Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Blind Item #10 - The Naughty Dancing Boy

This story is about yet another dancing boy (which as Enty said really was a go to thing back in the day). Many of you, at least those born before that most notorious of decades, will know him. Unsurprisingly, he was and is an actor/comic, and once appeared on the original version of a recently rebooted series (that's been in the news this past week), but he is still known today for his leading (or near/co-leading) part on a successful earlier series.

He got that part while still in grade school, and the episode of interest here is from the first season. (Our actor was ten years old at the time.)

After the taping of the previous episode, a production assistant came backstage and handed the cast their next scripts. And since our actor had finished his homework already, he began reading through it. The episode was about one of these family or high school events you may have gone to, or will. But in lieu of the "firm hand" of the show's co-star, the kids start to get "out of hand." For reasons unclear to our actor even today, his "acting up" includes performing a similar dance in a similar state of undress to the (barely clinging to A list status?) actor/church member.

Our actor immediately felt uncomfortable about performing this scene, and told one of the producers - who was usually sympathetic to his concerns. In this case though he was told he had to perform the part as written. He shot back that he wouldn't do it unless he got to keep his pants on, and the producer said, "young man, you're out of line." It was then that the actor threw the script in a nearby garbage can, and stomped on it, ensuring it was covered in coffee and food scraps. "Big mistake," the producer said, and walked off.

Soon after, a cast member took him aside - apparently it was the sister (why is it always the sister or in this case "sister?") - and told him he was going to be flogged on his bare backside (by the co-star) for being proud and willful, but that if he went through with it (the scene, I mean) the punishment would be less. She even showed him the paddle. It was exactly the kind they used in boarding schools of the co-star's home country. It had his character name burned into it.

A couple years later, while appearing on air with the permanent A+ or A++ list celebrity - it was a episode about young actors - he was asked if there was ever a scene he didn't want to do. You can imagine what he said. You may even remember it. What, of course, he couldn't say was the rest. The threat of corporal punishment was still there, and the network saw to it - in part by way of his character - that he had a mischievous reputation. As in: if he ever talked you shouldn't always believe what he says (you should; also: he's actually one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet). But because Hollywood liked to live dangerously back then, they even teased viewers with an episode about the actor getting spanked by the co-star (who by the way was never married).

As I begin to hear from other former dancing boys, it's becoming clear to me that not only must there have been (and maybe still is) some kind of systemic aspect to it - a network or networks, a ring or rings - but also that physical and verbal abuse often seem to have been used in conjunction with the other kind.
. . .

(Do you remember that church mentioned in the one about the forthcoming feature, "the Little Drummer Boy?" This is that church.)

The church had a retreat/compound in the far north of this one state. The geography is important, not because the state is in the western half of the country's interior (although it is), but because this part has long been associated with a certain type of politics and beliefs that's been basically back in the news under a new name. Some members of one of those groups were also members of the church. Who else was a visitor to the compound? Apparently this now "retired" politician from the same state. He had one near-scandal involving a minor, which blew over, but the more recent allegations were the ones that sunk him. In this case though the VIP guest was a doctor, there not in case anyone got sick or injured, but to give a presentation. It was about the dancing boys of Afghanistan.

The former church member claims that the man, of Afghan origin himself, and a supporter of restoring the country's monarchy, had come to America after the fall of the royal family, and ensuing chaos. His goal? To establish the dancing boy culture in Hollywood. He'd I guess been so successful over the previous decade he'd moved on in part to other circles - Washington, Wall Street, and various well off churches, to name a few - where he'd give seminars about the dancing boys. These were the pre-internet times, of course, so this kind of knowledge was limited to mostly academics, but his fees were often in the seven figures - something no college professor could charge. The reason was his talent. Over the years, Svengali like, he'd apparently groomed dozens and maybe hundreds of boys. And he had connections to the networks he'd trained. In other words, you didn't necessarily need to risk grooming them yourselves. For the right price, you could simply buy them.


  1. Joseph Gordon Levitt for Dancing Boy

  2. Another installment of the Dancing Boy Expanded Cinematic Universe.

  3. You going after bacha bazi huh?

  4. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,......

  5. Martin Mull/Roseanne?
    Earlier series Nightcourt

    1. Even earlier, Mary Hartman series in the 70's.

  6. JGL is a comic? From several decades ago?

  7. There is, as I suggested at the outset, a feature in the works that incorporates this story in the form of a taxi cab confession. The broader story happens a few years later. Set in suburban LA, three local boys - all of whom had alleged abuse by members of a breakaway ultra-orthodox Catholic church and its affiliated reform school for boys - turn up dead, and the town falls under the spell of a satanic panic. According to the rumor, spread like wildfire, the first death was "a Christian," the second a "virgin," and the third a "betrayer." All are said to have been murders, and part of a satanic initiation rite. Even the sheriff believes it. Before long, I'm no longer reading or hearing about it, but a part of it, suspected along with my closeted boyfriend (from a conservative Catholic family), and an out gay teacher from the high school (who doubles as a facilitator for the local lgbt youth group), of the killings (for little more reason, a la the West Memphis Three, of being a little unusual in this straight laced town). I am forced to make a final sacrifice, to choose between the mad love I feel for this other young man, and losing him, but telling the truth. You'll know it when it comes out because it shares a title with a certain classic Christmas song about a boy percussionist.

    Break away Catholics are typically Sedevacantists

  8. The Dancing Boys if Afghanistan is disgusting. Adult men choose which boy they want to sleep with after the dance.

    I honestly don't know who this is but I kept thinking about that kid from Mr. Belvedere & that disgraced politician Gary Condit.

    1. Yes, Brice Beckham from Mr Belvedere did appear on Roseanne.
      Star would be Belvedere actor (British boarding schools).

      There was a blind months back about an adult actor beating up his child costar for stealing his thunder. I wonder if this is more of the same.

      Also, Brice was on Wonder Years for several episodes. I bet he's got stories there.

      Also also, he's a comic?

      Anyway.... kind of lost me with the second part of the blind, but it's definitely Brice Beckham.

    2. @Sara, Making It Work

      I did some digging. Brice dies act, write, produce, & draw. He has a channel on funny or die.

      I'm gonna go read the rest of the comments to see if there is a better guess but I am sticking to my guns for now.

    3. I read the blind again. The clues in the 6th paragraph lead me to believe my initial guess.

      The politician may or may not be Gary Condit.

      If the actors in question are not Brice Beckham & Christopher Hewitt then I will eat my hat.

    4. CCOKC - Child Celebrities Opposing Kirk Cameron


    5. I got into a twitter spat with Filthy Condit about a year ago. What a disgusting asshole. I blocked him after the fifth or sixth @. Dirtbag.

    6. @Kno Won Uno

      What is that man's problem & why is he not in prison?

  9. Trying to make the kid do the Risky Business dance? Is Tom Cruise barely hanging on to A-List?

  10. I assumed the most notorious decade was the 70s but to Enty it’s the 80s I guess?

  11. At least his name is not in the blind stating "and its not..."

    1. Oh sod off derek... you suck at life.
      And she was the answer ol
      Captain of industry-read the comments

  12. Khaled Hosseini (Persian: خالد حسیني‎ [ˈxɒled hoˈsejni]; /ˈhɑːlɛd hoʊˈseɪni/; born March 4, 1965) is an Afghan-born American novelist and physician.[1][2] After graduating from college, he worked as a doctor in California, an occupation that he likened to "an arranged marriage."[3] He has published three novels, most notably his 2003 debut The Kite Runner, all of which are at least partially set in Afghanistan and feature an Afghan as the protagonist. Following the success of The Kite Runner he retired from medicine to write full-time.

    That was a vile piece of propaganda

    1. @geeljire

      Re: khaled hosseini (damn that's a good guess for the doctor)

      How was the kite runner propaganda?

      I actually saw a prescreening and q&a for the movie. I got to ask a question, which was about the abuse in the movie and whether hosseini had experienced/seen it himself.

      he answered the question, and denied having seen it personally, only hearing stories.

      However anyone who's read the book knows it's the most explicit image in the book. It really makes me curious if he was truthful.

  13. Never thought Id be more interested in KStew lessing off with another celeb than a blind like this.

  14. Ahmad Khan Mahmoodzada (born 1994 or 1995)[1] is a child actor from Afghanistan. He played the role of Hassan, the loyal friend and servant of the richer boy Amir, in the movie The Kite Runner.

    In one scene Hassan is attacked and it is suggested that he is raped. The filmmakers wanted Ahmad to take off his pants for the shooting, but his father refused to let him do that. The boy has said that he would never have taken the role had he known Hassan would be raped. Reports vary on whether he and his family were properly informed in advance.[2] The scene has now been depicted in a less harrowing manner than originally planned, and there is no nudity in it. Nevertheless, a body double was used to show the boy's pants being tugged slightly down.[3]

    Because of cultural misunderstandings there has been concern about the safety of him and the other two main boy actors. Therefore, Paramount Pictures relocated them and their relatives to the United Arab Emirates.[4]

  15. In 1957, the name of his church was changed to The Church of Jesus Christ Christian, which is used today by Aryan Nations (AN) churches. One of Swift's associates was retired Col. William Potter Gale (1917–1988). Gale had previously been an aide to General Douglas MacArthur, and had coordinated guerrilla resistance in the Philippines during World War II. Gale became a leading figure in the anti-tax and paramilitary movements of the 1970s and 1980s, beginning with the California Rangers and the Posse Comitatus, and helping to found the militia movement. Numerous Christian Identity churches preach similar messages and some espouse more violent rhetoric than others, but all of them hold the belief that Aryans are God's chosen race. Gale introduced future Aryan Nations founder Richard Girnt Butler to Swift. Until then, Butler had admired George Lincoln Rockwell and Senator Joseph McCarthy, and had been relatively secular. Swift quickly converted him to Christian Identity. When Swift died, Butler took over the Church, to the apparent dismay of both Gale and Swift's families. Neither Butler nor Gale rivaled Swift as a dynamic orator, and attendance dwindled under the new pastor. Butler eventually renamed the organisation "The Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations" and moved it to Hayden Lake, Idaho.

  16. Condit was from California. Would CA be described as a state in the country's "interior"? I'm thinking more like Arizona.

    1. The state sounds like Idaho to me, land of aryan nations and other white supremecist groups

  17. Martin Mull was born in 1943 lol

    Moron, hypocrite.

    1. Who was liked out of 4th grade Dereck lol
      Really? Might you not have challenged yourself a tad and looked up the word-asswipe- at least?

    2. @DonnaMarie
      Why are you attacking Tricia13? What's with the personal attack? It's gross. Please stop.

    3. His attacking Tricia13 is par for the course and what drove me away from CDAN a few years ago. Attacks with no provocation and below the belt.

    4. Thanks ... he’s a coward , a wanna be bully, and in the end -a nobody as we know.

  18. Yup, JGL was on Roseanne for one episode.
    Third Rock from the Sun being the other show.

    1. roseanne began in '88 and 3d rock began in '96, though ... also idk if i'd call JGL a comedian.

  19. But Third Rock was after Roseanne and the blind says he is known for his part on an earlier series.

    1. Yeah JGL makes no sense...in any way
      nothing to see there

  20. If I'm reading it right, this dancing boy had a near-co-leading part on a series when he was 10 years old, and in the first season he did a Risky Business-like dancing scene. It was a part that he's still known for, not a one-episode appearance.

    1. The one (or more) episode was on a show that was recently rebooted, we're guessing Roseanne but possibly not.
      Otherwise, yes, what you said.

    2. It has to be the Roseanne reboot, which is in the news this week.

  21. Comic is throwing me off

    1. @TLT

      Brice Beckham does comedic writing. All the clues fit fir him & Christopher Hewitt.

  22. JGL was born in 1981. I don't think this is him for numerous reasons.

    Groucho Marx, as Otis B. Driftwood in A Night at the Opera, and his brother Chico, as Fiorello, are haggling over a contract for an opera singer's services, when Groucho brings up one more clause: "It says 'If any of the parties participating in this contract is shown not to be in their right mind, the entire agreement is automatically nullified.'" When Chico demurs, Groucho soothingly replies, "It's all right, that's in every contract. That's what they call a 'sanity clause'." Chico laughs derisively. "You can't fool me!" he snorts. "There ain't no Sanity Clause!"
    This week Paramount Pictures essentially invoked the sanity clause to end its 14-year deal with Tom Cruise and his Cruise-Wagner production company. (The star's partner, Paula Wagner, insisted that she and Tom had jumped out of their contract before they could be pushed.) "His recent conduct has not been acceptable to Paramount," harrumphed Sumner Redstone, chairman of Paramount's parent company Viacom, as if he were the provost of a starchy boys' school and Cruise a rambunctious pupil.

    The ABC TV honchos might have been thinking the same thing about Mel Gibson when, a few days after the actor-director was stopped for drunk driving and lurched into an anti-Jewish raveup at the arresting officer, the network scotched plans for a series to be produced by Gibson about the Holocaust.

    Cruise's transgressions were more boyish, and less goyish, than Gibson's. The star formerly known as Tom Terrific was guilty only of behaving like a lovesick cockaloony on TV by trampolining on Oprah's couch and trumpeting his love for Katie Holmes, of slamming Brooke Shields for taking anti-depressive medicine after giving birth, and of proselytizing too strenuously for that non-religion he belongs to, the Church of Scientology. All this falls into the severely goofy range but stops somewhere short of actionable.

    Besides, doesn't everyone know that actors are nuts? They're not paid to be reasonable. We watch them because on screen they express a beauty, strength, wit, agility, danger that we're not capable of in real life. And most of the time, in real life, neither are they.

    The behavior Redstone really found unacceptable was Cruise's recent performance at the box office. As a New York Times list of his top-grossing films indicates, Cruise hasn't had a big hit this century that wasn't either directed by Steven Spielberg (himself a mass-audience magnet) or part of the Mission: Impossible franchise. And even there, in real dollars or inflated ones, each successive film has earned less money than the preceding one.

    The boyish antics may have suggested something else to Paramount. Cruise is 44 now, a star (since Risky Business in 1983) for more than half his life; yet he still relies on the megawatt smile and man-child brio. He should be finding a way to segue to a maturity that is just as appealing, yet less... strange. In other words, Paramount to Tom: Grow up!

    Finally, the bosses want to trim the fat and the inventory. At a time when studios are wailing about box-office flatlines (though this year's take is up from 2005) and insufficiently ballooning zillions from the DVD cash cow, Paramount figured that committing to another long skein of expensive movies from the erstwhile boy wonder.

    The only surprising element in this family melodrama was Paramount's public airing of its displeasure — as if it wanted to sour all of Hollywood on Tom Cruise, and, by extension, other crazy or cranky stars, of which there are plenty. Since Redstone is not known for shooting from the lip, I'd guess that he, and perhaps other moguls, may be trying to tell its priciest talents that the era of $25 million paydays for a single picture — or the sort of star-studio deal that is lucrative only for the star — is over.


    The bosses would love a return to the studio system of the '30s and '40s, when the front-office men were first-generation shtarkers, fresh from the rag trade, who ran movie production like an assembly line, up to 50 features each year, and never took no for an answer. (The biography of Darryl Zanuck, production chief at Warners and then 20th Century-Fox, was titled Don't Say Yes Until I Finish Talking.) Today's executives must look back on that so-called Golden Age with the lost-Eden ache of an antebellum plantation master or ball club owner from the days before free agency.

    In the '30s and '40s, most actors were signed to seven-year contracts. They had no control over the movies their bosses told them to appear in, and were loaned out to other studios, like leased cars or chateaux or cattle, with their employers pocketing most of the gelt. And in the rare instance of actors acting up, they got slapped down.

    James Cagney machine-gunned his way to stardom with The Public Enemy and other gangster movies in the early '30s. Immediately he agitated his studio, Warners, for more varied roles. Twice he took a voluntary suspension to make his point, returning each time for a higher salary and a tad more creative input. He left Warners again in 1936 and put himself on the open market. Though Cagney was a major star, the big studios stayed away from him, fearful that if one actor could dent the system, anarchy would ensue. He made one picture for tiny Grand National, but it was unable to secure bookings with the major theater chains — which were owned by the studios! He went back to Warners and stayed there well into the '40s.

    If Cagney embodied the sass and snarl of newly urbanized America, Bette Davis represented the assertive, neurotic ur-bitch. She came to Warners in 1931, making five to seven films a year and, like Cagney, campaigning for better parts. (She made her first big impression, in Of Human Bondage, on a loan-out to RKO.) When she turned down one role she was suspended and left for England, hoping to make pictures there, but Warners sued her for breach of contract.

    In vain did her lawyer itemize Davis' grievances: that she could be suspended without pay for refusing a part, with the period of suspension added to her contract; that she could be called upon to play any part within her abilities regardless of her personal beliefs; that she could be required to support a political party against her beliefs; and that her image and likeness could be displayed in any manner deemed applicable by the studio. (This is from Wikipedia.) The barrister for Warners sneered at this list, saying "that this is rather a naughty young lady and that what she wants is more money." Davis lost the case and returned to Warners, where she remained until 1949.

    Someone had to break this monopoly, and it wasn't a movie tough guy or tart. Olivia de Havilland, yet another Warners contract artist, had specialized in doe-eyed darlings, notably as Melanie in Gone With the Wind— again, a loan-out, this time to the Selznick Studio. And again, she wanted to expand her range. When Warners kept casting her in all-sugar, no-spice roles, de Havilland balked and was suspended. She then challenged the studio in court, arguing that since the period of suspension was routinely added to the length of the contract, an actor was in danger of permanent involuntary servitude. Miracle of miracles, she won, in what became known as the de Havilland Law of 1945. A year later, she left for Paramount, where she won a Best Actress Oscar for To Each His Own. Two years after that, the Supreme Court ruled the industry acted as a monopoly, separating the production companies from their theater chains and hastening the end of the studio system.

  25. Also it says the type of paddles they used in boarding schools in his co-stars home country.

    This to me, would mean the "sister" was born in the UK.

    1. I thought that was referring to the co-star who was going to be doing the paddling? Hard to tell with Enty speak. Could go either way.


    The twist to this story is that, in a town ruled by lucre, this one wasn't about the money. Davis, for example, was earning $1,350 a week when she attested of her "slavery" in that 1936 British court. (The Warner counsel drawled, "If anybody wants to put me into perpetual servitude on the basis of that remuneration, I shall be prepared to consider it.") No, it was about the power that a paternalist organization wanted to keep holding over the actors it saw as its pampered children. I protect you, sustain you, give you this generous allowance — why won't you be home by eight?

    And in fact, the studios did protect their assets. The publicity machines saw to that. They assured that the stars looked beautiful, and spoke decorously, in public. Whispers of alcoholism, drug addiction or homosexuality stayed out of the press through studio pressure and payoffs. The only times an indiscretion got out was when it became a police or judicial matter.

    In 1935, actress Mary Astor was involved in a messy divorce case, with her husband publishing parts of her diary that described bedroom details of her affair with playwright and director George S. Kaufman. (She had breathlessly described Kaufman's "incredible powers of recuperation" — back then, even sex scandals had a touch of literary elegance.) Sam Goldwyn, who had his own studio, stood by Astor and allowed her to return to the film she had been making, the immortal Dodsworth. Her career continued for another quarter century, though she now played women with a darker allure, like Bogart's femme fatale in The Maltese Falcon.

    In the late '40s, hardened by the war, exposed to the fatalism of film noir, American moviegoers learned to be a little indulgent to their stars — if the indiscretion fit the actor's on-screen personality. Robert Mitchum was convicted on a marijuana charge in 1948, and did some time for the crime. But since his appeal was a sleepy, surly sexuality (which he radiated brilliantly, by the way), audiences mostly shrugged, as if the police-blotter notes were just the scenario for some unfilmed Mitchum movie. The actor coasted on that reputation for decades. "The only difference between me and my fellow actors," he said, "is that I've spent more time in jail." And when quizzed about his 60-day stretch at a California prison farm, he replied, "It's like Palm Springs without the riffraff."

    Mitchum was an early exponent of the actor as outlaw, more interested in getting a role than being a role model. Brando sanctified that posture — the insolent slouch — which over the last half-century has been assumed by a hefty plurality of actors and musicians (mostly male, but there are exceptions). If a star doesn't crash his car, trash his hotel room or smash in a photographer's face, he's not being true to his art, you know what I mean?


    So Hollywood can't suddenly mind if its stars make occasional fools or louts of themselves. And Paramount can't find much fault with Cruise's "recent conduct"; he's done nothing lately but deprive tabloids of his and Katie's baby pictures. This time, it is about the money. Cruise, the studio had decided, is more trouble than he's worth. His shenanigans, they compute, have diluted his box office clout. Not morals or ethics. Simple arithmetic.

    So, you ask, why do studios bother with prima donnas like Cruise and stick with the reliables, the stars of hit comedies? All this millennium, Adam Sandler has made medium-budget blockbusters, grossing more than $100 million at the domestic box office six years in a row. Jim Carrey can be huge in the right project. Will Ferrell has become a major deliverer. Talladega Nights, if it keeps on motoring at its turbo pace, could end up one of the top five grossers of the year (after Pirates of the Caribbean 2, Cars, X-Men III and The Da Vinci Code); and it was made for less than half the cost of any of those films.

    The problem: Hollywood is an international enterprise, and comedy is a local vintage that usually doesn't travel well. Sandler's movies make from 60% to more than 80% of their income in North America. Even The Wedding Crashers, a comedy with presumed appeal beyond our borders, took in only about a quarter of its revenue overseas. Comedy is what's lost in translation.

    To dominate the world market, Hollywood doesn't need comedy stars. It needs action stars, movie stars. Somebody like Tom Cruise. For ages, that somebody has been Tom Cruise. Beyond him, what is there? Tom Hanks — a movie star, but not an action star. Johnny Depp — a wonderfully eccentric actor, but a star only as Jack Sparrow. Brad Pitt, Russell Crowe — they are, relatively speaking, minority tastes. Harrison Ford, Clint Eastwood — together, they're 140 years old.

    Cruise may be more expensive than he was, and not earn what he used to. But Paramount, after it finishes sighing with relief that he's gone, should ask itself: What — whom — have we got to replace him? Then Redstone may ruefully wonder if it wasn't his studio, not Cruise, that flunked the Sanity Clause.

    From "Spanking Stars Who Misbehave"

  28. I’m reading this as someone who was in Rosanne originally had a previous show as a co lead that started when he was 10. The show included a “sister” and a co - star (male?) who is foreign born and never married. The boy at some point talked about this to Oprah(?).
    Problem is I can’t make the rest of the clues fit for anyone else on Rosanne unless it’s a 1 ep person who is buried in IMDB....

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Adolescent Joseph Gordon-Levitt on Being "Puzzled by the Opposite Sex"
      Before you see him as tightrope walker Philippe Petit in the new Robert Zemeckis film, The Walk, look back on a time when we were first getting to know actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

      He had shoulder-length hair and was best known as the shortest alien on the TV sitcom 3rd Rock from the Sun. Oprah interviewed the intergalactic gang in 1997, and she asked young Joseph, "Do you feel your character mirrors some of your own pubescent situations?" Watch to find out how he described his nascent dating life.

      The Walk opens in select cities Wednesday, September 30, followed by a wide release October 9.

      Original airdate: February 28, 1997

  29. could the rebooted show be the new Roseanne?

  30. I think somebody got it right earlier with Brice Beckham. He did the Risky Business dance on Mr. Belvedere and once appeared on Roseanne.

    1. Yep. All the clues fit.

    2. British Christopher Hewitt was never married.

  31. Comedian Christian Jacobson-was on the show The Love Boat when he was 10 and was on Roseanne in 1990.

  32. @Tricia13, yes, I think the 80s are Enty's most notorious decade, at least on this subject. The anything-goes attitude started in the 60s and 70s, but the 80s were when the people who were formed by that could become predators themselves. And I think the optimism of the decade led to people being naive in some ways. The 80s saw the peak of the Catholic priest molestations too, though the seeds were laid for that 3-4 decades earlier.

    Another possible factor is AIDS: most people thought AIDS spelled the end of the "free love" era, since indiscriminate sex was (we thought then) liable to get you a death sentence. A sort of chastity was almost back in vogue. So who would have suspected that wealthy elites were doing things like sharing rape victims with all their buddies? That would have seemed suicidal.

    1. Good points @Cail!
      Thanks 🙏🏻

    2. @Cail Corishev & @Tricia13

      A lot of stories about Satan worshippers & witches abusing children came out in the 80s.

      People began to take child abuse & eating disorders more seriously during that decade too.

    3. Then you go to college and take SOCI101 and the first thing they tell you is "RITUAL SATANIC CHILD ABUSE IS A HOAX AND MORAL PANIC"
      Except it flies in the face of some very important facts concerning some very important persons.

    4. +1 @Geeljire

      Be careful. The inmates run the asylum. They don't take the Red Pill.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. There are official Catholic church records, going back to 600AD of complaints of Catholic priests molesting young boys, and it likely was an issue, way before the records available.

  33. Think sister as in nun? .... Is a nun, in a series ...

  34. Brice Beckham fits, but he's a comic?

    1. He is currently producing sketch comedy. So says the web.....

  35. https://www.khaledhosseinifoundation.org
    Where could you procure Hazara dancing boys?
    From Hazara women, of course.

    1. Hazara...or Khazara???
      I bet all my spooky fiat coupons I've got the Afghan network

  36. How about Michael Angarano...first show = Cover Me. Second Show = Will & Grace (Recently rebooted)

  37. Condit moved to Arizona after leaving office.

  38. Geeljire, you’re mucking up the works.

    1. I do like reading your krazy stuff. But today it really was a scroller.

    2. I apologize
      But in it you have the network, history of the network, and participants in the network.
      Usually I will just link.
      But with Schneider and Redstone in serious trouble I find it to be required reading.

  39. Apparently the answer to the first blind that everyone is debating is Amber Heard. Because Tricia decided that was the correct answer.

    1. Apparently Dereck Harvey you cant digest properly,that nobody gives AF about what you think or say anymore... I have nothing to do with your irrelevance

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yes, Tricia responds as soon as possible, sometimes without even finishing the blind. And whatever she says, everyone discusses. Instead of guessing other people, it just becomes a discussion about Tricia’s guess even though it’s incorrect. Such as the Amanda Seyfried one. Tricia, please think before you post. You are often right but lately, not so much with your rushed guessing.

    4. Amanda Seyfreid is the answer to that blind...never purported to know then all...but I guess and I guess quick.... because that’s how I work in general (from NYC lol). But I appreciate your feedback @“youtoo”.
      I’ll try and put a stopwatch on and wait at least 2.5/3 minutes

    5. Omg y'all, take it outside.

    6. Tricia13 had surgery recently. That can affect memory. I get where some people are coming from but these personal attacks are hurtful & uncalled for. This site is for "entertainment." Are the arguments worth it?

    7. Are you that daft TW?
      I joked about having my gallbladder removed because someone snarked about why I “didn’t guess first” said I made the following blind I needed some recovery🤔... man has irony and humor totally left this site?😧and as per your post below luv, don’t know what I would’ve said - you seem so clearly unbiased😏

    8. @Tricia13

      I remember you saying you had surgery. I do not recall the details. I do not think illness is something to joke about. I honestly had sympathy for you & thought that might be why your guesses have been off. I won't make that mistake again.

      As for the comment you made earlier on another post, it was made days ago. I am not gonna dig for it because I have moved on. This is a gossip site for fun. You ain't worth it. Bye now.

    9. Child please there nonikkness it was tongue in cheek because someone decided to try and be clever and ask where I was (I didn’t guess first)- so I responded with a far more clever retort... this IS an entertainment site and many of us here a loooong time know how it works and have a laugh.
      Sorry if you’re “new”, or unaware.... but now you got the memo!

    10. I took the surgery thing, just like T.W.. The wrong guesses, in order to be first do get annoying. Sometimes the shtick isn't really clever, it's just shtick, Comes off as arrogence, the embarrassing kind.

      I had a friend who was the Regina George of school. Beautiful, and mean,never to me, but damn near everyone else. While she took comfort in believing she was the most beautiful, the most popular, and she was. She also never caught on she was also everyone's punch line, then, and even now 20,30 years later. Bullying people, making them fear you, doesn't equal them respecting you. Be clever, be fast, don't be a punchline.

  40. It's absolutely not Joseph Gordon Levitt. That doesn't make any sense....

    But.... Neil Patrick Harris?

    It doesn't fit all the clues, but he was on an episode of Roseanne: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVW0OCtDDbk and he of course helmed doogie howser as a young kid.

  41. I dug on roseanne's IMDb and mr belvedere's brice beckham was on it, plus he was around 10 during season 1, had a "sister" and UK co-star

  42. Neil Patrick Harris - a bit old maybe but enty fudges on ages. Show is Doogie Howser; first season episode 4 called "Frisky Business"; he appeared on Roseanne a couple of years into Doogie. He is still known as an actor/comic.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Here's the Mr Belvedere episode with the kid dancing like Risky Business with no pants on:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBZz8sDrDeU (starting at 10:45)

  44. It has to be Belvedere because that episode centers around the father going to a high school reunion, leaving the kids home alone where they run wild.

    I always thought the Mr Belvedere english actor was kind of creepy.

  45. @gauloise-I dont need to see that but I will take your word for it. Sounds like comedian Brice Beckham FTW!

  46. For what it's worth, there's a Season 3 episode of "Growing Pains" where Mike (Kirk Cameron) dances in his underwear:


    "Growing Pains," of course, featured a character named "The Boner" and Leo DiCap in a supporting role. It starred Alan Thicke. Quite the Hollywood presence, that Alan Thicke. Helluva dad, too.

    I think the "Mr. Belvedere" answer is right, but the dancing boys were all over 1980s TV, apparently.

    1. Didn't Boner OD recently?

    2. i thought he was suicided awhile back?

  47. I think we got it with Beckham, but there are some facts wrong in the blind.

    The episode in question was in S3, and Beckham was 9 when he first got the role. He was about 11 in the episode in question.

    But that episode was about a high school reunion and has him dancing somewhat provocatively in just a bathrobe

    1. @pkelly491

      It is season 3, episode 8.

      He is not in a bathrobe. He is dressed just like Tom Cruise.

      The entire episode is on YouTube. Scroll to the 10:45 mark.

  48. Also: Perhaps now we know why Bob Uecker, a marginal baseball player and two-dimensional idiot actor (at best) became a popular cultural figure. Was he part of "the network"?

  49. Interesting, too, that Fergie's appearance on "Mr. Belvedere" is not included on her IMDB profile, nor the series' cast list.

  50. So CDAN, am I rambling, or do you want the alleged doctor's alleged name?

  51. Notice how many young boys did the Risky Business " dance. That tells you something right there.

  52. True stories:

    My grandmother was Bette Davis's nanny when Davis was a young girl. (Daughter of Dr Davis of Boston.) She said she was a total brat even as a kid and she couldn't stand her.

    My friend worked directly for someone very closely associated with TC/maverick. She accidentally walked in on him one day (he was unexpectedly in her employers condo) and left LA that same evening forever. When I asked her what she saw, she wouldn't say, except that it involved a very young child, was very disturbing, and she quit and left town immediately.

  53. +1 to SDaly, For the second, Idaho, Larry Craig was accused of sex with underage congressional pages in 1982, but the more recent scandal that did him in was soliciting for gay sex in a public restroom.


    The new name being "alt-right" for white supremacy

  54. Well, looks like my guess for the kid actor is correct. My guess for Gary Condit as the politician is probable but less likely.

    That "very special episode" of Mr. Belvedere gives me the creeps to this day.

  55. Dr. Qudrat Mojadidi, an obstetrician specializing in high-risk pregnancies, had been recruited by the U.S. government to help rehabilitate Rabia Balkhi Hospital, including a unit that was renamed as the Laura Bush Maternity Ward. Sedika Mojadidi had come along to make “Motherland Afghanistan,” a behind-the-scenes documentary that looked at the crippled health care system and its impact on women.

    This isn't breadcrumbs. It's the Appalachian Trail.

  56. The more I read this site and elsewhere, the more I near a horrific conclusions that raping kids, boys especially, is the fast-track to incredible fame.

    This guy is the Afghanistan programmer of "Dancing Boys"?


    The multi-best-selling author who is adored by the media? You do need to wonder....why this guy? Why Bob Uecker? Why Fresh Prince but not Jazzy Jeff?

  57. Here is the very special belvedere episode where Brice almost gets molested while wearing only a tiny bathing suit and all wet. yuck. then at the end they have him give a speech saying "dont keep quiet if someone tries to make you do something uncomfortable :(


    1. @gauloise

      At the end of the episode the parents ask the kid if he is okay. WTF!

      He just told them what happened, the guy gets arrested, & the parents ask about how he feels all within the same day. Not once do they discuss counseling for the boy.

      By the way, the look on Brice's face during the molestation is creepy. No one is that good of an actor...

  58. "He was about 11 in the episode in question. "

    11 when it aired. How old when it was filmed...

  59. I wonder if the "near-scandal involving a minor that blew over" could be about the Johnny Gosch kidnapping / trafficking ring? He was from Idaho.

  60. Did you know the Taliban (of all organizations!) outlawed bacha bazi?
    Our freedom loving comrades of the Northern Alliance (remember them?) took serious issue with this monumental bureaucratic overreach.

  61. I never watched Mr. Belvedere, but apparently in the sixth episode of the first season, the parents go off on vacation and things get out of hand at home. Sounds pretty similar to Risky Business. Could that be the episode with the dancing?

    1. @Cail Coryshev - No bueno.

      Season 3, Episode 8 on YouTube


  62. @Geeljire 1. No one is reading all that nonsense. 2. Take yo meds fool.
    @enty - Enough of the Dancing Boy(s) already ffs

    1. And the inevitable reaction!

      When the gushing torrential water tosses stones pushing boulders, it is because of the force of its momentum. When the ferocious strike of an eagle, breaks the body of its prey, it is because of the timing of the strike. Thus the forces and momentum of the adept in warfare are so overwhelming and ferocious and his timing of engagement is precise and swift.

    2. @Geeljire

      I thought Afghanistan is a Muslim country. Why is bacha bazi allowed? I don't understand. Please ELI5. Thanks.

    3. "Bacha bazi is a form of pederasty which has been prevalent in Central Asia since antiquity."

      Some people always pay lip service no matter who, what, or where they are. It is these Old World traditions Americans have a difficult time conceiving because most of us run on very short chronologies (Cronus! There he is again!)

      In this way it is similar to the practice of FGM. Very old. Older than writing. Mostly happens in the areas it originated and persisted in but not exclusively Muslim.

      Now let's say your name is Arnon Milchan and you're the Regent of Hollywood and you and your buddies can use the media to paint whatever picture they want.

      Bacha bazi is abhorrent to Muslims not from the regions its practiced in. I don't know what basis they use to excuse it as there is none. I hate to open this can of worms but it seems to be a Shi'ite thing and if the Nizari and Aga Khan are participants well then isn't that the rest of the network.

      There are plenty of Muslims in the region opposed to bacha bazi. They just keep ending up on the wrong side of American weapons for Church related reasons.

      Hey, who built that cave Trump bombed for our anti-Soviet proxy back in the 80s?

    4. Anti-Soviet warrior puts his army on the road to peace: The Saudi businessman who recruited mujahedin now uses them for large-scale building projects in Sudan. Robert Fisk met him in Almatig

      Robert Fisk Monday 6 December 1993

      OSAMA Bin Laden sat in his gold- fringed robe, guarded by the loyal Arab mujahedin who fought alongside him in Afghanistan. Bearded, taciturn figures - unarmed, but never more than a few yards from the man who recruited them, trained them and then dispatched them to destroy the Soviet army - they watched unsmiling as the Sudanese villagers of Almatig lined up to thank the Saudi businessman who is about to complete the highway linking their homes to Khartoum for the first time in history.


    5. @Geeljire - If I read correctly, this is a cultural thing that continues because the Muslims did not put a stop to it when they had the chance.

      I wonder what the Mahdi will do...

    6. Don't blame us for lack of trying
      The Church has been at war with us for centuries
      In'sha'allah it will stop in my life time.
      Will we put a stop to Hollywood while we have the chance?

      HINT: Ahmet Ertegün

    7. @Geeljire - Thanks. I have heard of people living in the stans claiming they are descendants of Jews who were forced to convert to Islam.

      This is not that kind of site so I'm gonna stop here. Bye now.

  63. No one has mentioned the Bhagwan. I find it tough to believer that AN or the Order would have been about man boy Thursdays. Then again, you just don't know. Was GLR a geigh? Kind of like Ernst Rohlm

  64. @T.W., thanks. Come to think of it, the blind doesn't actually say he went through with the scene at the time. It just says he was threatened and given a choice between a harsher or lighter punishment. Maybe they eventually got him to do the scene in the later season.

    1. @Cail Corishev

      Beckham did the scene & it is disturbing. After dancing he sits on the couch & talks with the older brother. Kid sits with his legs a certain way & you can see his crotch. Why they allowed that shot is beyond me. However I am repeatedly told 99% of child actors were abused in some way.

      The scene is in episode 8 of season 3. Scroll to the 10:45 mark.


  65. "do you want the alleged doctor's alleged name?"


    Not me anyway, if it entails reading your walls of text and searching for any meaning (which I long ago decided they did not contain.)

    "And the inevitable reaction!"

    To boring vainglorious florid shite? You betcha.

    1. Go meme to Facebook boomers then, you're violating the NAP

    2. Is ... is this /pol/?

  66. "They don't take the Red Pill."

    The pill that allows one to think that womenz are denying white boys their natural superior positions?

    The pill that makes boys who can't get dates think they deserve them through any means possible?

    What do you think Red Pill means these days?

  67. I don't know about these Dancing Boy blinds. The information may be accurate but the writer gives off a really sleazy vibe.

  68. Don't let anybody distract you from the primary plot. The "red pill" as defined by misogynists is a tiny fraction of the meaning. Basically it means "waking up" to the reality of our controlled social environment, a la the "red pill" or "blue pill" choice offered in "The Matrix."

    I suspect the whole "red pill" thing as absorbed and perverted by the misogynists is yet another psyop to get people offtrack from critical thinking and challenging their mental programming. Don't let professional disinformation types lead you astray.

    1. It doesn't work anyway:

  69. "The "red pill" as defined by misogynists is a tiny fraction of the meaning"

    They have entirely taken over the meaning in common parlance.

    It sucks, but there you have it.

  70. The Tricia attacks are getting old, and I've only really noticed them in the past few days. Right or wrong guesses it doesn't matter, she helps break the ice and get the conversation started. People disagree with her all the time but they're not rude about it, and her replies to others are generally pleasant and polite.

    1. @Brayson87

      I got a nasty response from Tricia13 a few days ago. I replied I didn't understand her comment. I still don't. It's not worth arguing about so I moved on.

      As for people attacking her, it looks like people are fed up with some of the others kissing her a$$. People want to run her off the same way they ran off VIP Blonde. Some people are members of the thought police you know.

      Debate is fine but at the end of the day this is a gossip site for entertainment purposes. If we continue to take this seriously people looking to sue Enty can use that as ammunition. They will claim this is not for entertainment.

    2. I got another nasty response from Tricia13 today because she mad I said she said something nasty to me before. Elementary school kids, I tell ya...

    3. Maibubirebee/Derek /TW Get off the site for chrissakes.... you’re fooling noone(btw nice touch with the manufactured/stages Ebonics followers up by the collegiate dissertation below 😏
      Man your game is rusty and weeeeak.

    4. @Tricia13 - You first. Last time I checked you aren't Enty, you don't own the site, & you don't police the internet.

      Thank you for your Ebonics comment. Now everyone can see you as the racist you are. Have a nice day!

    5. Malibuborebee /“parading as TW” this week” you din twit.
      I live on an island and surround my children in am multicultural experience because we wanted them raised that way and quite frankly., we can.
      What’s your excuse for continuing to attack people undet alias’with false labels,rhetoric and your acidic BS?
      Oh wait/ just another Tuesday for ya ... another misfit forced to hide behind multiple names.

    6. Dim...very,very dim.

  71. I’d forgotten about the airport stall guy!

  72. Unfortunately, "DANCING BOY" in the Headline
    has become D.O.A.

    Lack of cohesiveness...Nobody can explain it...
    "It's kind of like a mass that keeps getting bigger..."

  73. The Little Drummer Boy


  74. I WISH dancing boy blinds were DOA, but look at the number of responses.

    Granted, most of them have nothing to do with the dancing boy and Geeljire is monologuing again for attention.

  75. it's so gross that so many young boys were asked to do this "dance" on television at this time. it does appear that, as enty implies, there were rings inside rings in hollywood and probably beyond. i'm sure some of this was a nod and a wink to their disgusting "club." As for the author of "the kite runner" i think this attaches this network to a global cabal. from what i have read, bin laden worked with #41 and could the church be clowns in america? candy jones said in her testimony that clowns in america run the world. this is the deep state. i think they get blackmail on everyone. it does seem that if you want power, wealth, or fame you must agree to their terms and become their puppet. even sumner redstone most likely answers to others. satan has been very busy.

  76. @Lucindasays

    Hi. Some believe the clowns in america are a part of the snake, not its head. Depending on whom you ask, el Papa is the snake head or el papa along with tim ROTHS CHILDren are the two heads of the snake.

  77. Replies
    1. @Geeljire

      The god of this world - for now.

    2. Iblis has but one power: deception.
      Allah is the One and Only

  78. @Lucindasays, @Geeljire, @T.W., et al --

    I've been digging into the shadow government for decades. One of the more intriguing explanations I've heard--from numerous people who don't know each other--is that there are seven distinct secret societies in constant battle for control, but they all report into one supernatural being.

    I can't remember all seven branches off the top of my head, but the Jesuits, Freemasons, Zionists and Chinese White Dragon society were among them. There were a couple more, if you dig around you might find some info on them. I was told these combined groups were called "The Network," though some research I've done suggest they are actually called "The Cercel."

    Not sure I buy it entirely, but I do think secret societies are behind the horrors in this world and that it is all rooted in some malevolent spiritual force that hates life and hates human beings.

    1. @Ddonna Tarttty

      Your last paragraph says it all. They worship Lucifer.

      Have you looked into the mission of CERN (Hadron Super Collider)?

      These groups put out false information along with the truth about themselves. That way we look insane when we tell people about them.

  79. I have very much dug into CERN. I am well aware of the human sacrifice they held in public on their campus, which they deny was real but have never satisfactorily explained, considering there is video. Some say CERN is responsible for "The Mandela Effect," which I'm not sure actually exists. But it answers to no government and has had an endless series of strange events around it. This is the one that's always stuck with me, because it's so random and the odds against it happening so huge.


    But the divine bird only held off the CERN launch. It didn't stop it.

    1. @Ddonna Tarttty

      Here is what I find funny. Some scientists claim God does not exist. Yet, they conduct experiments to create the God particle (Higgs-Boson) so they can prove the Big Bang Theory.

      If God does not exist, why try to create a God particle, which they hope to use to create or open a portal to another universe?

      Some of them believe they will be able to communicate with spirit beings. No joke.

      If they succeed this could explain Revelation Chapter 9. If so, they might want to pick up a Bible & read it.

    2. https://youtu.be/zW5gklIKcDg
      Geeljire's Greatest Schizophrenic Hits! This video didn't happen at CERN I fabricated it on a computer!

  80. Oh come now don't go and tell them that all that time and energy spent on the Big Bang and string theory was a waste!

  81. Can we stay on topic? Please, I can't do another plot vs Snieder next vs crazy gee(whatever his handle. Leave @tricia13 alone. Don't hate the player, hate the game. So, I remember KC doing the dance, but not him. Sadly I loved Mr Belevdere as a kid. But, it's that poor kid. Ugh..

    1. @Nubian Princess

      I think Christopher Hewitt was gay and died of complications from diabetes. I have no idea why the British live spankings & anal sex.

      Fun fact - Mozart wrote a song called Lick My A$$ Nice & Clean. No joke.

    2. Thanks for the fun fact! I'll bring it up at dinner party. Should be a big hit!

  82. When JGL was 10, he was doing Dark Shadows (also a reboot.)

  83. Whats with the Gee whatver the heck he calls himself and his schizophrenic long ass posts. Give him a slot as a reader blind so we dont have to scroll through his make no sense bullshit every thread

  84. since i am new here, does all this posting about these horrific child abuse stories mean that these victims are talking and seeking justice? i read that ronan farrow was working on another story and interviewing people in regards to viacom. i hope this all comes out soon. when enty has posted these blinds in the past was there ever justice? these poor victims. i hope they are on a road to recovery.

  85. Oh shit, now it's CERN? I thought it was HAARP that was gonna bring the end times... darn scientists and their sciencing!

  86. @Lucindasays - This is my opinion. Some people want to talk but can't for a variety of reasons. A work around is to supply blind items to Enty.

    I have noticed that Enty, Enterns, etc. will write a lot of blinds about someone because they know something is coming. Sometimes it happens quickly. Sometimes years pass but things do come to light.

    I think some blinds are warnings. I think Mr. Hedge did some on Netflix. People in the forums were wondering whether or not to dump their stock.

    You might notice from time to time people say "why doesn't Enty call the cops" and other arguments. Just ignore those because that has been discussed ad nauseum.

    The things you read here may or may not be true. Just enjoy the ride.

    By the way. Some people hold court here & will not hesitate to school the newbies or police other people's thoughts. Be careful.

  87. Child please? "New" or unaware? That wasn't necessary and neither is your attitude. Stop jumping down everyone's throat. I saw a few comments saying how you didn't guess first by a couple of surprised commenters who got their guess in before you. They weren't intended to be insulting, on the contrary.
    And to those it annoys that you monopolize 'first', you don't need a stop watch. Maybe lay off the refresh button. Or not.
    I could care less, either way.

    1. I can see that😏

    2. Promise I won’t... can’t and would never want to Geel..🙏🏻
      Life is good ☀️

    3. No, obviously you can't. Reread my comment. I was actually trying to help as you were taking some of the comments the wrong way. Suit yourself.


    4. Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

  88. JGL? Ok, stop. Yes hes awesome, talented, smart and actually very kind. Not a comic, and now I'm offended. I kid, I kid.

  89. The Church


    This is the first blind in the "Church" series

    A "Church" in Short Creek Arizona

    (a fundamental mormon polygamist community)

    Is operating a "rehab" center for celebrities. The rehab is actually a front for the importation of European sex workers under "religious visas" programs.

  90. The geography is important, not because the state is in the western half of the country's interior (although it is), but because this part has long been associated with a certain type of politics and beliefs that's been basically back in the news under a new name. Some members of one of those groups were also members of the church.

    @plot correctly noted that NXIVM practices similar sexual servitude/multiple wives policies to the fundamental latter day saints (polygamist Mormons)

    Both believe that sex is ownership and men with multiple female partners are blessed/achieve more power

    @enty is confirming multiple orgs are involved. NXIVM is one part of "The Church"

  91. Oh no. Who called Schneideris next? There goes my email.

  92. http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/02/blind-item-13-dancing-boy-there-is.html?m=1

    The "drummer boy" blind @enty references megachurches and the drummer boy's sister was involved with "chastity" youth events

    Tommy Barnett was involved with true love waits

    Dream city coming back again....

  93. @nubian.

    These are the previous blinds @enty mentions in this blind.

    Context is key.

    Check em out yourself

  94. I saw a few comments saying how you didn't guess first by a couple of surprised commenters who got their guess in before you. They weren't intended to be insulting, on the contrary.
    And to those it annoys that you monopolize 'first', you don't need a stop watch. Maybe lay off the refresh button.

    Seriously, Tricia, let some other people play the game. I get here too late to be remotely close to first (and don't give a fuck about most of the blinds, some of which are blatantly contrived and/or gleaned either from other gossip sites or from a photo in the DM), but let some of the posters here get in a few comments before you throw down your "correct answer".

  95. It's Macaulay Culkin, folks.

  96. How about Fuller House - It is still in the news.

    More interestingly, Wikileaks has some information about Dancing Boys.

    "The week of April 13th, the DynCorp regional commander from Konduz, Flint Chambers, allowed his men to hire a 15-year-old boy dancer to do tribal dances at a DynCorp party on the training site. Some 15 or so DynCorp employees in attendance pulled out a single chair and had the boy do mock lap dances. This was captured on video. The video shows DynCorp employees putting dollar bills in the boy’s waistband, just as they would a stripper’s garter. The revelry lasted about 45 minutes."


  97. Maybe Jason Bateman? Or the little kid in Family ties, the super little kid that they had to make the show cute again? Hard to think of big sisters from foreign countries. Or maybe that show with Nell Carter?

  98. The Dancing Boy is a Hollywood Venn Diagram

    1. That's very interesting, Geeljire, but I do think that each of the dancing boys are particular with their experiences.

  99. Ok, after spending way too much time googling, my conclusion is Jason Bateman. Particularly because I think the Silver Spoons cast in general were probably big targets (I hope not, but they were the most adorable kids so hopefully they had really great parents looking out for them).

  100. +100 to those who are guessing brice beckham


    "Television sitcoms where children get spanked"

  101. From Brice Beckham's filmography:

    1988 Scrabble Himself TV episode – "Celebrity Teen Week

    A couple years later, while appearing on air with the permanent A+ or A++ list celebrity - it was a episode about young actors"

    This is definitely Brice. We need to find that episode

  102. @Nubian Princess

    "Please, I can't do another plot vs Snieder next vs crazy gee"

    Not going to happen. I'm done, finished torturing the boards with that one.

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. Scrabble "celebrity teen week" starring Brice Beckham definitely exists

    Apparently it costars Chad Allen and Danny pintauro

    I consider neither of these A+ or A++ list celebrities, though pintauro was the lead of "who's the boss"

    Were there other celebrity guests that episode?

  106. Coincidence that Christopher Hewett performed as Captain Hook as an alternate on Broadway in Peter Pan's run in 79-80? Same Broadway production and role as George Rose, Alex Winter's rapist?

  107. Not going to happen. I'm done, finished torturing the boards with that one.

    But then, you just did.

    This place is rife with sock puppets.
    Only the insane, who can't function normally, in the real world, use sock puppets.

  108. @Schneiderisnext is real Houghton worked for Tommy Barnett's Dream church in Arizona. Is real left there and went to work at the Houston church where he still is employed.

  109. @Andy, your comment is disjointed. What are you trying to say?



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