Friday, August 23, 2019

Blind Item #2

Once again those rumors have popped up suggesting that the alliterate former actress and her husband will be moving to a continent not named North America. So, the house purchase here in LA was just for funsies?


  1. I am guessing it was for her mother

    1. Shes movin on up to the east side!

  2. Someplace with a lot of food for Meghan, so probably not Africa.

  3. They're really lining themselves up to be the next Duke Edward and Wallis Simpson.

  4. Haha too funny MM friend out saying they HAVE to fly private jet because of their safety! They could be kidnapped! Next day William and Kate and kids fly budget airline. Well done, William!

  5. I love it when petty Enty shows up and uses words like "funsies"

    I shall call you: Penty

  6. Yesterday, I read every post on Nutty Flavor's blog - and all the comments and moved on to HarryMarkle blog - highly entertaining. I sincerely recommend it if you have time.

    This horror show is unredeemable. They should call it a day and duck out of sight....otherwise I see a plane crash coming. Good thing they fly private - fewer innocents will perish.

    Oooh....did I say that out loud?

  7. Or maybe they should listen to what people are complaining about and change their actions. Quit hiding behind the racist rants.... it is an easily fixed issue with some common sense behavior. Quit acting like new money MM.

    Of course, as I type this, I realize that common sense does not seem to hold the day.

  8. The Harry Markles are better than any soap opera on television. From bananas to cupcakes, from strategic placement of rings on dainty fingers cuddling an elephant snout, to saving the planet one private flight at a time, this couple is a train wreck in the making. And, the foundation, which isn't a charity....yet, which appointed a new director while firing/ resigning two directors, which got $3M recently hasn't dispersed any funds that I know of.....and the best part are the comments on every piece and blog!

  9. OMG - I had missed the bananas thing. Just looked it up and holy crap. Seriously - dumbest thing ever. Who thought defacing food was a good idea? With a freakin' Sharpie Marker! Can you say....chemical contamination?

    FFS. This puts the dumb cupcakes (that the bakery doesn't even sell) in the shade.

  10. What's this about markers on bananas? Does she write her name on her food like my husband's coworker does?

    Have to admit I'm really disappointed that Harry caves to her demands when the actions are counterproductive to what he's always done. He needs to tell her to sit tf down and fall in line with the rest of them - it isn't a bad life.

  11. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I’ve just searched the banana and cupcake thing - hilarious!

  12. I think things are unraveling a little faster for MM and Prince Harry. The Sussex Foundation has lost two of their five original directors over last two days. Sarah Latham (ex Clinton Foundation) and the other was the administrator Natalie Campbell that they lured away from Prince William & Kate's Foundation when they split. The two ladies have lasted 4 weeks with Brand Sussex.

  13. She will never go. She must have attention from people that she thinks are worthy of her. I’m sure she bought LA house without even consulting him or anyone else. She will divorce before she’ll go to Africa. I have no doubt she’s already writing her book.

  14. They just spent $2.5m updating their home, why do they need to buy a $10m home in LA? The Queen must’ve put a stop to it after all of the PJ a backlash. Notice MeGAIN and her puppet weren’t invited to Balmoral, even Epstein got an invite there.

  15. @MeliBee, maybe Phill(DofE) needs to arrange a one way flight for MM and Andrew to the nearest mountain side

  16. so the house purchase is a done deal?

  17. What happened to the rumors that someone from the London Press leaked that they received notice that a big royal funeral was about to happen? Guess it was a false tip.

  18. It might have just been a rehearsal.

    @MeliticusBee, glad you enjoyed the blog. Anyone else who would like to talk seriously about this story can click on my profile name for access.

    This blind is based on Cindy Adams' story in the New York Post yesterday saying the Sussexes will live at least part time in Africa.

    Where in Africa is never specified in these stories. I assume Meghan would prefer Cape Town, which has a big media industry and modelling industry.

    The African film industry ("Nollywood") is based in Nigeria, but I don't see Meg fitting in well there.

    Moving to Africa is going to remove one of Meg's favorite dodges, which is that anyone who disagrees with her about anything is racist. What's she going to say to the Africans who disagree with her?

  19. There have been many stories circulating that the neighbors of Frogmore Cottage have been reporting that there is no one living there. No movements, no grocery or nappy (diaper) deliveries, no lights at night etc.
    MM is supposedly ensconced in a Mayfair or Knightsbridge apartment that someone is loaning her gratis, while the Royal purse is charged & paying for it. Harry (so the story goes) is back at Nottingham Cottage with the dog.
    JL you're right, if the bucolic delights of Windsor are too dull for Meghan now, then a stint in Africa doesn't stand a chance.

  20. "What happened to the rumors that someone from the London Press leaked that they received notice that a big royal funeral was about to happen?"

    The tip they received was that there was going to be a big announcement from the palace. People guessed it was Philip dying, but it turned out to be about Andrew retiring.

  21. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I follow one of the royal reporters on Twitter and he posted that they get this notice every couple of years. It's a sort of preparedness drill for royal reporters. Someone misunderstood the communique.

  22. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Some place that is only accessible via private jet.


    Lol, looks like she’s absolutely dropped the grieving daughter persona and Boo Hearne is back posting on The Breitbart Network, seemingly alive and kicking. Check the Peter Fonda post.


    1. Lol I KNEW she didn't die.
      Omg that was the single most bizarre poster in the history of CDAN. She was going highschooler meangirl ham on Tricia once, and the hair stood up all over my body, i knew she was mental right then. she is so creepy.
      Hilarious to know she's still reading these. I was literally the only one who said she's not dead. Hahaha
      Hey Boo

    2. Remind me of what happened. Did some relative post that she’d died? I vaguely remember that

  24. Africa would be great to live in as a royal for a year or two. Especially if you are mixed race. The Nigerian and South African scene must be fascinating to get to know. Quite different to North America, Europe and Asia. The music and cuisine are great, and if you are interested in business, there's no better place to be. The money and security a royal would have would really buffer you from all the difficult things other people have to deal with. The mixed race thing as well. People with small minds won't think so though.

  25. @TwoDots that is both sad and bizarre about Boo Hearne. What a nutter.

  26. So many rumors.

    People are riveted to the constantly developing story because it just gets vaguer and stranger and because it's interwoven with historical figures.

    That's in case the shamer-trolls are due back...

  27. shakey said -

    "What's this about markers on bananas? Does she write her name on her food like my husband's coworker does?"

    MM wrote encouraging notes on the banana skins for the lunch packs for some charity. I think the women the lunches were going to were ex sex workers who were learning a new trade. I am not sure why it was said to be so horrible, I mean it's kind of icky-cute but not horrible.

  28. I can't see MM moving anywhere that doesn't have 5 + star accommodations.

    Two of their key staff just quit their Sussex group, whatever that's called. Latham was a higher up in their group. She quit and one other.

  29. Anonymous1:02 PM

    @Samantha I think the two resignations from the Sussex Foundation were explained away yesterday as both were "place holders" in the Sussex Foundation until they hired someone to actually run the foundation. That new hire announced on 8/21 is now in place so the resignations were just a shift into the next phase. Or at least that's how one royal reporter explained it. Several of us have email notifications in place so any change in employees to the foundation we get auto email notifications.

  30. Thanks Ann!

    Things keep happening so quickly with those two, it's hard to keep up.

    Thanks for yourself and those who are keeping on top of the developments.

    It is all bizarre, to me.

    I don't recall any royal losing staff this continuously, or quickly.

  31. The bananas were for current sex workers and she wrote condescending cliches such as ‘You are Loved’, ‘You are Special’, etc. with a Sharpie. So they’re going to get a phalic piece of fruit 🍌 with a condescending message? I read later that the charity took them out of the bags and used them to make a banana cake because they thought it was too embarrassing to distribute them with MM’s messages. Good going once again, MM. The sex workers got less food than they should have, because of your egotistical idiocy.

  32. As far as I have heard, no house has been purchased in LA. Just another rumor.

  33. Yeah, her “daughter” came on to say Boo died, resulting in a huge amount of sympathy posts (I include myself there). Nada for a few months, and then she reappeared on Dlisted, but posting as Boo did and not as the daughter persona. She got called out, and then she claimed she was in fact Boo’s daughter posting under Boo’s profile in an attempt to feel closer to Boo. The daughter persona now appears to have completely gone and she’s gone back to regaling stories form her past encounters.

    Second most fascinating poster I’ve encountered/observed in gossip sites (that’s not necessarily meant as a compliment).

  34. Does this mean Boo is still working on her book?? The one we knew nothing about?

  35. Shame on "Boo Hearne" for doing that. Some folks really cared.

  36. @humour me ... haha! You're funny :-)

  37. So Boo Hearne is alive?

  38. Yup (or at least the poster Boo Hearne; the real-life Bunnye Hearne - the person the profile is modeled on - is no longer alive). Boo Hearne here had/has alt’s also, who may or may not be posting still.

    It genuinely all fascinates me.

  39. Im following Boo Hearne on Disqus. She writes like Boo, sounds like Boo and even gives memories of Boos life. If it's not the real Boo Hearne, then someone is a very sick individual for posing as her.

  40. And also If it's the real boo hearne it's a sick individual.

  41. Holy crap, Boo's alive. Either that or her daughter is repeating stories her mother told her. Damn.

    And LMFAO at the banana quotes! Could you imagine getting one of those?



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