Monday, October 21, 2019

Blind Item #3

This former A+ list mostly movie actress who is a multiple Oscar winner/nominee hopes her recent life event will be a kick start to her acting career. Insiders in town have been cheering her downfall because of the  way she made it to the top so quickly.


  1. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Is it me or is she twice as interesting as a brunette

  2. noticed david o'russell was there

    he must be ready to give her another role

    1. Talk about the living embodiment of a lavender marriage! Lol

  3. She lost me at friends with Amy Schumer.

  4. New hubby must be cool with her couching, let's be honest that's a one trick pony.

    Is art dealer the new euphemism for money launderer?

    1. It's the male version of 'jewelry designer'. PR folks lying.

  5. JLaw. I liked the venue/setting of the wedding, Id love to see more pics of her/dress, etc. I hope this is a solid relationship. She got way overexposed for a while there, but Id be happy to see her in good movies again.

  6. @Vita, what good movies?

  7. ^^^ I thought Winters Bone was quite good.

  8. The wedding and Jennifer did look beautiful and sounds like a perfect wedding. As far as her career I just never thought she is all that talented. Average not exceptional. Hope they last. One of her guests was Kris Jenner ugh.

  9. Can't stand her acting.

  10. Extracurricular "activities" are keys to success.

  11. Seems like a fake relationship to help her career. Husband looked miserable & always does when he’s in her company. I wonder how much she’s paying him?

  12. Winter's Bone was an excellent film. If only she'd stuck with not f-ing Harvey, then her reputation would've been solid. Alas....

  13. Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle were both very good movies, but JLaw was just WAY too young for the parts she was playing. She did as well as could be expected given that she was miscast.

  14. She did my nut in in American Hustle.
    Too hammy.
    And I did think she was a breath of fresh air at one time.
    But now I think she stinks.
    Tainted by tubby's teeny tiny todger.

  15. @Rosemary, The character in Silver Linings Playbook was supposed to be a middle-aged widow. J-Law got the part, because she f-ed Harvey. The movie was produced by The Weinstein Production. So yes, you are right. She did well .. on the couch.

    1. Dont forget j ho stealing hunger games from already cast haliee steinfeld cause Harvey monsters bone got hard

  16. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Jennifer and Harvey, together forever on that casting couch.

  17. She fell to her knees at the Oscars because that's how she earned it.

    1. If jlaw is hoping to re start her box office career, does this mean no auditions on Skype and back to taking directors and producers seed on her grill?

  18. +1 9:34 Unknown, 😂

  19. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Harvey's girl doesn't have a career without Harvey. She can't act but I'm sure she was always willing for a booty call. Maybe this would be a good time for her to take some acting lessons.

  20. Jennifer Lawrence deserved an Oscar like Obama deserved the Nobel Peace prize.

  21. winter's bone, i thought wow, i like her. now i'm fucking sick to death of her. i find her so irritating and she hasn't done anything good since. sick of the shtick.

  22. JLaw has spread her legs to get ahead since Day 1

    she let Harvey fuck her 500 different ways to get that oscar. all those nude pics were for him too obv.

    Just like Paltrow, but w/raw ambition (lol *raw*)
    Fucked Aronovsky and DOR for roles. She’s all about that.

    1. Yep. The nut on her face in those pics was probably harvey monster...yeeech! Scissorhands left that phone at a restaurant without the passcode on according to local legend

  23. Hailee Steinfeld would have been such a better Katniss, JLaw made those films awful.

    But yeah JLaw knows where her real talent lies and she needs to cash in before all the tread is gone.

  24. OMFG I wanted to comment earlier but could not but I am dying laughing at some of the comments!

    JLaw is nothing without Harvey. This wedding does seem like a PR stunt to me as well. The guy looks MISERABLE every time I see him.

    1. Harveys lost unsecured phone at that restaurant was the holy grail of celeb tits and ass. Not a cloud leak Allegedly!

  25. Brayson-- I thought she was great in Winter Bone. I enjoyed X Men First Class,but her part wasnt huge. I thought she was good in Silver Linings, but agree too young for part and did NOT deserve Oscar for it. I couldnt get through Hunger Games. I DO think she's got good comic timing and screen presence, but just my opinion. I also think there was too much off-screen overexposure that exhausted audience.

    The pic of fiance in the car in his tux looking ill was a riot! No matter if that guy had been jumping out of his skin in excitement every minute of the day up to that point, that that particular expression was captured for eternity is priceless! I have to say, I could imagine even Jennifer might laugh at that pic!

  26. @Vita, Yeah one movie, that's what everyone comes up with lol.

    As for the fiance he probably knew he was making a mistake, that's not going to have a happy ending.

  27. So.... like every other fiance, then. lol

  28. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Honestly I'm glad that now that Harvey's gone Hollywood is finally starting to realize that Jennifer Lawrence might not be as great as Harvey made Her out to be. I mean sure she's talented but Her rise in the end was way too fast even faster then Kristen Stewart & Margot Robbie was. So hopefully Her Career will stay slow for awhile but we'll see.

  29. Poor haliee steinfeld was reduced to playing second fiddle in pitch perfect. All because harvey needed a beej

  30. That's the true crime of the consensual casting couch, forcing awful actors and actresses upon audiences while talented performers are stuck in the wings.

    1. I dont even mind jlaw sucking dick to get silver linings playbook, but 'auditioning' for execs over skype just crosses the line. At least make it look like they are trying...

  31. Winter's Bone is an anagram of Weinstein Boner...fact
    Well it's close enough for me!

  32. A bunch of jealous hypocritical bitches. Half of them made it the same way.

  33. What a bunch of petty posters!

    You are all so jealous.

    You are all LOSERS living in tiny aparttments in apartment cities waiting for your big break.
    Guess what? Your big break ain't gonna come. Cause none of you complainers has any talent nor any other thing to give you a boost. Go home to Kentucky, Illinois, the backwaters. Or whatever backwater you crawled out of. You all aint nothing.

    1. Shouldn't you be on your honeymoon, Mrs JLaw?? or is this her mom??? live in California and life is good! say hi Pigstein!!

    2. 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀 👀

  34. I don't know why, but she annoys me, and I'm not keen on her as an actress. Her eyes seem dead.

  35. I like her. There was a weird thing where the public turned on her after her photos were hacked and released. It was like a national scarlet-lettering. A fall from grace after she had been lofted into the Sun. I think it could be a good time for a redemption arc.

    1. JLaw: "This redemption arc you speak of...who'd I have to suck to make it happen?"

    2. Re: 'national scarlett letter' kinda hard to forget the plentiful load of dna covering her face in the cloud pics all over the net still!

  36. What a crappy bunch of humans you have on this site. It's her wedding day, do you think you could take a day off from your sad pathetic JLaw hate? It's her wedding day. This is some really cringe worthy behavior.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I've enjoyed her acting and I think she's bright but I don't want to hear how, "normal" she is and how she farts in front of her boyfriends. It's just not interesting info to me. She's too on all the time.

  38. This blind doesnt even make sense. She has never had problems getting a job. I also dont think all the in your face press is her fault. She has a team that forces her to do that. I think all this time away from the spotlight was her decision not bc she cant get a job. That sounds ridiculous. Good Luck to her and Good for her.

  39. If she is married, does this mean shes only going to do anal for roles now



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