Thursday, June 01, 2017

Blind Item #6

After bombing here in the US the last few times out, this A-/B+ list mostly television actor you all know had to go overseas to find television work. The oft married, often cheating actor hooked up with a waitress earlier this week. He never changes. His wife probably knows that already though.


easey peasey said...

Jeremy piven

Tricia13 said...

Kelsey Grammar

Tricia13 said...

Or Don Johnson /Sick Note is the series out of the UK

Sarah said...

Actor cheats on his wife could be just about anyone.

police dog said...

saw his wife in the DM....she's homely on another level...

kelsey, your wife.....whoof.

Hothotheat said...

I have a theory about Kelsey's current wife. His former wife, Camille, was so concerned with her looks, so conceited he decided to go with something totally opppsite.

rdmtimp said...

I don't think he's ever been married though.

dumbo said...

Matt LeBlanc.


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