Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Blind Item #7

A tech giant will enter the streaming wars in a few months.   They have the most money to spend, and are not being shy about it.   The record money they will spend on their upcoming featured show also locks out the streaming giant's hopes for not one, but two, of the iconic reboots they targeted.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Was thinking Netflix and Apple or MS

  2. Apple for the tech giant?

  3. The morning show with Jen Aniston/Friends reboot

  4. +1 MD at that awful Jennifer Anniston show about morning talk

  5. So -- with all the content providers elbowing each other for content, when is the quality of entertainment due to improve?

  6. Apple or MicroSoft but I am going to go with Apple. This is getting ridiculous with all the streaming services coming out though.

  7. Apple

    this whole multiple streaming service thing is very similar to the conditions that gave way to music piracy, napster, etc....

    "want to buy a tower records, eduardo?"

  8. Apple. Morning Show has Jennifer Anniston and Steve Carrell, so locking out reboots of Friends and The Office if they tie them up with some exclusivity clause.

  9. Good article about this: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/apple-tv-spending-more-than-6-billion-on-new-shows-plans-to-launch-before-disney-report-2019-08-19

  10. Content budgets of major providers: Disney (7.8 billion), Netflix (6.3 billion), Amazon (4.5 billion), Hulu (2.5 billion), Apple (1 billion)

    So it's not Apple.

  11. Yes. The quality shows and the movies are pretty awful. There use to be so many good shows on Netflix and they had all the best classic shows....but, man the quality has gone down over the last 2 years and everything original gets randomly cancelled after 1-2-3 seasons it seems now. I HATE it when shows do not end with finality so it is getting to the point now where I do not even bother to invest. Or...if it ends like shit like GoT.

  12. What is Disney's upcoming featured show? Anyone know? And, thanks for sharing the article/ info on Disney.

  13. " I HATE it when shows do not end with finality so it is getting to the point now where I do not even bother to invest. Or...if it ends like shit like GoT."

    Yessss! On both points.

    I can't remember the name of the series but I watched one set in England round WW II era. Very good. Then it got canceled abruptly, so they just had a plane crash into someone's house, in the final episode, while a woman was giving birth. Without showing what happened to anyone inside the house. WHAT

    And what was that last GoT season! Was production on coke?

  14. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Netflix is unwatchable. I joined a couple of years ago to binge Trailer Park Boys from beginning to end one last time and then I cancelled. It's just more rehash of the same content. I don't feel like I'm that picky but there's just nothing interesting, certainly nothing worth paying for. Same with Amazon Prime. It seems like if a show is good quality like Better Call Saul or It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia the creators make the 10 episodes a year or every other year or whenever they feel like it. The networks go along because they don't dare lose their bread and butter. It just doesn't make sense that it's such a wasteland. What kind of weird fucking initiation do Hollywood people have to go through instead of being simply talented nowadays? At least as monstrous as the old studio system was, it created a lot of content.

  15. Google. They already have the launch platform in YouTube.

    1. And is there a mogul or rich guy who can resist the lure of Hollywood and making movies? It’s like a drug. Brin nd Page are already total star effers. Bet their global climate summit was just about lining up content creators. Nothing is real.

  16. Joe Rogan talked about starting a channel that would be curated by comedians. I thought this may be it. Imagine the lame shit he's into.

  17. disney has an obi wan show coming out from the star wars family

  18. + 1 on everyone's comments about the dearth of quality entertainment.

    It's a symptom of how out of touch the elites have become with the consumer / public. Or, life. Maybe.

    One thing they need to do is scout talent.

    They need to find, develop, respect, and pay writers. No story, no product.

    They need to decentralize entertainment: Who needs Hollywood any more?? The internet is global...right?

  19. Pretty soon uncutting the cord will become cheaper than paying for all the streaming services and the phone service you need to get them.

  20. Reboot Apple & bring back Steve Jobs, I don't care if it's a clone. A glitchy clone would be better than Tim Cook.

  21. Anonymous9:33 AM

    YouTube is totally screwing over their creators. They think the public is too stupid to realize what they are doing, and maybe we are. They are demonetizing and removing videos of (when they can get away with it) content creators in hopes that they just give up. One very major creator who just makes videos about cats "The Mean Kitty" or something like that just gave up. What they are doing is favoring the big "creators" like Kimmel, Fallon, the fat English git, Colbert, et. al. Watch after the Kitty channel leaves and enough time has passed Fallon or someone like him comes up with a new bit where he buys his cat toys from Amazon and the cat ignores them or whatever is on "The Mean Kitty" channel. That's what they want. They are thieves and they want to steal.
    Force a channel like Viva Frei to leave YouTube and then Colbert could have a handsome, funny attorney do a segment about current legal cases...only slanted to Colbert's views.
    Oh and the ultimate coup would be to eventually drive PewDiePie away, make him give up by branding him a Nazi so we can have Corden playing Minecraft as a "bit".
    That's the goal. Don't be fooled.
    YouTube and Google should have never been allowed to merge.

    1. I knew nothing about this mess until I watched an upload by Petty Page regarding the entire demonetizing model of YouTube. Frightening.

  22. lol Sandybrook...I haven't thought I could cut the cord because of the ease of one remote and recording with comcast. And now with too many streaming services, I would be paying the same as with comcast but with too many remotes and apps to switch back and forth.

  23. My son writes screenplays. I told him to keep them to himself because if he sends out pitches people will take his ideas. It happened to me re: viacom years ago. I had a connection, was a professional writer etc. When I read the release I knew exactly what would happen. It basically said you have never had an original idea. We have this already. This was in the release, not after reviewing anything I submitted. I was younger and naive then. To see my son PAYING to submit screenplays to contests, etc. is very upsetting.

    I think the only thing you can do now if you have something really original is do it yourself. LOW BUDGET/.. humming the kinks now

  24. Yes you can cut cable and use apps.

    There still is nothing on though.

  25. momo - good advice

    Register it with the Writer's Guild

    Even mail it to the copyright office

    Film it yourself if you can, no matter how low budge

    Then even if someone buys and remakes it - at least you get paid

  26. @Samantha OMG....I am sorry but I was LOL out loud at your the description of the end of that WWII show. I would have been LIVID. SO, so mad after investing all that time and having no clue what was suppose to happen next.

    GoT writers are obviously terrible writers. As soon as they ran out of source material it went down hill and they fell victim to what a lot of show do: they want to shock at the ending and not satisfy. Which is always a recipe for disaster. Breaking Bad was perfect because people stayed in character up until the end. Someone mentioned Better Call Saul and that is pretty much the only thing I am watching right now, but, even then I binge watch at the end of the season LOL.

    I always agree the need to have every type of diversity in everything ruins a show because it is not based in reality and not believable. Most people are friends with people a lot like them and share the same interests and a lot of times different cultures/ sections of society have different interests. That is life. LOL so having a crossection of society takes away from it and never being allowed to say anything insensitive. That is not how the real world works. A paraplegic, multiethnic trans woman is not going to have anything in common with a hot jock who plays soccer. It has become ridiculous.

  27. Mean Kitty creator says adios to YouTube.


  28. @Samantha: How do you keep your internet access? I don’t watch cable, but if I cancel it I really don’t save any money because it’s bundled.

  29. @JL - in total agreement. It all begins with a higher up ego who wants to rub shoulders and/or live the high life. Once had an advertising client who insisted on a Super Bowl commercial because she wanted a box suite at the game, and know of a niche magazine that randomly had Chip Gaines on the cover because the owner wanted to meet him. Whoever this is, would be interesting to see the revenue model they put together - especially when the established players are already scrambling.

  30. Jen and Reese’s new show looks amazing!

  31. I'm going with the Evil Mouse. They have Obi Wan series. Loki series. Captain America(Falcon)/Winter Soldier series plus the Mandolorian.

  32. Apple, expecting to fork out $6Billion for their streaming service's new content.. Wowza


  33. all these paid streaming services is what makes "someone" pirate the shows instead. They're all in one place to watch until your heart's content. All in high Def and streaming the same day it comes out... All for free.

  34. Microsoft is the only thing bigger then all of the other platforms.Plus,they already have the software to facilitate it.



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