Thursday, September 12, 2019

Today's Blind Items - He's Back

An actor friend of mine had an audition earlier this week for a role in a movie. Not a big role. Maybe twenty lines total, but it would be a big break for them because it is in what will be a huge box office smash. While he is auditioning, he noticed a guy in the back of the room who was very obviously on some type of dating app because of the way he was swiping. My actor friend didn't recognize him at first, but had noticed him simply because of the aggressive swiping. It was only as he was leaving the building that someone came to him and said that __________ had loved him. The person only used the first name. Still not knowing exactly who the person was talking about, my friend asked, "Oh, is ______________ making the decisions?" The person replied, "Yes, but no one is supposed to know. You know, because of what happened." My friend, again, not putting first name together with person he saw said something along the lines of I'm glad he liked me. The person actually replied back, "I 'm glad he liked you too. I was expecting to have to cast a dozen teenagers for him to lust after every day." My friend still didn't get it and continued to net get who it was until he got home and started Googling the first name of the disgraced director and found him only with the first name and the line about lusting after teenagers and it came up with exactly who it is. 


Tricia13 said...

Bryan Singer

Alf Landon said...


Moose said...


sandybrook said...


MeliticusBee said...

...and in light of all the comments on the comedian blind...I thought the title of this said "He's Black"...

sandybrook said...

Yeh probably Singer moreso Franco

Rosie riveter said...

Wow.I mayof drank too much last night.
I cannot read this even w one eye shut

Pissoff said...


Red Velvet Boots said...

It's like going to a job interview and not knowing the major players in the industry you're interviewing in.

Jon said...

So the blind is saying that this actor is gonna get raped by Singer everday? Someone should call the police and get ahead of this.

MeliticusBee said...

This is so....not a blind.

Guesser said...

So your friend is a little slow? Is he going to put out? Maybe Singer thought he was flirting? Most importantly,is your friend legal age?

Brayson87 said...

Teenagers does narrow it down, if he'd just said kids then we'd have no idea which director to look at.

Aquagirl said...

If someone said ‘Bryan loved you’, an actor wouldn’t know who that is? Plus he’s got such a distinctive look. Are you sure your friend’s an actor?

Unknown said...

Are we sure this blind is even real?

Robin said...

What about James Gunn?

Unknown said...

I'm not sure Gunn counts as a "disgraced" director.

Joe said...

James Gunn's issue was distasteful jokes on Twitter, not any behavior.

Skyler the Weird said...

+1 on Gunn.

E said...

Why do I feel like this is Dancing Boy adjacent?

notthisagain said...

bryan singer

Brayson87 said...

@E, Perhaps because it doesn't make any sense? 🤔

The Woodman said...

Do the Google search described in the blind. Singer pops up on the first page.

Miss Smith said...

I can understand not recognizing people. For the extreme, think of Pee-wee Herman.

Guesser said...

I thought of Dancing Boy as well reading this. Maybe he wrote it. Wouldn't most actors say, "I got an audition for Bryan Singer's next movie. I know you don't approve,but I need this job!" Dancing Boy is too long in the tooth for Singer, so just be a friend.

Unknown said...

No, not me. I know a couple of BS's exes but - you know - they've moved on, as best as they could. I've been spending the last 24 hours not writing but being engaged in unpleasantness with a certain former child actor not long prior to my generation. But I try to be respectful: best of luck to you!

El Naro said...

I thought Red Sonja was put on hold.

BRAD PITT said...

at least HW attacks adults not kids


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