Monday, April 15, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Celebrity Drug Mule

There are a couple of guys out there who are flashy and have a ton of money. They hang out at clubs and seemingly get invited to every celebrity party. There are at least two that I know of, although there could be a couple more. They throw money around like crazy and always have the best coke. They generally have women around them in droves. How do they get their money? Drug dealing. Rather, it is their job to find people to move drugs for them. Drug mules. Apparently many of the women who hang out with them have never watched Locked Up Abroad. Perhaps they should. These guys reel multiple women in at a time and take them on a vacation to the Caribbean. Generally either the Dominican Republic or to Colombia. The first trip they call the virgin trip. They take about a dozen women and just party and have a good time. They get the women's trust and then they all fly back. Nothing was asked of the women, so if they have any suspicions, they are usually allayed. Before, during an after the trip, the guys are also looking for women to emotionally exploit. They get them to fall in love so they will do even more than asked. These women become the recruiters. They take to Instagram and other social media to find new recruits for the business. At this point though, they don't know it is a business. They think they are finding other women for the parties. The best recruiters are celebrities themselves. There are multiple Instagram models out there with millions of followers who are unknowingly recruiting for drug cartels. There are at least a handful of MTV reality competition stars who are doing it too. Those invites to parties and mention a code to get VIP are often a hustle for the cartels. There is at least one A- list singer who is doing it and knows what she is doing and why.

The people who go on the virgin trips hashtag the trip all to hell and that also helps with recruiting. The next trip is called the go trip. It involves no people who have not been before. It consists of all second timers who think the trip will be like the first. It is, except for one small change. Each of the women is usually given a gift to bring back. That gift sometimes has coke in it and sometimes doesn't. What is assured is that when the women are met back in the US, the driver who loads their bags into the Spinner van outside the airport terminal also removes the gift from each of their bags. The gift usually contains about a kilo of coke. These trips have been really successful over the past few months, but there have been some arrests too.

At least four of the women have been arrested and charged with smuggling drugs. The thing is though, except for clubbing, most of the women don't really have any connection to each other so word has been slow to spread back to the rest of the group. Further, once the second group comes back, none of them are used again. They are all just kind of ignored and shunned. Only the women who are good at recruiting are allowed to remain, but generally don't go on more trips because of the chances of being caught and also because at this point they know more of the group and if they get arrested can bring down the entire scam.


Tricia13 said...

Halsey the singer ?

sandybrook said...

Instathots and MTV reality competitors generally need money because they don't work.

Troy Dyer said...

Well, now we know how The Challenge participants REALLY make $$$

Tricia13 said...


sandybrook said...

Seems as if flight attendents do a lot of this type of work as well.

Brayson87 said...

Sounds like a good system, but also not very efficient when by land or by ship moves so much more quantity. Sounds more like they're trafficking yachters on the second trip.

Sd Auntie said...

What's Greasy Bear been up to lately?? Or that obnoxious rich guy that threw the model off the roof?

MDAnderson said...

There are so many A- list singers that would do this. I’ll throw out Bebe Rexha as a guess.

Sd Auntie said...

Yeah, just don't get caught in Colombia or DR!!

AListDiva said...

I was thinking Halsey also. I follow her Instagram, and she has been out of the country a lot in the past year, but i'm not sure if it was for a tour or actual vacations.

Single Man in Love with Love said...

Dan Bilerian for one of the guys involved...

Vita said...

Further proof that the internet is speeding up the end of civilization

Brayson87 said...

Okay who didn't put their cigarette out at Notre Dame?

Anonymous said...

lol brayson

Sd Auntie said...

Yes!! Forgot his name of course single man!

J said...


SCORPIO19D said...

what about that dan bilzerian guy

Tru said...

We can see that a wall is already working.

Anonymous said...

Dan Blizarian has been hanging out with Cardi quite a bit lately. Maybe her for the A- list singer?

Bibi on the road to...... said...

Maluma for the colombian connection!

Og said...

Omg I was going to say him! There is no way women r attracted to that freaking troll

GentleBreeze said...

Talk about a wall of text!? Who could read it?

Chica said...

What? Ok so Cardi is the DR connection then? Shakira and J Balvin are also from Colombia so they are in it as well? You are just as bad but not as bad as Tricia with her moronic guesses.

Chica said...

FYI Enty Intern Colombia is not in the Caribbean.


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