Sunday, September 08, 2019

Blind Item #6

This former A list mostly television actor from a now defunct network show took a quick flight north of the border to meet up with his former co-star after an event she attended in the same city.


Tricia13 said...

Tony Goldwyn/Kerry Washington

Aquagirl said...


Romie said...

I guess TG and KW are like David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, an open secret to everyone. Who do all these people think they are trying to fool?

La Morena said...

Maybe because of the sexual kick they get from sneaking around would end if they really got together.

B626 said...

Would his financial ties go $$MGM$$ make a divorce

Guesser said...

+1 LaMorena. Of course, if they get together,would it out her husband? It would be a more surprising blind if she was caught with her husband.

Louzianagal86 said...

I knew something was up.. They had great chemistry on Scandal... He & his wife seem like an odd pairing...


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