Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 13, 2019

The former A- list tween/teen singer just bought some Naloxone injections just in case he overdoses.

Aaron Carter


  1. This makes me sad. I don't have to be a fan to have empathy. Growing up in that world ... (I've since learned from being here just how awful it is) takes such a toll. Someone needed to be there. Everyone deserves someone to care for them. I'm glad none of my childhood dreams of being a 'star' came true. *shudder*

  2. You have to take a course for it. I missed my opportunity to. Place where I live the local judge reviews everything and will make a case for you to go to rehab "because I make money from it, it's a business."

  3. Definitely sad. I am just glad that these overdose prevention products are now available. I kind of hate that this is reported as I hope if he reads this/ hears about it...it won't prevent him or anyone else in the biz from buying it.

  4. I doubt that will sve him, he wants to die and will make sure he does when he decides it's time. I do feel bad for his tortured soul.

  5. Vivitrol would help.

  6. Just moved to the top of my Death Pool, Naloxone or not. Sad doesn't even begin to describe this situation.

  7. Hopefully, someone else knows how to use it....since it won't help him if he ODs.

  8. I thought his drug of choice was meth. Very hard to OD on meth unless you're shooting it.

  9. There is a video that says hes "shopping for a lambo" ha ha. Maybe a toy lambo.

  10. Doesn't everybody keep a few in their car and in the nightstand?Lol. WHy don't people take suboxxone? You get a buzz, it gives you a bit of energy and takes the edge off so you don't want to use opiods..it's obviously just a substitute but if it helps people get back to work and functioning than use it. You also can't OD on it and it blocks the receptors so you don't feel the effects if you slip and use opiods. No high.

  11. It could be for a fellow addict. I have never, ever used heroin but I carry an emergency Naloxone kit in case anyone ODs. I spend a lot of time working with the homeless.



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