Thursday, September 15, 2022

Today's Blind Items - Living Her Life

 2022 was supposed to be the year this permanent A list actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee, was going to stop living her life in secret. She promised her long time girlfriend last year that the pair of them would be an open couple. That never materialized. Just like she has in the past, our actress said she had new projects and sequels to others and that coming out would be a distraction to those projects. Back in 2020 when she was filming nothing, she said coming out would keep her from getting new work and she wanted to do some new projects after not doing much. There is always an excuse. Nothing changed in the first part of 2022 and the long time girlfriend was finally ready to bail on the relationship. She was tired, after many years, of living a secret life and not being able to tell anyone anything about her life. Something must have changed last month because all of a sudden our actress has been out in public with the girlfriend and has done so on multiple occasions. There has not really been any overt PDA, but at least it is a start. They are doing everything together.

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