Monday, August 26, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 18, 2019

Don't feel too sorry for the foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actor who will never be the highest on the list in the family. He has several women who have alternated being "helpful" over the past few weeks.

Liam Hemsworth


  1. Dude got the biggest relief of his life with Miley hitting the bricks.The "marriage" was obviously manufactured in the first place.

  2. +1 Miley is a head case.

  3. LOL Miley publicly humiliated him (I don't care If it was a man or a woman) and hooking up all over Hollywood vacation spots/WeHo hotspots and she thought he would hold off on the divorce? She is straight up delusional. Good on Liam. DM is implying he might move back to Australia. I am sure any of the women he is with right now are far more stable than Miley. Go get yourself a nice, stable girl and settle down.

  4. Where can I sign up to be placed on his "helpful" list???

  5. We don't know their policy. Maybe it was an open relationship and he just found a better fit.. for his penis. It happens.

  6. I was wondering when we'd get today's Markle blind.

  7. Don’t get the appeal with him 🤷🏼‍♀️

  8. *of, not with. Hungover today. 🤦🏼‍♀️

  9. Liam, the oaf, is still picking up the trash.

  10. Aw, his simple ass was still duped into thinking it would work out.

  11. Does he realize yet how lucky he is?

  12. There has been so much chum thrown into the waters about them, there is no way to have any real idea about what really happened.

    Their PR reps are throwing so many stories out there, that most people just pick out their own bias and go with that.

    Were their careers doing that badly that they needed this?

  13. I'm assuming most people are very happy for him. Just hoping he doesn't give that turd miley another chance.

  14. Miley did not humiliate Liam, no, she humiliated herself.
    For once and all time, she has shown herself to be a class A jackass.
    Liam dodged a bullet.

  15. Anonymous7:52 PM

    For many heterosexual men, seeing your wife hooking up with another woman is still considered a humiliation, whether the marriage is already over or not. I think Miley knew that. I mean after all she's a gender fluid ageless pansexual...aren't they supposed to know everything?

  16. I'm still trying to figure out how Liam or anyone can find Miley's busted cabbage patch kid face attractive.

  17. Can anyone blame him for physically "rogering" her out of his system? I forgive him his time with Miley... as long as he uses his penis for good, instead of whorebitchdogMiley.

  18. I could be Very Helpful indeed!!!



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