Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Your Turn

Stolen from Twitter. Which candy bar from this photo would you rid yourself of forever?


MyDogSmiles said...

Kit Kat

MeliticusBee said...

Kit Kat is the stupidest candy ever.

James Howlett said...

Reese's peanut butter in general

Super Comic Fun Time! said...

Snickers. The peanuts get in the way of the candy.

Brayson87 said...

I like them all, but Twix is probably my least favorite out of the group.

herbert arnold said...


James Howlett said...

Kit Kat has gourmet flavors, you really should try them. Green tea is actually really good.

Super Comic Fun Time! said...

I can't believe all the hate for Kit Kat, it's the last mainstream candy bar I would eat.

James Howlett said...

Almond butter Snickers are awesome.

sandybrook said...

Kit Kat but I rarely eat any of them except an occasional Reese's

Anonymous said...

I'll go with two. Milky Way and Twix. Can't stand either candy.

E said...

Probably Twix or Milky Way. And for all you KitKat haters, the white chocolate ones you get at H'ween are fab. Try them!

Troy Dyer said...

None, these are all 💯

Town Pump said...

I’ll take all your Kit Kats and Reese’s. You can have my m&ms and Snickers.

Mooney said...

Milky Way. Just a poor man’s snickers.

Guesser said...

Ditch the Milky Way. But this is just away to get people to eat more candy.

Me Again said...

If I was smart, it would be Reeses. I might be healthier. I never eat any of the other ones.

Fiendish Man said...

M&Ms. It's just chocolate in a shell; the others have more variety.

Anonymous said...

M&M's. Lame & plain

JMFP said...

kits has it right... M&Ms are boring.

gadfly said...

Milky Way.

Todd said...

M&Ms - They taste like cheap crap.

Gator said...

Milky Way

Count Jerkula said...

snickers, don't need the peanuts.

Only times I buy snickers is too throw in the fridge and cut chunks off of to use as bait on glue traps. Between the chocolate and peanuts, mice come flocking to them.

Katrina's Voice said...

KitKat - Totally awful in my opinion.

Vita said...

Milky Way bc there's too much nougat. Unfortunately, my bag would be safe haven for all of them.

Brayson87 said...

Hey now, Snickers are like half energy bar, they're pretty cool.

Vita said...

Glue traps! LOL, brilliant, but unexpected comment, Count!😂

Frosty said...

You can see yourself out, Twix.

Em and 'im said...

Reeses. Something barely known in the UK. Subpar chocolate and I don’t get the whole peanut butter with chocolate thing. I’m sure that if you grow up with it you appreciate it more. Personally I love a Kit Kat with a cup of tea, but I agree it’s a bit ho hum on its own. I much prefer the dark chocolate version Bounty bar to anything in that photo.

not a libtard said...

I don't eat this garbage

momo said...

Keep the M&Ms. I haven't had a candy bar in years. Some dark chocolate but otherwise none. I used to live on Snickers and coffee, and somehow survived.

James Howlett said...

Poor man's Mars bar

I Know Nothing said...


Cindy said...

@mooney Milky Way has no nuts and contains malted barley which give it a totally different taste than Snickers.

Reese's suck

Queen Bee said...

Definitely Milky Way!! The others are all so good!!

Red Velvet Boots said...

Milky Way be gone!

Amartel said...

Snickers ... away!

Count Jerkula said...

Glue Traps are the best for mice. Get one stuck and struggling and peeping, the others hear commotion, smell food, and scurry on over to their demise.

If I was a true sociopath, I would use the mice as bait for feral cats and stick the traps on the lawn to fuck up those garbage bag tearing open beasts.

Phoenician said...

Miss me with that plain m&m bullshit.

Blue Haired Witch said...

The Milky Way. It's like eating a cocoa-flavored sponge.

Aquagirl said...

All of them. I don’t eat junk food.

EyeSee said...

The plain M&Ms. They're a little too boring. Love Snickers and Reese's.

OKay said...

Snickers. Didn't even have to think twice about it. I hate those things.

Regina said...


truewog said...

Twix. Hands down.

La Morena said...

MM but I love the peanut ones!

Rosie riveter said...

Just checking in to see how many CDAN'ers wrote they only eat celery and lemon slices w water.
You didn't disappoint.

And Count, you must not have racoons? Fucking hideous creatures that are an extremely lowIQ, deformed cat.
They make feral cats appear sweet and cuddly

Count Jerkula said...

Last time i saw a coon was 15+ yrs ago, during daylight, obviously rabid. I hear them screaming sometimes, back by the creek way behind the house, but havent seen them. Possum and skunk i have seen in the past couple months.

TommyWantsHisMommy said...

Milky way.. I always confiscate all the Reeses from my kids after Halloween. Check them for needles and poison (that is what i tell them). Haven't found any yet.

samechick said...

Reese's. All their stuff makes me sick.

Happy Gazoo said...

Milky Way - no brainer.

DaveDixter said...

Will Mitt Romney exact "Revenge" on Donald Trump and Jump to Democratic side on Impeachment sending him to the Milky Way? When push-comes-to-shove that is.

KnitWit said...

I want Reese's with dark chocolate covering.

Freebird said...

Snickers. Don’t like the nuts.

Janet296 said...

Milky way.

Studio54 said...

Kit Kat.

Unknown said...


Fuchsia said...

Reese’s is the best, especially the new chocolate lovers version.

I’d get rid of M&Ms. Really cheap taste, and boring. The peanut ones are much better.

emeraldcity said...

They can all go, KitKat is the only one I ever liked but I haven't had one of those for years. I stick to the real , dark, high end now, expensive but just a little now and then makes it a real treat rather than a daily sugar/junk binge.

Ava said...

Milky Way

AbbyRock said...


Anonymous said...

No lactose, no chocolate . Cancer made me lactose intolerant. (yes that can happen)

Fifi LaRue said...

There are 600 varieties of KitKat in Japan.

Snickers are just gross.

Erik said...


GentleBreeze said...

M&M's would be my last choice.

Melody the First said...

Milky Way - and you can slay Three Musketeers while you're at it.

Goodau said...

I rarely eat any, but I would keep the Kit Kat and you may take the rest.

Hugo Pedersen said...

m&m´s, never been a fan.

Mango said...

I never cared for Twix. I used to like Kit Kats before they changed the recipe, but I can't eat any of that stuff any more. I weaned myself off of sugar and now sweet things give me a major headache. One of my colleagues brought in some cotton candy grapes yesterday and I tried one (ONE!) and felt sick for well over an hour. They do taste exactly like cotton candy, but yukkkk!

MissPeach said...

Milky Way. I hate nougat.

Anonymous said...

@mango. Wise decision ...processed sugar is fattening zero nutrition and addictive

fairylights said...

Milky Way, I hate the filling.

Haywood Jablomee said...

Twix came out at the same time as Summit bars. Summit is no more. Twix sux!

Haywood Jablomee said...

Twix came on the market at the same time as the car superior Summit bar. Summit is no more. Twix suxx!


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