Thursday, August 22, 2019

Blind Item #3

You just know these members of the royal family leaked how much their cheap airline tickets cost just as big shove in the face to the alliterate former actress turned royal. 


  1. Dumb blind. Not a blind.

  2. Prince William teaching Meghan a lesson

  3. Your daily Markle blind. Don't understand the obsession with her

  4. War in the ranks. Art of War says allow the enemy to destroy themselves. i.e. Queen says Andrew is innocent.She fired that shot into her foot.

  5. Well played, William.

  6. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Didn’t Elton John say he paid for those flights? Ugh w/e why do I even care....

    1. Accepting gifts is a no no. Plus Meghie may have to pay US taxes on it.

  7. Between jetting around, eating all the food, and untold methane release, this cow is a one-woman apocalypse.

    Good choice, half-prince.

  8. They didn't "leak" anything, they were papped getting off a budget airline

    And I doubt it's a jab at MM, more a PR stunt from their people who want them to look good

  9. Headlines in the DM no less! How sad that it took the antics of the Sussex family and there trips (I don't care that Elton paid for one trip) to bring this about.
    It is the appearances of the eco warrior couple "do as I say, not as I do" that are costing the Royal Family in publicity.

  10. If I were a British tax payer I would smile benevolently on news of Prince William's and Kate's 79 pound commercial flights to Balmoral. It might make Prince Harry and Harry's wife ponder life with William as Prince of Wales controlling the Royal purse strings, once Prince Charles is King.
    Agreed Simon, well played William.

  11. So only 2 kids, to save the planet?

    Why any? It's not as if the unable children of those two imbeciles are what the world needs.

    1. It gives many of us here great joy knowing you believe this way. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for not passing your hatred on.
      You've done a good thing

  12. Shame it's all gone to shit betweek those boys. A few years ago they were working happily together (Kate included) on shows for dealing with mental health problems, and helping do up properties for ex-service personnel. They were making a real difference to ordinarily folk. Now they can (allegedly) hardly bare to be in one another's company. For shame, Young Royals, for shame.

  13. 'Betweek' is cool-person speak for between...

  14. Droopy, the legitimacy question was always going to divide them, just like Edgar and Edmund in King Lear. Diana screwed the pooch. Well, not literally - as far as I know.

    1. Gah! I never heard that rumour about Di before, @J :)

  15. It's a PR stunt for the royals as a whole. Hardly a jab at Megs and Harry.

  16. Rosie, don't fixate on me. Get a life. Pay attention to your neglected kid. Stop roofying people.

    Or, to suggest a real stretch, read a book.

  17. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Isn't it kind of stupid for the future King of England to be taking a cheap flight for a few hundred miles? That's even a dumber stunt than Dame Elton flying the Yacht Girl around Europe.

  18. It would be fascinating to know the security arrangements for when the entire Cambridge family flies together - if, in fact, they do all fly together.

    Military pilot in the cockpit? At least as co-pilot?

    I don't think they're going to trust the lives of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th in line to the throne with some fool who just got out of flight school.

  19. They're crazy if they think a big shove in the face will intimidate her.

    How many of those did she receive in her yachting days?

  20. They certainly were escorted off the plane before eveyone else. What a dumb and obvious stunt. I thought the Cambridges were better than that.

  21. Ha ha! The best PR stunts are the simplest ones. Occams Razor and all.

    I don't think this stunt was directed entirely at the Sussexes. It was for the public, trying to show that there are some Royals who are not out of touch with public opinion.

  22. Droopy you must have. Google James Hewitt, especially when he was Harry's age. Diana and James both admitted to the affair (in tv interviews), the arguments were about the timing. Charles had Camilla but James was the first of many for Diana.

    1. @Goodau I meant I hadn't heard rumours about Lady Di and a pooch!

  23. Diana flew commercial with the two boys. My fellow Flight attendant friend had them on her flight. Diana was very friendly and had the boys say please and thank you.

  24. I think Harry flew commercial as recently as his Rome trip to play polo, shortly after Archificial's birth in May.

    It's Meg who doesn't want to fly on a yucky plane with other people.

  25. That must have been before Harry started dressing as a nazi.

  26. @Goodau Diana didn't know James Hewitt when she had Harry. Google Harry's "second father", Mark Dyer.

  27. Will and Kate routinely fly commercial. That’s the point the future King and Queen Consort can fly commercial, but the 6th in line and his fame thirsty why can’t. But they can lecture all of us on how to live our lives.

  28. Every year since having a family, Kate and Wills have flown a commercial flight with their kiddos to Scotland, they do it unobtrusively, and with no fanfare. The tea here is really how the $u$$ex apparently have not received their invite to join HMTQ at Balmoral.

  29. Between Lori Loughlin nd this bitch the Enterns can use their new word "alliterative" everyday or even 2 or 3 times a day. I think these twats have OCD.

    1. @sandybrook Vince Vaughn, Amy Adams and the ghost of Lily Langtree must be crapping themselves over who's next.

  30. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Even more Marie Antoinette like is a second DM article quoting MM that she doesn't care what people think about her use of private jets. She is ignoring all that noise and going on with her life. Which of course only incenses people who already hate her. I see the quiet hand of the BRF's PR staff in that second article.

  31. It looked stupid & staged, and I'm surprised Kate didn't wear a recycled outfit just for the trip.

  32. I doff my cap to Alpha Wills. Well played Sir!

  33. @Nutty: The first level of security is that all 5 of them should never fly on the same plane. They used to, but idk if they do anymore.

  34. @Aquagirl that is bothering me too. Two future kings, a princess and a prince on the same plane? Can you imagine..?

  35. Anonymous12:57 PM

    @Aquagirl et al what I can't imagine is Harry on the throne. William needs to rethink taking flights with his entire family because I put nothing past Meghan and her ambitions.

  36. @Scarlet: No! And I think I read at one point that it’s against protocol. My brother and his wife have 3 kids and they always split up and take two planes. And they’re definitely not in line for the throne.

  37. @Ann: Meghan’s sugars comment quite often on line about the whole Cambridge family being taken out so that Megsy can be their Queen. There are crazy people in the world and William definitely needs to take necessary precautions.

  38. Anonymous1:05 PM

    @Aquagirl that's exactly what I was thinking about when I wrote my comment. MM doesn't shut those crazies down. You can read "Queen Meghan" comments everywhere. I wouldn't put anything past MM's flying monkeys. The Cambridges need to modify their travel plans for a few years.

  39. I can easily picture them all in the same tumbrel.

  40. I wholeheartedly agree anyone who is still a fan of MegAntoinette suffers from severe mental deficits; so yeah, wouldn't put anything past those nutcases.

  41. lol @J you’re terrible :)

  42. alliterate former actress turned royal

    who could that be ?

  43. You're Royalty and you are riding coach? This does not impress me, it irks because you are pretending. I'm tired of the Markle blinds who cares she's acting like a princess a d she's an alleged yatcher. Prince Andrew, Fergie and the whole bloody lot are full of it.

  44. What's puzzling to me is that Elton John only had them as guests for one night, two days. That's not much of a vacation. Sounds tiring, and not particularly hospitable. Perhaps Meghan was shopping for another surrogate, one that would actually produce a child, instead of that dummy she carts around. John and Furnish have had two successful surrogate situations. But, then, EJ has the same amount of money as God.

  45. Nothing was leaked; the video of them leaving the plane was taken by an airport employee and sold to the Tabloids, anonymously of course or they would get the sack. As it was a commercial flight the cost is easily found online. Apart from the fact they fly on commercial every year to Scotland.

    Do I think it was a slap in the face to the Sussex eco-warriors........of course. If the video did not exist and passengers weren’t tweeting they were on the plane then I’m sure it would have been leaked but no leaking was required.....beautifully done Cambridges.

    @Nutty........the royals travel commercial regularly on internal flights and sometimes internationally, you just don’t hear about it, nobody cares that much what the Kents/Gloucesters/wessex's/Anne's travel arrangements are. They use false names on the passenger list and just turn up , only the airport management (or the foreign country) is notified in advance so they can add a few extra security personnel to the area.

    The UK is not the US , everyone in the UK including the Royals except for the newest one, thinks all the security palaver with US Presidents and foreign heads of state , politicians and celebs is ridiculous. Harry and Meghan took a commercial flight to the South of France last summer and no one died that I know of. Harry went to polo match in Italy a few months ago on commercial. Charles has flown to Greece and Romania on commercial, Camilla does it all the time.

    The only requirement is that they have several protection officers with them (armed) and that the Queen/Charles or Charles/William do not fly on the same plane. They always sit at the front, last on first off. Usually one of the security officers gets on well in advance ,just like a regular passenger to fool any aggressor, and stays anonymous throughout the flight (casing the joint as it were), no special pilots or military personnel are used, their protection is the sole responsibility of the Met Police (MI5) on occasion they may request an MI6 officer or two on foreign trips.

  46. Harry looks EXACTLY like Prince Philip looked at his age.

  47. Thanks, Emerald City, for that detailed information.

    It sounds to me like the royals are a bit complacent about their security, perhaps since there has been no clear assassination attempt since Mountbatten.

    But it only takes one or two crazies to change that.

    An RPO in seat 6C isn’t going to help much if there is something wrong with the pilot or the equipment. All they can do is hold back a drunk or bothersome fellow passenger.


  49. Anonymous7:58 AM

    @Unknown I think you misread the article. The airplane was flown empty for 123 miles to pick up the Cambridge family. It had a full cabin of passengers to Scotland. The article quotes some of the people on the flight with them.



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