Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Blind Item #10 - The Naughty Dancing Boy

This story is about yet another dancing boy (which as Enty said really was a go to thing back in the day). Many of you, at least those born before that most notorious of decades, will know him. Unsurprisingly, he was and is an actor/comic, and once appeared on the original version of a recently rebooted series (that's been in the news this past week), but he is still known today for his leading (or near/co-leading) part on a successful earlier series.

He got that part while still in grade school, and the episode of interest here is from the first season. (Our actor was ten years old at the time.)

After the taping of the previous episode, a production assistant came backstage and handed the cast their next scripts. And since our actor had finished his homework already, he began reading through it. The episode was about one of these family or high school events you may have gone to, or will. But in lieu of the "firm hand" of the show's co-star, the kids start to get "out of hand." For reasons unclear to our actor even today, his "acting up" includes performing a similar dance in a similar state of undress to the (barely clinging to A list status?) actor/church member.

Our actor immediately felt uncomfortable about performing this scene, and told one of the producers - who was usually sympathetic to his concerns. In this case though he was told he had to perform the part as written. He shot back that he wouldn't do it unless he got to keep his pants on, and the producer said, "young man, you're out of line." It was then that the actor threw the script in a nearby garbage can, and stomped on it, ensuring it was covered in coffee and food scraps. "Big mistake," the producer said, and walked off.

Soon after, a cast member took him aside - apparently it was the sister (why is it always the sister or in this case "sister?") - and told him he was going to be flogged on his bare backside (by the co-star) for being proud and willful, but that if he went through with it (the scene, I mean) the punishment would be less. She even showed him the paddle. It was exactly the kind they used in boarding schools of the co-star's home country. It had his character name burned into it.

A couple years later, while appearing on air with the permanent A+ or A++ list celebrity - it was a episode about young actors - he was asked if there was ever a scene he didn't want to do. You can imagine what he said. You may even remember it. What, of course, he couldn't say was the rest. The threat of corporal punishment was still there, and the network saw to it - in part by way of his character - that he had a mischievous reputation. As in: if he ever talked you shouldn't always believe what he says (you should; also: he's actually one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet). But because Hollywood liked to live dangerously back then, they even teased viewers with an episode about the actor getting spanked by the co-star (who by the way was never married).

As I begin to hear from other former dancing boys, it's becoming clear to me that not only must there have been (and maybe still is) some kind of systemic aspect to it - a network or networks, a ring or rings - but also that physical and verbal abuse often seem to have been used in conjunction with the other kind.
. . .

(Do you remember that church mentioned in the one about the forthcoming feature, "the Little Drummer Boy?" This is that church.)

The church had a retreat/compound in the far north of this one state. The geography is important, not because the state is in the western half of the country's interior (although it is), but because this part has long been associated with a certain type of politics and beliefs that's been basically back in the news under a new name. Some members of one of those groups were also members of the church. Who else was a visitor to the compound? Apparently this now "retired" politician from the same state. He had one near-scandal involving a minor, which blew over, but the more recent allegations were the ones that sunk him. In this case though the VIP guest was a doctor, there not in case anyone got sick or injured, but to give a presentation. It was about the dancing boys of Afghanistan.

The former church member claims that the man, of Afghan origin himself, and a supporter of restoring the country's monarchy, had come to America after the fall of the royal family, and ensuing chaos. His goal? To establish the dancing boy culture in Hollywood. He'd I guess been so successful over the previous decade he'd moved on in part to other circles - Washington, Wall Street, and various well off churches, to name a few - where he'd give seminars about the dancing boys. These were the pre-internet times, of course, so this kind of knowledge was limited to mostly academics, but his fees were often in the seven figures - something no college professor could charge. The reason was his talent. Over the years, Svengali like, he'd apparently groomed dozens and maybe hundreds of boys. And he had connections to the networks he'd trained. In other words, you didn't necessarily need to risk grooming them yourselves. For the right price, you could simply buy them.


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Andyb12 said...

@Schneiderisnext is real Houghton worked for Tommy Barnett's Dream church in Arizona. Is real left there and went to work at the Houston church where he still is employed.

Mary Lamb said...

@Andy, your comment is disjointed. What are you trying to say?

Schneiderisnext said...

Or the A+/A++ list celebrity could refer to show host Chuck Woolery

Arguably the most famous game show host of all time.

Schneiderisnext said...


What significance is "Israel Houghton"

How does he relate to the blind?


I had to look it up to answer absolutely not

Rosie riveter said...

I lived here, a few miles away from Hayden lake, Idaho, and saw the last parade Richard Butler was in (coeur d'alene) and it super interesting. We went to heckle them of course, but the people in that group and Richard himself, were all just shit people. White trash.
At any rate, they're not there anymore. They moved away somewhere, I think Pennsylvania? Back in about 2002-ish. The compound was lost in a lawsuit, they scattered like cockroaches.

Andyb12 said...


Newbie here and mostly lurk. Didn't mean to go off track.

Think the Church blinds are fascinating and thought this info would add to them. My understanding is IH worked at the Arizona Dream Church for Tommy Barnett. This is before the Barnett son opened the California Dream Center.

Maybe someone else has better info.

And yes, IH is still an employee at the Houston church.

iknowpeople said...

@Ham @Mango @Court


Schneiderisnext said...

Totally does! I'm definitely trying to network everyone involved with the barnett's! Thanks for the tip.

Didnt mean to come off as snappy, just curious if directly related to this blind.

This Dream City Church has a loooot of of strange connections..

Nubian princess said...

I got the point. Just trying to lighten the mood. Lots of personal attacks, tension on the site tonight.

Nubian princess said...

Glad to hear that! My email notifications are still exhausted from the last one. I hope everyone takes a xanax (or melatonin) and relaxes a bit. We aren't Interpol,or trying to crack secret codes here. It's speculative. Night crazy people.

Nubian princess said...

What?? Mary (and Lamb) stop. Insulting people's mental health will incite more anger. I'm me. No conspiracy. Just an observer of 10 (or so) years, who began commenting only recently. Actually, puppets really creep me out. But I digress.

Aimless Spectator said...

Raging Bunnies said...

Is ... is this /pol/?

Actually, it's /d/, with the leading thread being pedos drawn sketchily. I'm hoping for a good colored nonmanga yuri vore thread, but have nothing to post to start it off. Sounds like it's time to do a barrel roll back to the traps and trollfags, unless you can sauce it for me.

Tricia13 said...

My favorite....👍🥂

Sara, Making It Work said...

Scrabble with Chuck Woolery?
Geez I never would've guessed that one. Was thinking like Donahue or something.

Sara, Making It Work said...

No coincidence. Wow.

Sara, Making It Work said...

WOWZERS. Allen & Pintauro. Those are boys who were most assuredly couched/ molested during their careers.
Can we guess that participants were chosen for that reason? Woolery or a producer was into couching boys?

Marsh666 said...

Show: Roseanne
State: Arizona
"Retired" politician: Jeff Flake

not sure on the rest

Unknown said...

Finally, 220 comments in, someone mentioned Flakey by name. Though I wouldn't rule out the other one.

I came back. said...

He's ill. Still it's horrible for you.

Schneiderisnext said...

Jeff Flake, the direct descendent of Mormon polygamists?

"Polygamy violates the Arizona Constitution and has been held illegal by the U.S. Supreme Court for 124 years, but that hasn't stopped the fundamentalist Mormon culture from thriving on the Arizona-Utah border.

Although Congress required Arizona to include an anti-polygamy clause in its Constitution as a condition for gaining statehood, the Legislature has never enacted a corresponding law making polygamy a crime. The glaring loophole has frustrated efforts to prosecute sexual-abuse crimes against teenage women in polygamous unions.

That there is no state statute banning polygamy may result from the Legislature's dominance by mainstream Mormons, whose founder, Joseph Smith, introduced polygamy to the Salt Lake City-based church in the 1840s. The mainstream Mormon Church officially eased away from polygamy in 1890, and now excommunicates polygamists.

Criminalizing the practice today could rekindle harsh family memories of persecution of polygamous Mormons for many Arizona families, including some of the state's most powerful political clans such as the Udalls, the Tenneys, the Farnsworths and the Flakes.

William J. Flake, co-founder of the town of Snowflake, is the great-grandfather of Arizona Speaker of the House Jake Flake, and the great-great-grandfather of U.S. Representative Jeff Flake. In 1884, William Flake was convicted and sentenced to the Yuma Territorial Prison on polygamy-related charges. After serving his sentence, he continued to live with his two wives."

Nubian princess said...

Hmm, that's actually really interesting @Schneiderisnext. I had no idea, there's no corresponding law. Wasn't there al huge raid some years back? Or was that Utah?

plot said...

@mary lamb

"This place is rife with sock puppets."

Is that what you call anyone who contradicts or questions your versions of events?

Then your world must be chock full of your sock puppets.

T. W. said...

@Nubian Princess - You are welcome!

Schneiderisnext said...

There have been multiple raids on short creek/Colorado city Az/Hilldale UT

This is a great introduction to the corrupt politics of AZ and Utah, the Mormons, and polygamist compounds


Flake, McCain, Orrin Hatch, and many other prominent Republican politicians are retiring. All have associations/have defended/visited/accepted donations from the FLDS

Nubian princess said...

Wow. Schneiderisnext. Read the article. I believe I'm officially "woke".

Schneiderisnext said...

If the disgraced/retired politician is Jeff Flake, the only recent allegations come from Roger Stone/Robert David Steele ("ex"-cia)/and the Alex Jones crowd

They claim Michael Flynn had a list of PeDos (Republican and Democrat) who were politicians in the US. (Some say it was given to him by russia)

One name on this list was referenced as the "best friend" of Mike Pence

Many articles describe Pence and Flake having a falling out over Trump. And describe them as best friends.

I see no reason to believe these claims unless their is a previous accusation against Flake. This is all very unsourced.

Anyone find any/know of any? I can't find any scandals involving "a minor" in Flakes career.

(This isn't to say he doesn't protect polygamists, because he definitely has)

Schneiderisnext said...

I take that back. Flake did have

"one near-scandal involving a minor"

While not a sex scandal (which I assumed but @enty doesn't actually say), Flake's son's high-scandal hint @ FLDS Mormon attitudes



Tanner used Twitter to threaten the "faggot" who stole his bike that he "will find you, and … will beat the crap out of you," joked about an acquaintance stealing one-liners because he's Jewish, and went by the name "n1ggerkiller" in an online game.

"I'm very disappointed in my teenage son's words, and I sincerely apologize for the insensitivity. This language is unacceptable, anywhere. Needless to say, I've already spoken with him about this, he has apologized, and I apologize as well," Sen. Flake said in a statement to BuzzFeed.

Although Tanner has since locked his Twitter account, a series of tweets from January and February show the Arizona Republican's son repeatedly using the slurs.

Additionally, Flake posted screenshots of scores from games on "Fun Run," a social gaming app. The screenshots show that Flake goes by the name of "n1ggerkiller."

UPDATE: A source points out that Flake's YouTube comments are also littered with offensive language. A preliminary review of the hundreds of comments shows he repeatedly called other users "nigger" and "faggot," called Mexicans the "scum of the Earth," and on several occasions bragged that his father is a member of Congress.

Halloweenie said...

The only ultra conservative breakaway Catholic Church is that I know of is Mel Gibson's. He's tingled my spidey senses ever since that movie the man without a face. And of course the antisemetic rants and whatnots. And the extreme misogynistic rants against his Russian ex girlfriend. But I have never heard a whiff of anything about him. Has anyone else?

Halloweenie said...

So the over arching The church is conservative right wing churches including but not limited to conservative mormans, ultra conservative Catholic Church, Christian Right wing church and racist aryan white power churches working with Middle East child runners? Are we near the right ballpark??? Himmmm wherefore art thou himmmm? My brain can't process all this properly.

Schneiderisnext said...

Looks like Brice Beckham also starred in a 1989 Disney show: teen win/lose/draw with Soleil Moon Frye

Def A+ list for her

This was in 1989, anyone have the clip?

Halloweenie said...

Mel Gibson's church?

Hotmessmidwest said...

@Tricia13 I'm late posting but I love your answers as well as your wit. I am a married Mom of 2 living in Cincinnati so all the insight you give, I soak it up like a sponge. And you are gorgeous btw😊

Court b said...

I don't always agree with Tricia,and I stuck up for people she insulted, so I must be Derek too.
Is that how it works on this site? If we don't agree, we are a dude named Derek?
I don't even know who that is, outside of tricia accusing people of being him, if they don't sing her praises.

Halloweenie said...

I'm getting it finally. I think. Are some of y'all trying to say that Tomato Crush is part of a pedo ring? Is that what his cult has on him so he can never leave???????? Oh ma gawd. Tomato was raised a strict catholic and wanted to be a priest. Is that a big part of this???

Court b said...

Time for daddy to confiscate his iPad,and whoop his ass

Unknown said...


Jcd said...

The best podcast in the universe

Mary Lamb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Ultra conservative right-wing Catholics (can't we fit an "arch-" in there somewhere?) tend to hold Mass in someone's basement, because they're such outsiders and scorned by mainstream Catholics that they can't afford anything else. They don't have the numbers or the money to run any kind of "ring." If you're looking for pedophile "Catholics," look to the Vatican and Pope Frank's friends. The Church got rid of a lot of low-level priests after the molestation scandals, but very few bishops or others in positions of power were exposed. They're still there, and feeling empowered under Frank.

Dane said...

Here is the episode, around 10:30 mark.

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