money, why didn't he do the show at cost? Hmmmm.

TMZ/Kanye West opera ‘Nebuchadnezzar’ 


  1. Money makes the world go around

  2. That clinking, clanking sound

  3. Personality disordered no talent.

  4. Last I checked, finding Jesus was/has/is always been free. This is Kanye's way of skipping out on taxes, plain and simple. The only thing he has "found" is the religious exemption loophole in the tax code. Scientology has been doing it for decades. My statement here will be justified when you see an 800 number for donations on his future T.V. productions. I hope he ends up where all the other evangelists do: In a motel room smoking drugs with a barely legal teen boy. I can only hope and pray that Jesus Saves any suckers buying into this bullshit. I will get off my soapbox now :-)

  5. Just sell Kim's birlin bags and your set for a couple of months

  6. If he wants people healed and the dead raised he needs to hang out with Benny Hinn and dump Joel Osteen.

  7. KON artist extraordinaire ripping off his own community that allows it, once again.

    I read of a Christian company that is giving free bibles away to fans of Kanye. Lets see how many they give away, or is this just a way for the idiots to see KON in person.

    I read Jocelyn Savage has completely recanted what was said by "someone else" on IG and is praising R. Kelly. Look at all the complete morons screaming #FreeRKelly. Don't blame the government, blame this community for enabling their KON artists, criminals, etc.

  8. one US newspaper reported that tickets were still available for the premiere hours before it was due to begin, despite having been slashed in price from $150 to $20.

  9. I believe KON came up with this seeing all the "Gospel of Bling" pastors in their tax free private jets at the airport while he was with the K-trash on a private plane and said "I could do this.."

  10. @Unknown: Thank you for that information about the glut of available tickets for that "opera" of his.

  11. I don't understand why the IRS doesn't crash down on these faux churches like a ton of bricks.

  12. "A-lost" I love your humor Enty!

  13. @Mango. That is the great question. In 2006, Senator Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, had an investigation into these "Gospel of Bling" megachurches. There were six specific ministries investigated that were called "The Grassley six". One of them was Paula White's church, who is Trump's pal, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo DOLLAR, Benny Hinn, Joyce Meyer, and another ministry. Most of the ministries refused to cooperate and only gave bare bones information. Benny Hinn and Joyce Meyer did cooperate and make changes. The others did not. Grassley ultimately decided (look up the findings of Grassley and the staggering oil shiek lifestyles of these people) that it was an IRS problem, the IRS allowing 18,000 square foot mega mansions to be declared "parsonages", etc. With Trump in office and in with all of those ministries for votes, the chances are ZERO he will change the IRS code while he is in office.

  14. @Mango - I forgot to add. Trump just enabled them further with his tax scam for the rich while allows individuals and companies to write off 100% of the cost of a new or used private jet against their federal taxes.

  15. Who are the idiots paying money to watch this unhinged fool rant & how do they have disposable income?! They should save their welfare checks.

  16. Enty standing in for churchlady

    Hmmmm who could it be? Could it be... SATAN?

  17. Rosie, made me laugh!
    How many times have I been derisivelycalled church lady. Yeah, I attend church for the music, mystery, worship, joy. If those scoffers knew my history...hoo boy!

  18. God is gonna smote that dirt bag real good.

  19. hes an idiot def trying to make money off of christians

  20. Kanye West is another wolf in sheep's clothing taking advantage of lukewarm Christians gullibility and spiritual blindness. Whats new?



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