Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Blind Item #5

The girlfriend of this permanent A+ list athlete has been prank calling and texting the former girlfriend of her current boyfriend and threatening her with being beaten up by some cartel members. Apparently the current girlfriend is taking her drug connections a little too far and is way too jealous.


  1. Replies
    1. Nah she’s too prim
      Tiger Woods gal maybe

    2. Erica Herman/Kristin Smith(ex)?

  2. Maybe with the stories out over the last 24 hrs about Smith wanting to break her NDA

  3. Tiger and that chick broke up, they're fighting over an NDA right now according to NY Post & everyone else. What about Ronaldo or Neymar for Soccer? Seems a little too W.T. for Golf?

  4. Erica Herman and the ex who wants to break her nda

  5. Tiger's girlfriend is said to have a troubled past. Some relatives arrested on drug charges.

  6. Yeesh, Tiger seems to like the crazy ones doesn't he?

    1. It's been said that Tiger likes ALL the ones

  7. JLo would not be described as merely a GF, I would think. Probably Tiger. His programming is broken, he'll never be great again. What a horrific childhood that poor man must've had. And closeted, too, we think? There was that voicemail that got leaked about the fantasy he had of a FMM three way with Derek Jeter, right?

  8. I am going out on a limb here but what about Aaron Rogers/Danica Patrick and Olivia Munn. I know it doesn't mention the former girlfriend is famous and I certainly have no evidence of connections with Danica .......

  9. I think Tiger is more than A+

  10. Why are people stupid enough to send threats in text form. Might as well just walk over to the police station yourself & hand your phone in.

  11. Tiger needs to bang some better bitches.Once he wins a couple more PGA events he'll be trading up again.

  12. I know a man who was pissed at his brothers EX because the ex kept texting the man's wife telling her that she and he had hooked up. Anyway, he texted her and told her to leave him and his family alone or he would tell his wife where she lived. She called the cops, he was arrested for terroristic threats. i mean he pled it down to assault, but do you KNOW how bad assault is on your record.
    Geez. these folks need to be careful.

  13. A lot of people who were cheering on Stormy Daniels are going to hate her for opening this door. We live in the age of the backfire.

    Tiger's an odd duck. He was a nerd in college (his nickname was Urkel) and that comes through sometimes when he gets to rambling about his swing physics and stuff. But he became one of the most dominant athletes in history (not to mention ridiculously wealthy), so people assume he has the baller's confidence to go along with that. He doesn't really, off the course, and that gets him into trouble.

  14. @Cail,everyone in Hollywood,sports,and Washington, DC is secretly siding with Trump,they did exactly what he did.

    1. I sincerely doubt the veracity of this statement. Stormy’s lawyer is a shark - it’s entertaining as hell to watch the back & forth between him & Cohen’s lawyer.
      Check out #Stormy on twitter.
      Then again, I love a good legal battle.

  15. Anonymous6:02 PM

    It's Becky G and Sebastian Lletget. She hood so I can see that happening.

  16. @Terry Teratoma Bwahahaha That was a good laugh and you are right. It is beginning to sound like NDAs don't hold much water these days.

  17. I think what Stormy Daniels is doing is disgusting.

    Its not as though he abused her and he did pay her.

    What I'd love to know, is if Stormy Daniels is the young woman/teen photographed with Bill Clinton.
    She was wearing a red dress in the photo.

    Apparently, Bill had her MKULTRA beta sex kitten programmed.

    Same as Bush did to Johnny Gosh.

    And they both worked in porn and sold themselves.

    Anyway, havnt these sluts heard of washing machines?

    Why keep you cloths jizzy?


  18. Lucretia, it is Trump that is a predatory creep who is an admitted sexual assaulter and serial adulterer. Sorry your Cheeto God does not get a pass or a Mulligan!!!



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