Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Blind Item #6

This B+ list actress who has only really played one role multiple times in her life has nothing on the horizon now that her show has been canceled. The thing is, during the show she had some chances to do one of the six million made for tv Christmas movies that are filmed each year, but they didn't do very well. Everyone is wondering what choices she will make when her money starts to run out. The last time that happened, there were some very bad choices made.


Tricia13 said...

Jennie Garth?

Brayson87 said...

Oh what were the very bad choices made?

Hoenikker said...

Jodie Sweetin? Has she ever done anything other than Full/Fuller House and copious amounts of meth?

A.Claire said...

+1 Hoenikker, that's an excellent guess.

V said...

+1 Hoenikker. IMDB says she's done a couple of those holiday movies since she went back to Fuller House.

Rosie riveter said...

Haha +1

Brayson87 said...

Hallmark Christmas movies are like crack for some people, I had no idea until recently.

Vita said...

How rude. Just kidding, you got it with Sweetin. I try not be too cynical about positive things, but those Christmas movie marathons bug me! I want my daily I Love Lucy schedule in tact!😁

cat said...

Never watch a Hallmark Christmas movie, 6 or 7 hours later, you will still be watching.

Anonymous said...

She has the possibility of a promising career making Milf videos for porn sites.

Bill Beard said...



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