Friday, August 23, 2019

Your Turn

The relative you really never want to see.


  1. How about all of the above?

  2. Like all my relatives

  3. I've got no problems with any of my family. It's pretty small though.

  4. I don't have any relatives I _never_ want to see, but I have some actual crackheads in the tree that I'd just as soon not hang out with.

  5. One of my sisters-in-law. My other two are fabulous people, but this one was an only child and came out of that with a slightly superior attitude about everything. I remember her trash talking a wedding she'd been to,
    "Oh EVERYONE hated it, mine was so much better" and I pointed out to her that if it was what the bride and groom wanted, then the wedding was a success.

    I also think she is rather controlling and she appears to be raising her child as a mini-me of sorts. My brother is a pretty good natured, easy going guy so even though they have been together since high school, it's a weird match to me. My brothers and I wanted to take our Dad to a Yankees game for his 80th birthday and because it fell on a Father's Day, which she and my brother have always spent at her parents' house for YEARS, it was kind of a thing trying to extricate my brother out of that commitment for ONE TIME so he could go to the game with the rest of us.

  6. Interesting. I don't have many -- mostly cousins -- but it's true a few of those can be annoying. But all very well-intentioned, good-hearted people. No one on my shit list; I have lots of time for any of them.

    Hadn't occurred to me before, but that makes me lucky. Think of really crappy people... pathological liars, manipulators, junkies, sociopaths... they typically have family members who can't completely avoid immersion in their bullshit. That's tough.

  7. Some cousins, their bitch wives, bratty ass kids and weird brother in law. I want to send them in a one way flight to Afghanistan.

  8. My stepmom who likes to make posts about libs.

    Singlehandedly got me to stop talking to that side of the family.

  9. Everybody except my mother and my sister and her family. If the rest all spontaneously combusted I wouldn't shed a tear.

  10. My little brother. Narcissistic POS.

  11. Anonymous10:36 AM

    A former SIL who smoked like a chimney and made white trash look good in comparison.

  12. I get on well with my family. Granted I haven't seen a good portion of them in decades, so that helps but the ones I do see all the time I get along with too.

  13. Definately my cousin with her 3 weirdo kids....that time she changed the baby's dirty nappy in my sitting room using a casserole dish of water to clean her arse was the final straw.


  15. My parents. Only child here, and not spoiled. A few months ago I travelled at my own expense to help them when my mother had surgery. I slept on the couch and at the hospital for days. After they decided they didn't need my help anymore my dad told me (after my mother and I got snippy like we always do) that I had never been anything but trouble and to get the fuck out of his house and never come back. That was strike three for me. 30 years ago he told me I was too fucking stupid to use birth control and that I was having a child that was going to be his responsibility. NO BS After that I never asked them for anything and I raised two relatively perfect children no thanks to them. I guess I will go to the funeral, but the cuts are too deep for me to reconcile again. I showed up and lived with them for 6 months after my dad had his leg amputated. Ingrates and selfish mean people. Cut throat. My parents.

  16. I have a nephew who has his doctorate in very bad decisions. He is a high level loser. I could see this in him as young as 2/3 years old. I blame my sister for having zero parenting skills, she was all talk and no action. We would discuss his future behind my sisters back and all of our revelations have since come to fruition. The only thing he hasn’t done is commit murder.

  17. A cousin who molested me when I was 7. I see her rarely, but even then it's too much. At my brother's funeral, she looked me up and down and said, "You look good. I expected, well, I really didn't know what to expect." I was her version of a compliment.

  18. Christ, reading some of the above it's seems I got won the parents lottery with my mum and dad. I had nothing but love, care and encouragement from them and let them down so many times. I was brought up with my sister on housing estates in Belfast and nearby at the height of the 'Troubles' and have so many scary and funny stories from that time but none of that was down to my mum and dad who strove with every effort of their being to bring me and my sister up in a safe, sane and healthy environment.
    I'm happy the both lived long enough to really get to know their beloved granddaughters and miss them so much each day.

    If I was a tenth of the parent that mine were I'd be one hell of a dad. I doubt I am.

    I only wish that everyone could have had parents like mine, it breaks my heart to see that the opposite seems far too common.

  19. Cousin Lisa. A hick with a lisp.

  20. I don't know, Hothotheat, the thought of a Daisy Duke with a slight lisp makes my feel all tingly and funny 'down there'.

    I'm right in assuming that Lisa looks like Daisy Duke, aren't I?

  21. My cousin Sandra. She used psychotropics on her dad and told everyone ha had Alzheimer's. He died two years later with an undisclosed cause of death. He had only been diagnosed with bad memory and the drugs sped up the process and made him present with Alzheimer's. Sandra was then 500k richer.

  22. "I only wish that everyone could have had parents like mine"

    Wish they could too, Vic.

    Glad you did.

    My worst ones are probably dead, although so are the nicest ones.

  23. When family continues to invalidate, disrespect and criticize you, I've learned that they truly don't want anything to do with you.
    So, I put as much distance between them and me and try to keep to that way.

    George Burns once said, "I love a close knit family -- that's 3,000 miles away!"

  24. My mother ... every kind of abuse you can imagine and some you can't.

  25. tweaker cousin . cant stand her.

  26. My father and step-monster

  27. My cousin. She is a liar, a thief, and didn’t even attend her own mother’s funeral last year. I have no intention of ever speaking to her again. The last time I saw her was at her brother’s wedding (they don’t get along either) about 6 years ago, and I didn’t even acknowledge her presence.

  28. My sister-in-law. She is loud and obnoxious. A bully. Highly manipulative. Also my husband's aunt. She has never spoken to me or acknowledged me, except for glares, in nearly 22 years. She was friends with my husband's ex. I don't know if she blames me but I didn't meet him until after their split and his ex was pregnant and remarried when we began dating.

  29. Mother in law. Just too hard.

  30. I've got more bad relatives than good, and there are a LOT of them so it's more of a hassle than it's worth to sort them out. I just avoid all of them generally.

  31. momo, you are better of without them in your life. How dare they treat you like that. Seriously, cut the cords and be done with them. I've done the same with my family, who see me as nothing more than a cash machine (coming to me with wah-wah stories, only to use the money on frivolous purchases). No more, and life is far more pleasant. And don't for one moment feel guilty about it - just live your life as happy as you can be, and don't give a second thought to them.

  32. ALL of em. 😞

  33. My maternal aunt's husband, who sarcastically calls my mother and I "Miss (Name)" and turns every conversation into an hour-long+ slideshow of fish photography. Once you've seen one eel you've seen them all.

  34. I have an Aunt that is Satan's minion



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