Monday, August 26, 2019

Blind Item #6

This foreign born permanent A list model/cell phone thrower thinks she is going to lose jobs because she was neck deep with the pedophile. So far, no one seems to care, but she is freaked out anyway. I wonder how often she was a third like the Madam.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yep. She has a crazy island too

  3. Everybody and their grandma knows she's a Madame

  4. Naomi Campbell's island is called Cleopatra Island and it has a giant Eye of Horus. You cant make this shit up. They are flaunting their sick stuff in plain sight.

  5. Naomi. Just like no one in Hollywood cared that Oprah and Meryl Streep acted as procurer for Weinstein. "He is really nice and will do wonders or your career. Just go talk to him in his room privately for a bit about "your career." Horrible people. I don't doubt for a second that Naomi knew that some o those girls were underage. You can tell just from the photos.

    1. Hey not much phases a woman who had been pulverized by Putin in exchange for money. She is,and has always been, a hooker at heart.

    2. right Tricia. even so, i think she has been beaten many times. no excuse for being a madam.

  6. She’s just now worried

  7. SO what was her role then? I hope someone spills the dirt on her, for someone who seemed to be close to Epstein, she must be into some bad stuff. :(

  8. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Has someone else noticed how every time this bitch gets caught breaking the law she manages to bring Nelson Mandela up into her shit? When she’s caught trafficking blood diamonds, bullying other black models, hitting people who work for her... yeah Naomi I’m sure Mandela would be very proud of you benefiting from slavery in Africa and forcing girls into prostitution....

    1. Except apparently Nelson's wife Winnie us no angel. Dig into that rabbit hole.

  9. TeeHee@U......somebody cared in hollywood. Don't know his name but he stood up at an academy awards ceremony and said Meryl , you know what you did to get where you are. ...I feel like a lot of people went along with the program and had regrets....and they felt validated by that brave brave man.

  10. Throwing phones is elegant.

  11. @J,
    Reading your comment sent me into a whole daydream.. picturing dramatic Naomi, all glossy haired and fiercely dressed, drifting a phone "elegantly" upside some poor helper's head. LOL

  12. she's half bald. Thank God for wigs

  13. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I watched part of an interview with Naomi really tying hard to do some damage control. Of course she knew nothing...nothing about Epstein and was just as shocked and appalled by it as the rest of us were. She's also finally starting to look "off" like she's over-fillered.

  14. Ha! It's funny hear that Campbell is sweating a bit, she's a bitch.

  15. Given her behavior over the years and how she's treated people, if she hasn't been blacklisted by now she never will be.

  16. Not only is Naomi a shameless whore b*tch by heart, she just straight up CAN not care about any of this sh*t because even though she might be facing charges or asked questions she will just pull a diva and/or flip on these guys. Her image IS being a bad girl raunchy pain in the a$$. Not exactly like she could be 'tarnished' as if she sold Disney, girl next door BS ever as who she was, her brand, what you get. BAD and NO APOLOGIES about it.... that's her brand!

  17. I hope she is worried. She’s a c*nt, and she deserves any type of fall out.

  18. curious to know more about this man at academy awards...

  19. @QueenBee, did you see this from our friend Himmmmm?

  20. Thanks @AuntBee!! I went and read the whole thing!! Intriguing.

  21. I remember when Naomi had to do community service; her ‘job’ was picking up trash on the side of west side highway. It brought me so much joy!

  22. Aquagirl, that reminds me of when Lindsay Lohen had to pick up trash I told someone if they wanted to write a fan letter just throw it out on Hwy. 101 she'll get it!

  23. Holy Shit Aunt Bee I am dead with sustenance.

    Rich, rich, rich sustenance. Way better on Medium than hacking through three parts on Twitter, awesome.
    woah that story woa

  24. Remember back when Naomi was dating Adam Clayton of U2?

    Do you think that was a real romance or something for money only?

  25. Naomi has been linked to some awful people. I'm wondering if catching up to her will begin a trail down Sean Penn, Haiti and some South American leaders, etc. and their trafficking pathways.

  26. @Tricia - where the fuck did you get that crazy shit that she was beaten by Putin?

  27. There was a blind about it here months ago.

  28. @TruRes
    Winnie's favorite necklace

  29. she always seemed dirty to me

  30. Miserable child always has been. Side effect of never having shit and now the world is at her feet. Yes she will always be paid for.

  31. Her former Russian real estate developer boyfriend designed Epstein’s St. James Island house.



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