Monday, August 19, 2019

Blind Item #9

The alliterate A- list reality star was speaking out about being cheated on, but chose to not talk about how she has been on the other side of that too. Must have slipped her mind.


  1. It feels like she’s been milking this story for about 5 decades...

  2. This girl sure loves to play the victime.

  3. That recent episode of Kl-HOE's spin off was incredibly irresponsible. No GOOD trainer would push her client to vomit in a bucket & then applaud her for "getting it out." Thats anorexic talk, which Klo Kardashian has been accused of. Anorexics often have that telltale swollen face, skinny body look--just like Kloe. Everyone involved in that show is disgusting... except the poor, misguided contestants.

  4. Is Taylor Swift really dating that British guy from The Favourite? Ty

  5. Karma. you should be embarrassed to admit you WATCH that KRAP.

    Klogre is vile, always playing the victim.....

  6. @BB no...that just a PR thing... Taylor is with her lover Karlie Kloss...



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