Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Blind Item #10

This can't go any lower than B+ list mostly movie actor finally found someone who will put up with his drug and alcohol and hitting on women all the time issues.


MDAnderson said...

Cuba gooding jr

gauloise said...

Russell Crowe?

annieroo said...

I read he didn`t even bath bleugh.....

Pissoff said...


Rosie riveter said...

Oh dear.
I watched a video of Cuba dancing in a pool and blushed for him. It was real bad.
He's just too old for this.

Brayson87 said...

What, he was destined for a woman who only cared about the money.

hunter said...

Imagine how differently we would perceive movie stars of the golden era if we had Snapchat and Insta videos of them being jackasses and licking donuts and falling into bushes and shit.

Honey Bunny said...

SMDH. That's all I got.

Unknown said...

Cuba and a gaggle of wanna bes were at a resort out west where my sister in law was working as an outdoor guide, back in the early 90s. This was back in his heyday. Any ways, she was about 20. She was walking down the road and they tried to get her to jump in their car and hang out with them. Pretty persistent, didn’t take no easily. Luckily, she showed a little common sense and said no. It also helps she was, and is, a hippie type and didn’t know who he was except that he kept telling her.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

SHUSH. 🙎🏻‍♀️

Cary Grant and George Peppard would never have fallen into a bush, Hunter. Shut up. 😒

Mango said...

Audrey Hepburn would never lick a donut. That bitch Katherine on the other hand...

Scandi Sanskrit said...

☝🏼 THIS. 😂🤣

Audrey Hepburn talking about the war: https://youtu.be/gSnKWwRCWnw

Ingrid Bergman without makeup: https://youtu.be/WzrvzGtPSjo

Fuck high-res 😭😭😭😭

Scandi Sanskrit said...

THe song in the Ingrid Bergman one is so beautiful...

GentleBreeze said...

Always liked Cuba. Jerry McGuire, SnowDogs. Sorry to hear he's going off the rails.

Unknown said...

Dennis Quaid. Found himself a golddigger half his age, Santa Auzina. She doesn't care about the drugs, alcohol or other women, just as long as she gets to use his creditcard to the max. His oldest son wants nothing to do with her and it's caused a rift between him and his dad.

paper wrangler said...

@Unknown... Aha! That's why he's doing commercials now... gotta support the golddigger on top of his child support.. makes sense. Seriously- those Quaid boys are train wrecks!! Randy's straight-up lost the plot, and I thought Dennis was on track when he remarried and had the twins but he just can't ignore the lure of the drugs and poon...Santa Auzina looks like a younger version of his ex Kimberly

Sagan said...

Chris Captain America Evans?

Unknown said...

Ingid was beautiful, but in that video posted she definitely had on makeup It didn't make her any less beautiful though.


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