Blind Item #8
One of the reasons this A- list actress has had a career for nearly three decades is because of what she allowed producers and the director and the actor to do to her back in that movie that really made her. They wanted to normalize men being involved with tweens.
Drew Barrymore?
I'm drawing the line, Enty. Lay off Kirsten Dunst.
Kirsten is in the DM today
Maybe Uma Thurman/Dangerous Liasions? She was meant to be 15 or so in it
Nathalie Portman in that Jean Reno /Luc Besson Movie, Leon The Professional?
Dunst has been in the news lately for kissing Brad Pitt when she was a child.
unfortunately Kirsten wasn’t even a tween when she was in IWaV, she was a straight up child!
Dunst also played jail bate in the "Virgin Suicides."
Hey Enty, using the word "allowed" is a pretty shitty choice of word. Don't you think there is a power dynamic at play between grown men on a movie set and a teenager?? There's a better way to phrase this....
Considering what Drew was doing in nightclubs when she was 11 this could fit her better. Dunst isnt old enough to fit this BI and was mostly tv back in the 90s.
Megan Fox
Also... let’s talk about how drew was accepted in Hollywood again after multiple rehab stays. She was uninsurable after her tabloid years and I believe Spielberg get her a role in Poison Ivy, which revived her career, a movie about a tween being sexually attracted to old men.
Do people realize that we are in the year 2019? Dunst's first acting performance was in 1989 and "Interview with a Vampire" was made in 1994. Hence the nearly 3 decades referenced by Enty.
Thank you @MyDog, exactly. And +10000 @ Some_Analysis
Dunst works, her first credits were around 1990 - 29 years ago. I have a hard time thinking that that kiss did anything to advance the pedo narrative, though.
I’m with gauloise. I was going to say Natalie Portman too.
What about Alicia Silverstone and The Crush? Plus she was jailbait in some Aerosmith video and we all know uncle Stevie likes em young.
I was thinking Brooke Shields...
This is vague,no rating on anyone. It could apply to any actress who worked as a child and adult. Numerous movies tried this as a plot device.
One of The producer for interview with a vampire was David Geffen so it wasn’t him. I like the Portman guess
The Virgin Suicides director was Sophia Coppola, so that doesn't fit.
A wise career decision. Glad it worked out for her.
I loved that movie The Professional. Now I am creeped out. Wasn't she also the love interest in some other highly acclaimed movie where she was a teenage neighbor? I remember that one being disturbing. Ditto Vampire... Didn't know Geffen was in on that one !
Drew started acting at age 6 and is 44 now so her career is closer to 4 decades. Megan Fox’s career is less than 20 years. Dunst’s age/career probably line up but the movies don’t. Virgin Suicides was directed by Sofia Coppola, and I don’t remember the kiss w/Brad Pitt being sexual but it’s been awhile since I’ve watched it. Plus neither Brad nor Tom seem be trying to normalize sex with children.
Brooke has had an IMAGE for 3 decades but she really doesn't work. Can see this being Drew but if she compromised then why did she end up bottoming out with C/D list projects and image for the stretch she did? Just the addictions etc?
Natalie Portman in Leon The Professional also fits
Momo ,You’re thinking of that movie , Beautiful Girls where she played a 13 year old neighbor for Timothy Hutton’s character as a thirty something man obsessed with her . It was a creepy weird plot and the explanations by reviewers and other insiders suggested it was meant as a friend ship love but we knew better .
I thought Brooke Shields too.
Drew has been acting since she was five, so three decades doesn’t work.
PS a tween does not “allow.” Get your writing straight. Her parent allowed and she was raped.
I vote Natalie Portman.
That pedo movie with Natalie Portman was completely fucked-up.
Dark and Stormy...I can see the kiss being sexualized, since part of Claudia's issues were that she was made so young. She would never grow into womanhood. She was en eternal child and demanded to know who made her. It was Pitt's character, Louie who actually made Claudia, in trying to save her.
This was a confession moment and the kiss was part of it.
Brooke Shields has been around since the 1970s...that's 4+ decades...this is not her.
There's always Jodi but I think she rates higher than A-
I had guys in high school and college obsessed with me because I looked like her. No shit. Talk about scary. Can't imagine being her. That I did it for Jody stuff was really creepy. PS I don't look like her now. She has a pointy nose.
Luc Besson - The Professional - was a big-time pal/houseguest of Epstein's and there's a notepad where he mentions sending 2 x 8 girls to him as a gift. I don't know if that means 2 eight year olds or sixteen year old girl(s), but either way, it's fucked up.
Wrong Luc. That’s Jean Luc Brunel
I like "The Professional" guess. Controversy at the time because of how her costumes were & her chracter 'got a crush' on the hitman.
But there've been more than a few 12 year old girl + middle aged man movie plots.
I think I am done reading your site,and clicking on your ads, Enty, because of how you wrote this blind. No tween actor of any gender ALLOWS grown men, and influential authority figures in their industry to boot, to "do things to them". I have enjoyed this site a lot...for years it has been the only gossip site I visit...but I draw the line at blaming a tween for her own sexual assault. Goodbye, Enty.
I'll go with the Portman guess. She was asking for it that entire film, so she was probably getting it when the cameras were off.
This is the umpteenth made-up blind item published here to take every inch of advantage of the Epstein scandal, and allude to a generalized pro-pedophilia agenda in Hollywood. That's what the readers want to believe and Enty delivers to that crowd.
20Cents you make a decent point but it's not uncommon to state things that way. The world is only starting to be aware of things like choice of language regarding abuse.
Angela, what do readers want to believe? That Hollywood is pro pedo?
Is brad a pedo too?
Samantha, you really haven't noticed it? That's been the bread and butter of this site for two or three years. Hollyweird is a place full of degenerates who want to have sex with minors and make it legal, or mothers who force their kids to be raised as trans to be part of some weird club. This makes basically every person in the entertainment industry part of a widespread agenda to hurt America's moral values that's sort of a conspiracy.
This is basically an update for the new millennium of the campaigns from the 1920s and the 1930s against Hollywood, which were actually racially and religiously motivated, as Christian (and mostly Catholic) lobbies regarded films produced by major studios, which had almost all been founded by Jewish immigrants, as vehicles made to destroy morality. This resulted in a few overhyped scandals, including the Fatty Arbuckle case that tried to depict Hollywood as a place where orgies and blasphemy would happen everyday.
What's really striking in the current crop of blinds published by Enty (but they're somewhat effective) is that now almost everything revolves over child molestation and pedophilia. And the readers are happy to buy it, because the next time some celebrity voices a liberal opinion over any issue, they'll dismiss the celebrity as some sicko who should be in jail for what they did to children.
What about Haigle and Deparduie? Really sorry for the spelling!
Angela is 100% accurate.
Samantha, Enty started out well.. fairly truthful... And absolutely benign, simple, fun. He had old Hollywood blinds, some basic cheating blinds, some juicy gay and lesbian blinds... All of it run of the mill silly gossip. It seemed as though he was certainly in the know and had an inside scoop-
In other words, totally believable.
Then a couple years ago, it took a very sinister turn. So we all believed it because they were written by the same person(s) who has been giving us the (silly/benign) scoop for years- much like the sicko groomers that some of these blinds speak of. Brainwashing, innit?
But now it's gone off the rails and you can see by blinds like this (and the one yesterday where he named the victim but NOT the abuser) that he's willing to say absolutely anything, at the cost of anything, for a dollar.
He's a sellout. And morally corrupt, which is why he's even able to think these up.
Do ped0philes and satanism and dark forces exist? Absolutely. But does Enty have the inside scoop?
What about Winona Ryder (born 10/29/1971) in Heathers (March 1989) with Christian Slater or Winoba in 1989's Great Balls of Fire with Dennis Quaid and Alec Baldwin?
+1my first thought.
My guess Winona Great Balls of Fire
How about Rosario Dawson or Chloe Sevigny for the 11995 movie "Kids"?
Brooke Shields? But she has had a career for longer...
my uncle RG showed myself and my brother porn when we were minors
my uncle KF is a convicted pedo
Some actresses are taking a blind eye because they have to justify what happened to them as children/young adults. They've buried the rage, the shame and the misplaced guilt.
Same thing happens with incest and religious-based molestation.
If you acknowledge it, it happened.
With all of the commenters on here always up in arms about how much they hate pedos, it blows my mind that all of you say NOTHING about the disgusting individual who constantly makes abhorrent and very disturbing comments about young victims. Today he’s saying Natalie was “asking for it.” You have a pedo in your midst and most of you routinely tell him how funny he is, when he’s actually revolting. I really wish Enty would delete his vile comments. I don’t give a fuck how “popular” someone is; if they make nauseating statements about young kids deserving to get raped, they shouldn’t be allowed on this site.
Inb4 he or anyone else makes an excuse for this cretin, saying he is joking. Child abuse isn’t funny. Rape isn’t funny. Damaging a child and setting their life on a fucked up path isn’t funny.
This crowd reminds me of Hollywood. Everyone knew what Weinstein was up to, but nobody said a thing. “That’s just how he is,” they’d say. Same thing going on in here. I’ve screenshot every comment I’ve seen him make in here, calling children perverted whores who ask for it. Or who deserved what they got. ANYONE who finds humor in that shit is severely disturbed. Would you think it was funny if it was your child he said deserves to be raped, beaten, etc?
Came here to say that too.
What she "allowed" them to do. Tsss, like a t(w)een would be able to make that decision
Agreed,she was always out of her mind loaded with whatever they gave her. She even admitted at some point she doesn't remember most of her teenage years because of drug and alcohol no abuse. Since she was so young when she started her career, then this fits her perfectly.
But, the only A lister is Drew
*stupid keyboard.
Freebird, although I agree with everything you've said...
It's a mute point. The people here don't care to make changes, they care to be accepted. Going up against them will get you nowhere. Personally, I don't care and so do it all the time. But many do care (just as in real life)and they'll never stand up for what's right and good. They'd rather sit and be accepted into the fold.
It is revolting, isn't it?
Rosie, and Bird, what do you mean.
Rosie you're supporting Bird, who unleashed a vicious spit-flying tirade directly at me the other day, claiming I interrupted him, when in fact he'd burst into that particular Markle blind, calling attention to himself by mocking someone I was conversing with, posting 15-20 or so 'crying laughing' emoji, when in fact he hadn't even understood her point. (Barging in without reading the thread will do that to ya.)
He then proceeded to call us all crazies, while asking what the thread was about. So I stood up for the person he attacked, and pointed out that he might not get anyone to take the time to explain the thread to him since he'd called us all crazies at the same time.
Someone did explain the topic, which was apparently taken as a + 1 by Bird, who then flew at me in a rage. First he shut down the person who I'd been conversing with, then he tried to derail the thread. Then he really let fly at me, when in fact he'd been the one who had barged in and been rude from the very beginning.
Now he is in here claiming no one ever stands up to people who make fun of abuse victims, when I stand up to them all the time.
And you're + one ing him. *shrug*
About Enty, so you're saying negative things about him fairly often. What I don't get is - if people don't enjoy the site, why go here? Even to lurk?
Count Jerkula not only makes me laugh, he makes me cum. Hoo Doggies the Nat is one hot mess when she does that Madonna/Marilyn shtick in Leon. I've never seen the whole movie because I pass out after that scene. Wowzers!
12 year old Natalie Portman in The Professional.
You were probably a notorious lap wiggler when you were a tween.
Clearly it is shark week at the Freebird residence.
Ya know paul sorvino's character was gonna keep her on the hook with dribbles of that guys money until there was enough grass on the field to play.
As a long time reader here but often too afraid to post because of creeps like jerkula, I have to agree 100% with freebird. Natalie Portman is a strong and courageous woman and if she was choosing to do sex acts off camera at that time that is her business!
Which makes you more afraid, the quickness or sharpness of my wit?
Natalie Portman is strong and courageous when it suits her. Then she decided to be a victim of Moby,for instance. At the time, everyone thought they were a couple. Now he was a creepy old guy taking advantage of her teen self. Ditto her affair with Penn. She doesn't rally against Hollywood for casting her as a Lolita type. Count isn't the problem. You get him or not. The people you need to worry about are the ones who pretend this stuff isn't happening. The reaction @Count gave was what the director intended. Proving the blind to be somewhat correct.
Guesser, you better be careful. if you keep making rational, well thought out posts, people will start calling for you to be banned.
This is gutting, yet an honest look at they way things really are/were. Gossip with rose-colored glasses is called PR. My guesses for a current A-list actress who was pre-teen in late eighties/early nineties ... Christina Ricci, Thora Birch, Anna Paquin
Is this supposed to be a menses reference? You are a complete pig. If freebird is getting a visit from Aunt Flow it doesn’t make her any less rational. If she is overreacting while having cramps that is also her prerogative as a woman! Creep!
No one thought Portman and Moby were an item.
Women might giggle or play along when cornered because they're creeped out and unsure of how to react. That's basically what Portman says she felt at the time.
I liked some of Moby's music but other than that, what I recall is, his main press items or gossip items revolved around his vegan activism and the rumor he has a permanent STD (allegedly.)
Not the type of 'catch' a young, smart, talented, beautiful woman goes after.
Thora Birch's dad wouldnt share her w/ producers or directors.
@Samantha the 1st, at the time the gossip came out about Moby and Portman,the public believed it. They have a lot of common interests,especially the veganism,and she was a fan. Apart from the age difference no one had a problem with it. She was considered mature enough to date someone older,and super smart as well. Moby didn't earn his creep reputation yet. He obviously took the relationship more seriously. She was busted making out with known married creep Sean Penn. She claimed she thought he split with Robin,but hey,he is still Sean Penn! @Count,thanks,but I will still call you out on the period jokes.
@slower: I hope she drowns you with a heavy flow.
Reese Witherspoon in Freeway with Keifer Sutherland 1996
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