Monday, August 26, 2019

Today's Blind Items - The Actor

In a couple of blind items the past month, I have written about this A-/B+ list actor who has that common first name which makes differentiating him from some of his peers difficult. I have written about him hooking up with the madam/procurer of the pedophile. What is now coming to light is that he also seemed to have been one of the chosen favorites. He also hooked up with victims of the pedophile. There is at least one that victim that has been in several very intimate photos with the pedophile who also spent documented time with the actor. I guess befriending the madam got him access to victims too. 


  1. I'd hate to be that dude right about now.

  2. Yep - Josh Lucas was an earlier reveal.

    1. I didn’t see the reveal but I guessed him on a Blind RE: this subject. In the mid 2000’s(2006-7ish) he was lapped with her quite a bit. Also his wife divorced him -very abruptly- after having a baby I believe. She figured something out for sure

    2. Dear God. I'd have never have guessed.

  3. Josh Lucas the guy who trolled for young ones at colleges pretending to sign up Obama voters

  4. Josh Lucas was in an episode of "Parker Lewis Can't Lose" in 1991 lol

  5. He was so cute in Sweet home Alabama. How gross.

  6. "Victim" was "kim burns" I think....

  7. Its weird how I have had no idea who he is until the blinds. Dude is the blandest looking actor Ive seen.

  8. Who are the other Josh actors he gets confused with? Josh Hartnett? Josh Duhamel? How could you mix any of them up? I guess Josh Dallas might be close...

  9. I had no idea who he was either lol

  10. Early to mid 2000s, Josh Lucas was a lot of girls' crush @mooshki

  11. Josh was HOT in Sweet Home Alabama.

    I get the Ryans mixed up all of the time.

  12. His character in Wonderland was too spot on for him to be acting, he's kind of shit.

  13. Josh had a #metoo moment with kevin spacey, who he claimed sexually harassed him, hard to think it is him

  14. OMG-I haven't thought of Parker Lews Can't Lose in YEARS!!! LOL

  15. Weird, I randomly started watching Yellowstone (Kevin Costner show on The Paramount network) this weekend and noticed that Josh Lucas plays young Costner in flashback scenes. The show has a LOT of conservative-leaning ideas woven into the various storylines. Not related, just saying...

  16. Well fuck, I really like Lucas' movies. Secondhand Lions is a favorite.

    The easiest way to deal with Hollywood is for the Feds to arrange a fake pedo party, lock the monsters in, and then erect a tall electrified fence around the venue. They can stay there until trial. Seize all of their assets and hold them until the verdict. Then, use the money to help their victims. These asses can have public defenders.

  17. Those whores were legal to fuck in most states. It is stupid to keep calling Epstein a pedo.

  18. My first thought was this was about one of the Chris' ... as people often get them all confused since they look kind of alike. The only 'Chris' that keeps appearing in this whole saga is Tucker though, and I've read mixed reports that he may or may not be the actor.

  19. PS: Josh Lucas - sinister looking guy based on my face reading abilities ... his eyes are evil.

  20. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I'm going to have to agree with Count Jerkula again. These guys may be smarmy. They may be sleazy. They may be creepy. They may be a lot of things, but they are not pedophiles.

    Calling them all pedophiles takes away from real pedophilia coming to light. I have a weird feeling that may be what it's supposed to be doing.

  21. never liked the guy and thought it was odd he got married so young and fell off the radar. he pissed off someone

  22. I agree 16 & up is legal in many states, but what about the 12 yr old triplets he bought in France?

  23. epstein liked 12 years to 14. still glad he is dead.

  24. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Yeah I agree 12-15 should be off limits and illegal, but it's still not pedophilia in most cases.

    Why aren't people getting this upset with the Islamic world routinely marrying girls off even younger and consummating as soon as it's "safe" to do it, meaning it doesn't kill the girl? Why are we okay with importing that to the West along with FGM? That's what I don't understand.

  25. A-/B+ list actor = Ryan

    common first name = Ryan

    madam/procurer of the pedophile = Ghislaine Maxwel

  26. Josh Lucas was so brilliant in the tv mini series Empire Falls

    he played a young paul newman in flashbacks

  27. Count Jerkula .......Re. Jeffrey Epstein's island this video and see if you still think the women were whores, unless you think babies meet that description.....

    1. I am not watching mental patient monologues, brought to you by could you find a less credible source?

  28. This is such a disappointment. Josh is a smoke-show and I would leave my entire family for one night.

  29. 12 - 15 is definitely pedophilia, MissDavie.

    People can be picky and point out it has a sub category called hebephilia, but it's still pedo because those are kids. There is a reason it is illegal and upsets *most* people.

    1. No it isnt, Samantha, unless you adhere to the Ocasio Cortez school of thought where you can be factually wrong, but morally right. She is so cute & stupid, i hope they keep electing her.

  30. MissDavie said -

    "Why aren't people getting this upset" (about child marriage)

    "Why are we okay with importing that to the West along with FGM"

    No one is OK with either of those things, except those who are busy forcing those things on others. Are you being serious?

    There are too many things to even cite to show how not OK the "west" or other societies are with forced / child marriages, or FGM.

  31. He's got straight up pervert cokehead eyes. Thanks for the pic.

  32. PS - Yellowstone is the BEST series on tv right now.

    "Return to Sender" classic.



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