Sunday, July 29, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #8

July 17, 2018

Is it going to shock anyone here that this foreign born C list celebrity who is insanely wealthy had to buy her own engagement ring. Her slightly slightly higher on the list celebrity boyfriend offered to buy one, but she was having no part of it. She thinks it is love, but she also wants to be in charge of what people think about her ring.

Chloe Green/Jeremy Meeks


  1. I would probably do the same. They are a couple, one of whom is loaded, ant there is nothing wrong with wanting a certain ring if "the couple" can afford. Why does it always have to fall on the man to be soley responsible for the ring?

    1. If he’s proposing he should at least pay for it.. she can pick the ring she wants but he should pay for it

    2. Then she should be happy with a ring in his price range. And I say this as a woman with a $400 ring that she absolutely loves.

  2. An heiress is lower on the list than her felon man.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Her dad Philip Green is an evil bastard who's threatened to kill colleagues' children.

  5. He's also brought "models" for trips on his yacht...

  6. She’s a nimrod, and neither her nor her brother have the intellect or capacity to successfully take over SPG’s empire. Sadly I’ve encountered them both in a professional capacity.

  7. If I had way more money than my fiance and could do this I would, I don't see the problem with it.

  8. Clawdette said - Its a ring and if she can afford to buy what she wants so be it - She can buy a different one for every day of the week - and I'm good with that -

  9. When you end up marrying a gigolo, you also end up buying the diamond ring. No surprise.

  10. Back in the day, the man proved he was solvent by buying something of worth for his affianced. My mom told me a friend of hers was bought a piano as an engagement gift. c.1925

  11. He is an opportunist and a criminal, and his 'modeling career' never happened, so of course she is paying for him. No surprises there. Or did anyone think that he is with her for any reason other than her money?

    They are both absolute trash.

  12. Seems emasculating.
    Not that I'm concerned w the fragile male ego, but Meeks seems like he should be that type.

  13. Not only that, but he can't pimp out his ho either! She's not pimping material.

  14. Chloe, please blow as much of your asshole daddy's cash as possible.

  15. Idk why but I kind of like this chick. First off, she paid the ex off with MILLIONS of dollars so she could have that baby with a 'single' Jeremy (on paper), slick and smart, secondly, she wanted to give birth and did, on a beautiful yacht at sea, no need to fame whore it up with a whole hospital wing and lastly, she wears the pants in this relationship and she knows it and he does too.
    But the biggest reason I like her is she smiles a lot, she comes across as confident in herself and not stuck up.
    (I use the term 'like' loosely as I don't know her from the next)

  16. Did she sign a pre-nup? They won't last long.

  17. C list celebrity and somehow he is higher on the list? WTF

  18. She s an spoiled child PLAYING DOLLS ...

    IF she really loves him she should have allowed him to get her a ring HE COULD AFFORD .... b

    But she NEEDED TO SHOW MONEY AND POWER ... so she played the idiot by buying an expensive one EVERYBODY KNOWS HE DIDNT PAY ..

    So how really clever was she?

    I also saw pics of him in Gucci like if he had been a toy dressed by a 5 y o child .. read CHOLE ..



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