Monday, August 19, 2019

Your Turn

Do you think anyone else will be arrested in the Epstein case or was he it?


MyDogSmiles said...

We're at the tip of the iceberg.

Super Comic Fun Time! said...

There should be a lot of arrests. I think they'll get some lower level people for sure if they haven't already.

Gollum's Wing Man said...

Lower tier maybe. Not the rich.

sandybrook said...

Ghislane Maxwell

Anonymous said...

I don't expect many top level arrests but there will be a few more bottom dwellers maybe a midlevel or two. Please surprise me and draw up criminal charges against PA. Now that would make my day.

TeeHee@U said...

Maybe the madame?

Although I wish it wasn't so, I think he is it. Anyone else who is worried should/ is heading to non extradition countries and they all have the means to do it. So unfair. However, Bill and Hillary were of course seen partying it up with the Iranians (shocker) in the Hamptons with other celebrities this weekend.

Thia said...

Two separate questions.

1. Is this the tip of the iceberg and that are tons of people to arrest? Yes.
2. Will anyone be arrested but a few low level people? Nope.

Rosie riveter said...

That dirty bitch Ghislaine, may she burn in hell for the crimes she's committed against her own

Harlita said...

I’d love Randy Andy to be arrested, but that’s never going to happen.

J said...

No one powerful. None of the Clintons' friends or Trump's friends -- who are the same people.

MDAnderson said...

I hope Jean luc Brunel gets arrested with Ghislaine

Pissoff said...

Only Minions

Mooney said...

All of them play the game will be arrested. Nobody gets a free pass.

Sarton Bander said...

lex wexner hopefully.

cheesegrater15 said...

Ghislaine will be found dead, but that's about it. Fifty bucks says she doesn't see Christmas.

Roxanne said...

Naw. Deals will be made. Nobody we ever heard of will be prosecuted. IF anybody is. Now that they managed to permanently shut up JE

EntyFanTruth said...

I am trying to understand how maxwell, the co-conspirators, etc are not all in custody now.

This shows how an out of control too big to manage government fails the people and protects those at the top.

shakey said...

I don't see anyone else being arrested for this despite the fact that everyone knows his clients should pay for their sins.

I imagine the guards on duty while he was killed will be admonished or lose their jobs then that will be it. Everything swept under the proverbial rug, and Ghislaine will quietly wash up on shore timed to coincide with some large event to take everyone's attention away, no inquest, nothing.

And the pedophiles will keep on pedding.

EntyFanTruth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thorne said...

Ghislaine maybe, but rich Eurotrash usually skates

EntyFanTruth said...

It is as if these alerts on people, locations are a wink wink heads up to those searching to quiet them by any means necessary.

The same is true for the Nyc raid. His main residence was the island. Here is a crazy idea - indict all under the Mann Act, raid all properties at once, use a forceful bluff if you have to to get others, including prison officials to give in.

This is an attempt like others to hope other news comes about and this one goes away. We can not allow this to happen.

Coffee Bean said...

It can only happen if the majority of the voting public understand the power of Pedo-blackmail and violent extortion.
The only two coins that purchase Congress and Federal/State government.

Houdini said...

The next Supreme Court justice nominee will have Epstein blackmail pictures suddenly appear.

Anonymous said...

It hurts to say it but he was it. They got away with it again. Pedos rule the world.

Do Tell said...

Probably more arrests, but not of household known names like Clinton or Prince Andrew. They will be relative unknowns, I think.

Mrs Libnish said...

It may be time for vigilante justice...just sayin...

Its just me said...

And Rachel Chandler

Sd Auntie said...

+10000 MD

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be offended if MI-6 or preferably Mossad came in and cleaned up this little mess. Save taxpayers money and rid the planet of these vile creatures.

EntyFanTruth said...

One can only hope with the daily mail and others finding a lot of photos with Prince Andrew and Jeffrey epstein that Prince Andrew ends up throwing others under the bus to save himself. He seems to be the child who may do just that!

Nicole said...

Les Wexner had a $1++ million car in the Pebble Beach Concurs d'Elegance yesterday. One of the top 10 cars in this very elite show. Usually, the owners drive the car to get their ribbons. Wexler had some flak drive his car.

Me Again said...

We can only hope that the answer is yes. Especially if they have photographic proof that encounters happened.

DavidHowesCREBroker said...

I hope they arrest, indict, convict and sentence ALL of them!
Left or Right!
Rich or Poor.
All need to go to jail!

Fifi LaRue said...

No, orange cheetoh and Bill are going to walk.
Prince Andrew will be in hiding with his mommy.

Carole9073 said...


molly said...

Queen has put out a statement that her Andrew is innocent. We knew she was out of touch but.......................

CJ said...

No arrests and Ghislaine is found dead of a drug overdose.

IThinkTFNot said...

Others may follow but he’s the warning for all of them.

LittleSisArsinoe said...

All who took part are, as PA said today, abhorrent. I wish they would all fry. GM may take the blame, if she can be found. Maybe the power players think they'll throw us a bone. She's expendable.

Blackbird said...

After reading a couple of comments on Tricia's Twitter feed (hi, Tricia!), I am hoping that several high profile people get arrested and serve time! But we all know that rarely happens ...

Simon said...

I dunno Barr seemed pretty determined but I won’t hold my breath on anyone powerful

newmy51 said...

Not only do I bet no one high level ever fries, I bet epstein was replaced months to years ago as to go to guy

Anonymous said...

There will be more.... But this is massive and complex.
The people must demand action.
There are 89,000 people in the national missing persons database. That's just one database.
Young people who walk a few blocks to their dormitory, and are never seen again.
Young people who go to the men's or ladies room of a restaurant, and are never seen again.
I know one of these young people. It is tragic. We may never have answers.
It needs to STOP.
The people must speak up.

LittleSisArsinoe said...

@Daryl...I am so sorry this has happened to someone you know. I have a daughter entering 11th grade and think about this a lot. She's fairly "street smart" but these days, that doesn't mean anything. Anyone can be grabbed easily and people will film it on their phones, but do nothing to help.

Mahogany1 said...

No someone else will die and several lives will be seriously disrupted. I'm wondering how long some of the others in the blinds have actually. Disney just started a streaming service so there won't be an end to their terror at all.

Aquagirl said...

@littlesis: Are you actually defending PA?

Jeff said...

Nope. E'ps death was intended to preclude further disclosure. We are at the end of it. No further justice.

Marie Günduüz said...

I'm going with no on this.

Not even the guards at the prison will be arrested.

IF someone is arrested it will be someone low.

I think that many of the victims who are speaking up are going to be threaten into silence or killed...I mean "suicided" Like Epstein.

Rich people don't like jail.

The Dupont Heir raped a 3 year old child and didn't get any jail time.

So nope. Prince Andrew, Trump, Clinton, and any other person connected to this will be allowed to continue to (allegedly) rape children.

This is why I call BS when people are like "we care about the kids" or women are like "we women should care for one another". When it comes to cash and social class, all that caring goes out the window and both men and women are swapping sex slaves of all ages and gender like it is Sunday morning biscuits.

justme again said...

A buddy of mine said once this is 'over', they won't be able to walk down the street anymore. I'm okay with that.
What I don't get, is how the victims feel robbed. No vindication. No justice. I had a problem similar when I was young. I would have given anything to have the guy die before I had to sit in a courtroom and face him, tell everyone what he did to me. I think they have the ultimate justice, but icky people told them money makes heartache fade.
Not true, btw.

Unknown said...

Interesting. I'm sure he's laying low. If Epstein robbed him in '07, why come out with it now? Epstein obviously had blackmail fodder on him.

Marisa said...

I am a pessimist at heart so I think it's going to be like Weinstein. The sacrificial fattie lamb.
The powerful people will clutch their designer pearls & say how disgusted they are to learn of such dastardly deeds.
They will pick a color for ribbons & pins to represent how they are "with" the victims. They will go to award shows & tell the victims to stay strong & fake cry on stage.
3 days later(probably less), they will be back on their private planes headed to their private islands & board their Yachts. splash some water on their faces and then do a few interviews about how we all need to set our air conditioning to 82 degrees, replace eating meat with eating bugs & install composting toilets because we, the little people, are destroying the environment.
After, they will tell Paco to moisturize them & rub their feet.
While that is happening, They will be planning their upcoming party celebrating how rich & fabulous they & their kind are.
They'll be on the phone ordering the next batch of "fresh faces" to work the party. They must be under 15! It's art. you wouldn't understand.

What I want to happen won't ever happen. That would be all the scumbag abusers get locked up. I also want the PR people, the MSM people, ANYONE who enabled these crimes, who defended these scumbags & the ones who bullied, smeared the name of the victims, all of them to get the same fucking punishment as the criminals.
Oh, and the cunts who lie about getting abused just to cash in on this situation can rot too.
If someone wants immunity for giving valuable information THAT IS USED TO CONVICT OTHERS, fine. HOWEVER, that shit should NOT be sealed. NAME & FUCKING SHAME.
That's what I'd like to see happen. BURN IT THE FUCK DOWN

On a side note, I just gotta say that Daily Mail has been on their A game with Epstein. They are the ones posting all the new info, they actually follow up on leads AND after verifying the info, WILL post it.
Woo. Sorry for the novel. I feel kinda strongly about this lol

Ponzi said...

Can anyone help me find Enty's blind about Brunel trafficking three little girls through France as a gift to Epstein? It has reached the news now..

I hope they will ALL go down, but I fear that only the little fish will be caught - Maxwell, Brunel, Epstein's assistants/procurers etc.


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