Sunday, September 01, 2019

Blind Item #5

This Southern reality star needs rehab again but is afraid it will be used against her.


  1. Kathryn / Southern Charm

  2. On reality TV shows needing rehab is a badge of honor that keeps your sorry ass employed by the producers.

  3. I hope it is not Kathryn.

    BUT in my OPINION, T Rav and his hired hench/buddies have been doing their best to drive her insane. She met him while still very young, and narcissistic abuse can destroy far tougher, older types than she.

    I hope the show takes a year or more hiatus. Kathryn and Danni can't seem to quit but production has proven, in my OPINION, that it is NOT their friend. Dragging Kathryn to a winery and a marijuana dispensary for field trips?? They wanted her to fail.

  4. She just got joint custody of her kids so she probably is worried about jeopardizing that. Poor kids.

  5. And what production did to Danni, with the willing help of Madison and probably Austen too, was despicable.

  6. MD and sandy - she had won joint custody but then sued for full custody.

    That is what unleashed T Rav's fury, that and the assault case brought by the nanny.

    That's too much for - in my opinion - a narcissist to take. He fought back and - in my opinion - he fights dirty. There is plenty about them all on Tamara Tattles, if anyone wants the back story.

    Why so many 'opinion' disclaimers on a gossip site that has a disclaimer already? TR is extremely litigious. And in his own county he is untouchable -- at least until his old man dies.

  7. A narcissist won't stop until the person they have decided is the enemy, is destroyed. Maybe, can't stop.

    One ex of his claimed he said he wished Kathryn would just O. D. his life would be easier.

    So, no nostalgia or concern about "that's the mother of his kids." He never liked that she tried to control anything in her own life in my opinion - he punished her with random sobriety tests, took her kids, and made HER pay HIM child support. She's broke, he's a millionaire.

    He's a grade A ++++ a-hole.

  8. She’s obviously unwell and was slurring her words on WWHL and at the reunion. She’s had two major car wrecks in the last three weeks, while her kids were in the car. She’s obviously abusing prescription pills, she should be trying to do what’s in the best interest of her children and not worry about headlines.

  9. Of course he's an asshole, it's 100% required for everyone who is on reality TV.

  10. You have a point, sandy.

    All the more reason Danni bird should run away.

  11. ^ Thank you, earlybird2. ^

  12. About Kathryn - she has legal prescriptions to anti anxiety meds, and I think that's what was going on at the WWHL taping.

    I think her weight gain + all the court battles has stressed her out.

  13. This is speculation but I think TR may have made sure she cannot even take Adderall, and that was how she kept thin. And anti depressants can add weight. I think he does a portion or more of what he does, out of sheer spite.

    It's made worse by his hypocrisy.

  14. Her most recent drug test that the blast posted showed she’s still taking adderall and anti depressants. Her ex after Thomas said she would abuse the adderrall and she became very paranoid and put secret cameras in his apt to film him while he’s gone. She needs help and to go through a treatment that emphasizes healthy ways to cope with her anxiety instead of just taking pills. She’s too into partying and wanting to be famous to realize the damage she’s doing to herself and her children.

  15. Dealing with narcissistic abuse does tend to make people paranoid. It's designed that way though.

    But I mean, TR calling other people spying and paranoid...or drug or sex addicts...

    Hypocritical is the mildest word I can use.


  16. I don't blame Kathryn for being concerned about her kids around Ashley or some of TR's other pals.

    I think that must not have appealed to his ego, either. No one tells the little prince what to do. No one heard of him outside his county before that show. But he is a prince in his county.

  17. Lauren - so no pot in the test result? That was super shady of Andy Cohen at the reunion imo, to imply she was smoking pot. *Your freaking show made her go to a dispensary and eat pot laden food you jackhole.*

    1. There was pot in the test result that came out after the reunion was filmed. She didn’t have to film st the dispensary or at the dinner. It’s her choice and I think people would have supported her more if she made it known she’s not comfortable and doesn’t want to be there. Her passive aggressive comment to Austen at the dinner just made her look worse.

      And let’s be honest, she DID NOT go to rehab for pot, she was railing lines and doing pills. She and TRav both love to party, and Coke was the drug of choice

  18. How many posts are you going to make? Kathryn is not so innocent.

  19. mallori - if you're going to lob a lame attempt at an insult, try labeling it.

    As many as I want and Enty allows. How's that?

  20. "She didn’t have to film st the dispensary or at the dinner. It’s her choice"

    We don't know that for sure. All-cast shoots are mandatory, which is why I think Metul did not forbid Naomie from going, btw, but rather, production felt around to see who'd film with Ashley and Naomie agreed. That's why Naomie did not go on the trip imo.

    Kathryn is a lead. Why would they even go out of their way to set up those locations to begin with? They were hoping she'd fall off the wagon. They couldn't care less what happens to their cast in my opinion. The last season sucked anyway. They had to show us Austen picking at his underpants every single episode? It was gross when they "leaked" the "hidden" video well before the season began. Never wanted to see it twice...or ten times.

    "And let’s be honest, she DID NOT go to rehab for pot, she was railing lines and doing pills."

    We don't know that either. TR's smear team is working over time though and has been ever since Kathryn first tried to set boundaries, in my opinion.

    "She and TRav both love to party"

    But yet despite his reputation and coke bust and conviction, he gets the kids no problem?! And can hang out with whoever he wants. While she pays him child support, and has 100 rules to live by.

  21. I think Kathryn did say she was not comfortable, at the winery and dispensary, both, btw; but I'd have to watch the episodes again, and they were dull enough the first time.

    "I think people would have supported her more if she made it known she’s not comfortable and doesn’t want to be there"

  22. Kathryn organized the trip to the winery. Bravo wouldn’t take on the liability of she had her lawyers say because of her situation she’s not comfortable filming at the dispensary or the weed dinner. She knew about both before the trip but filmed anyways. She’s not the victim. Let it go

  23. Lauren and whoever else.

    You do not run or own this site, so stop being bossy. It's not gonna work, it's jut gonna piss me off.

    And btw I'm not trying to "prove" anything and there is nothing to "let go." Nor do you or the other one have to read, or comment, or reply, if my opinion bothers you so much. Have a chill pill and go fan yourself.

    Tamara has the 411 if anyone wants to know what probably prompted this blind. That's what I came in here just now to say.

  24. "Kathryn organized the trip to the winery."

    Source btw.

    "Bravo wouldn’t take on the liability of she had her lawyers say because of her situation she’s not comfortable filming at the dispensary or the weed dinner."

    Are you part of Bravo's legal team?

    They could give a rip who likes what they are told to do. It's in their contract. They have to go on all-cast trips. They know Kathryn needs the job.

    1. Kathryn said she planned it as part of the girls trip she planned. She also admitted she’s drinking again at the reunion. Naomie didn’t go because her boyfriend didn’t want her too Kathryn could have easily expressed concerns about her health and not wanting to go.

  25. Lauren, production plans everything, and make it look as if it's someone's idea. Jut like Cameran did not want to shlep all the way to Colorado to a dispensary. Nor did anyone she knew think she did. But it was presented as her birthday gift and a place she really wanted to go.

    Production finds places that will allow filming for advertising and a very small fee.

    I already said what I think really happened although Naomie claimed Metul forbid her to go. No way, imo, would Naomie be with anyone who told her what to do. But it made her look good, and like she didn't want to be featured in a one on one with Ashley that was promoted for weeks.

  26. I read all the comments here.
    I'm so glad I quit watching this show the first season. It was a train wreck from the beginning.
    Kathryn is being bullied and gaslighted to death by that vile old man she had kids with.
    The old money producer and those old men are vile. Old world sexism, a terrible show.

  27. I think Kathryn is a pretty self absorbed a**hole and always has been. And for Godsakes, could somebody give her a fashion and makeup makeover ?? She looked ridiculous on the reunion and in several episodes where she was dressed in what appeared to be costumes ~ "I'm channeling Beyoncé in Reformation". WTF?

  28. @Debutante completely agree she’s beyond tacky. I didn’t understand why everyone was up her ass on the cast telling her how great her outfits or makeup were. She’s a typical narcissist. When enty does the blinds about her yachting, I always wonder would would be desperate enough to pay for that.

  29. Kathryn's mother died this past summer too, so she has a lot to deal with.

    Wonder if Thomas sent her or their kids a condolence card.

  30. If she truly wants to be sober and do what's best for her children, she could always quit reality tv. That would do her a world of good...but who would she be without the spotlight?? Whitney needs to do her a favour and cut her loose. Watching the cast tip toe around her is annoying and not fun to watch. I was happy they tried to confront her on that at the reunion this year. Her participation in the show is weak at best.



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