Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Banned

If you ever go see a show starring this A- list singer from an A- list group who has at least one sibling in the group, follow him back to his hotel afterwards. The chances are good that he will be staying in a hotel you have never heard of. It will be independent. Often times, he will be forced to stay in one hotel, while the rest of the group and crew stay somewhere else. The reason is that our singer has been banned from most of the largest hotel chains in the world. He can try and sneak in if someone else has reserved a room, but that only works in out of the way places. The larger cities have security software that will recognize his face in a public area and will kick him out. Too many times he has tried to force himself on hotel housekeepers or offering them money for sex. He has walked around naked when they come into his room to clean it. There are dozens of complaints. Each time he would get banned from one chain, he would move on to the next and repeat the same behavior. For some reason, the hotel chains have wanted to keep this quiet and heave dealt with it internally as far as their own staff go and just providing trespass notices to our singer.


  1. Kings of Leon/The followill bros

  2. Good Charlotte still playing?? Think it’s Leto

  3. Its probably Leto but Good Charlotte is still making music

  4. If it was Leto, Enty would probably mention that he's an actor & Oscar winner/nominee, too.

  5. I was thinking Kings of Leon as well.

  6. Anonymous10:33 AM

    When I started reading I thought this was about Oasis - are we ever going to talk about their alleged former incestuous relationship, Enty?

  7. ew no say it ain't so rosemary

  8. @rosemary Whaaaaaaaaa ....????

  9. That would totally explain their hatred of each other.

  10. Is Shannon Leto considered a singer?
    20 years ago this would be Liam Gallagher.

  11. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Oh, yes.... just google it. There are many strange facts and even pictures like this one:

    1. Nothing remotely accurate about any of that. Hang around those boys and you’ll see how they genuinely dislike each other-it’s sibling rivalry. And genuinely like women. A lot.
      If anything ,Liam is total douche and Noel doesn’t tolerate it ....I can’t think of a less likely duo regarding the subject,actually

    2. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Humm I can see you didn’t do your research. Like I said, there’s plenty of speculation and proof out there. Noel broke things off w Liam, which is why he’s angry til this day. Do you have another explanation for why Noel named his daughter after an author who was famous for writing incest romances and erotica, Tricia?
      Oh and please, since when do people like their exes? Now imagine a fraternal romance, can you imagine the amount of abuse these 2 went through in order to fall in love with each other? Their father abused them verbally, emotionally and physically, and both have openly talked about it. I don’t doubt they were sexually abused as well, specially knowing where they’re from.... seems to me Noel broke things off to build a family, or figured out the relationship was not healthy. How can 2 siblings who were so close and protected each other from domestic abuse now have only hate for one another? Do you really think it’s because of a couple of songs? How many pictures do you have making out with your sibling, Trish?

    3. @rosemary well there’s a lot of reasons siblings who work together, tour together, find fame together, and have a business together can have a major falling out and hate each other. Sibling rivalries are as old as time. Sibling jealousy is some of the strongest jealousy one can feel. Hate is very closely related to love and band members notoriously fight and fall out all the time. I grew up in an abusive family and my sisters and I were close and protected each other but also fought like crazy and grew to have some awful relationships. There’s a lot of love but there’s a lot of complicated emotions and a lot of screwed up dynamics that happen in abusive households. You have no idea if you think the only reason for their falling out could possibly be invest. That’s one of the most absurd things I’ve ever heard. People who grow up in abusive households naturally have trouble with conflict resolution because they were never taught healthy ways of dealing with it so they will often go from being best of friends with their siblings to worst of enemies. It’s all they know and the only thing they’ve ever seen. They don’t know how to fight in a healthy way and resolve issues without burning things to the ground. It’s something they need to learn on their own as they grow older. Some never learn it. I was fortunate enough to get counseling at a young age, some of my sisters never did. I still struggle with some of them.

    4. Well said @unknown

    5. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Except I didn’t say the suspicions of incest came from the abuse, but their extended history of displaying inappropriate behavior towards each other. You should try reading what I said again to avoid confusion.

    6. @rosemary You specifically said “How can 2 siblings who were so close and protected each other from from domestic abuse now have only hate for one another?” You said that could only be caused by a romantic relationship gone sour, which is absurd. Sibling relationships have just as much if not more potential for hurt feelings, jealousy, and anger as romantic ones. I just told you how they can and I explained the dynamics of siblings and abusive households.

      I would also argue they never had a completely conflict free relationship, they always fought and argued, they were notorious for it. Being close doesn’t mean they never fought or had animosity between them.

      I would also argue that they don’t truly hate each other. I think they still love each other very much and if something happened to one of them it would crush the other deeply. I just think they dislike each other in a way only siblings can. I don’t think for a second they have “only hate for one another.” They have so much more but it comes out as anger, jealousy, and hate. It’s really two brothers who love each other very much and have hurt each other but don’t know how to fix it because they aren’t healthy individuals. The affection and jokes are not proof of anything more than them being affectionate and telling jokes.

  12. Probably Kings of Leon singer,Leto probably just pays people off. Everyone would recognize him.

  13. Jared I heard he’s packing

  14. The Black Crowes, Chris Robinson? (Brother Rich is in band

  15. I really want this revealed. I am guessing Black Crows. Are the Followill bros Alist? I didn't even know Leto had a sibling in the band, and I don't think 30 sec to Mars is A list either.

  16. What's it gonna take for you to pass on hot groupies for a housefrau? Booze and cocaine. Alkie Eddie Van Halen for the win.

    Only other one I can think of is Donny Osmond. Poor guy desperate for his first BJ, since his wife don't dole em out.

  17. Tricia...could be a case of hate fucking ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    1. I don’t think so. Trust me...:)
      Though that does exist for sure 😉

    2. Anonymous9:15 PM

      They once loved each other, the hatred only started after Noel got married according to Liam himself. Just look at the lyrics for God Think I’m Abel, which Liam said it’s about their relationship, or for My Sister Lover, which Noel made for his brother. Or watch the doc Supersonic. Or how they compared their relationship to a bf/gf one throughout their careers in multiple interviews, openly talking about kissing and “joking” about making love. The proof is in the pudding!

    3. Respectfully, I knew them both a bit. Noel better. Spent time during the Heathen Chemistry tour and they did not even party together-seperate after gig hanging out etc:things were already toxic(around 2001 ish) and Noel was not yet married to Sarah. He was in fact coming to the end of things with Meg Matthews(whom he never married),just had a daughter Anais with. Their relationship is certainly complex, but not like that. Any cheeky comments they make are meant for shock value(notice they come from Liam). I also had to pull him off my sister on a bathroom at the after party (something she hated me for then,but thanks me for now).

    4. Don’t need to “research” when I’ve been up close and personal.

  18. friend of mine went home w/ Jared Leto - can confirm he's packing

    1. Did she confirm he "hurts like Satan"?

    2. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Oh god, I forgot about “hurts like Satan.”

  19. @JTO130, the Robinson brothers still hate each other I think? Jared's brother Shannon has been in the band forever. I don't doubt his bad behavior,but his acting would probably be mentioned, and his fame protects him as well.

    1. I don’t know if they still hate each other,but they probably aren’t Still A list-(The Black Crowe’s), though I did love me some..❤️

  20. Oh, @Count, thanks for that! I remember you and others would use that quote when Leto was a guess!

  21. "has at least one sibling in the band" does make you think there's more than that. Agree, I need this revealed.

  22. A Jonas brother.

  23. EWW! Rosemary that picture made me laugh, and be grossed out at the same time. I swear, there was some tongue action.


    30 Seconds to Mars

    Take your pick

    1. What’s The King of Leon’s,then? They just sold out an arena in LA and have 3 bros in the band?

    2. Oasis is also no longer together . Been about 15 years or so

  25. What a ridiculous assumption. I won't even waste my time going into it but I knew Liam and knew people that grew up with him (I'm a fair bit younger) and taking their banter as 'proof' of incest is just stupid.
    Liam is a bit of a dick, though. Never knew Noel, can't comment on him.



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