Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Today's Blind Items - Separate Lives

The whole living together thing was never going to work out between this A list couple. They tried it for a bit, but our A+ list actor likes to have his own space. His wife likes her own space too. They have. umm, how shall I put it, varied interests. Sometimes their interests align, and other times they don't. Our actor prefers a late night lifestyle with people coming in and out each night for a variety of activities. His wife prefers to be alone or just have someone over for dinner, who may or may not stay the night. In any event, the lights go out early. Another complication is the offspring. She finds them distracting. He finds them as a block to the kind of life he wants to live. Solution? He bought a compound next to his own where they shall live for now, completely on the other side of the country from their mother. He hired a staff of a dozen to watch them. They will still be available for photo ops when mom pays the home a visit. You know, to make it look like everything is completely normal. There is nothing remotely close to normal when it comes to this couple.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. F. .. KING LYING PR NETWORK INTEL HAGS. Epic failure trying to make disfigured ugly Amal Alamuddin a celebrity.
      Clooney didn't knock up beastly ugly Amal Alamuddin, PR NETWORK trolls with your fake multi sockpuppets. Most of the morons posting here are PR network intel recruited cyber trolls spinning lies & fake agendas to public.
      George Clooney is in a sham marriage to beastly UGLY Amal Alamuddin financed by her money laundering arms dealer family like uncle Ziad Takieddine. They pay big for his fame. Clooney cannot stand ugly Amal Alamuddin, has never slept with her & no Clooney twins exist.
      The fake news blind was written by the very same intel PR network trolls who post here or the head honcho. More than likely, MI6 porker Katherine Anthony wrote it who runs a fake Clooney "fansite" as Katiedot.
      It reeks of bullshit.
      Clooney's property in LA has woods on one side & the neighbouring house is owned by someone else.
      No marriage licence exists and there are no Clooney twins.
      Ugly hump nosed Amal Alamuddin has an equally equine sister Tala Hamiyeh Alamuddin whojad surrogate born twins using her second husband and personal trainer Italian gigolo Nico's sperm. Those are not Clooney's biological children. PR network used that idea to elevate the sham marriage which lacked credibility. Always will. Seems it's a bearding gig when in fact it's Arab moneylaundering from arms dealers.

  2. Another case of dickheads who don't deserve the kids they're fortunate to have. I never did think Amal had a maternal bone in her body.

  3. What the F#%*(&^%$#@!'g with these God#$^*(*^%$#@!#= motherfu#%&([>%$@+÷% adds!!@%&%!!!!

    1. On mobile, I can’t use safari at all. It’s crazy.
      I had to switch to Chrome with an adblocker.

  4. It's so sad when kids are props. :(

  5. Funny how Clooney never wanted kids, he knocks Amal up, she doesn't want them either and look what happens here, daddy becomes Mr. Mom! With dozens of nannies actually raising the brats.

    1. Sandybrook, its cute that you think the A) George knocked anybody up and B) that you think those kids are biologically theirs.

    2. Clooney didn't knock up beastly ugly Amal Alamuddin, PR NETWORK trolls with your fake multi sockpuppets. Most of the morons posting here are PR network intel recruited cyber trolls spinning lies & fake agendas to public.
      George Clooney is in a sham marriage to beastly UGLY Amal Alamuddin financed by her money laundering arms dealer family like uncle Ziad Takieddine. They pay big for his fame. Clooney cannot stand ugly Amal Alamuddin, has never slept with her & no Clooney twins exist.
      The fake news blind was written by the very same intel PR network trolls who post here or the head honcho. More than likely, MI6 porker Katherine Anthony wrote it who runs a fake Clooney "fansite" as Katiedot.
      It reeks of bullshit.
      Clooney's property in LA has woods on one side & the neighbouring house is owned by someone else.
      No marriage licence exists and there are no Clooney twins.
      Ugly hump nosed Amal Alamuddin has an equally equine sister Tala Hamiyeh Alamuddin whojad surrogate born twins using her second husband and personal trainer Italian gigolo Nico's sperm. Those are not Clooney's biological children. PR network used that idea to elevate the sham marriage which lacked credibility. Always will. Seems it's a bearding gig when in fact it's Arab moneylaundering from arms dealers.

  6. I hope the twin's caretakers are good. If they're raised well, the kids still have a chance.

    1. There are no Clooney twins. Beastly ugly Amal Alamuddin's equally equine sister Tala had surrogate born twins using her second husband, personal trainer Italian gigolo Nico's sperm. Clooney's PR network hags got the idea to use that notion to see how they could promote ugly Amal by lying that they're hers. Ugly Amal faked pregnancy wearing padding in early months then hid.

    2. Sounds like there's really twins then, my friend. Most people here don't actually think the twins are their biological kids, nor do we think George is hetero.
      Chill. You're trying to convince the wrong crowd. Sounds like you should go over to katiedot, but not here

    3. @Knight Honestly you’re not making anyone look bad here except yourself.

  7. Josh, download Ad Blocker. It really does block everything.

    1. Josh, if you start with basic cucumbers you can work your way up to HUGE Zucchini's in no time. Trust me....

      ... it will block everything!!!!

  8. This doesn't sound like Clooney because there aren't any pictures out there of their children so the "photo op" thing seems like it's about someone more interested in selling pics to the paps.

  9. Or 1Blocker Josh. You have to pay for the whole thing but I think it is worth it.

  10. Not Tatum and Dewar? - a radio guy read out their conscious uncoupling statement this morning as I was driving and it was vomit inducing


    If it is Clooney and Amal, just as disgusting.

  11. "They have. umm, how shall I put it, varied interests."

    H es interested in a POLITICAL CAREER so he needed the "perfect wife" so instead of getting an "Stepford one" he chose one with brains .. pitty he didnt realized SHE WAS AFTER SAME GOAL BUT ON HER OWN ...

    KIDS WERE JUST AN ACCESORY to them ... now they must tolerate to deal with the perfect image cause after all is WHAT THEY ASKED FOR ON THEIR OWN BENEFIT ..


    1. Clooney is a college dropout uneducated tool. A CIA asset in a role for CFR. Ugly Amal faked pregnancy wearing padding. No Clooney twins exist.
      Ugly Amal Alamuddin has a history defending terrorists linked to her money-laundering arms dealer family like uncle Ziad Takieddine.

  12. Not normal by our standards but it wasn't long ago that among the old money "upper class" here and definitely in England, this was perfectly normal. Not defending it, btw, it makes for a lonely and confusing childhood. George and Amal are pretending to be "to the manor born".

    1. I agree with this.
      Undoubtedly, the kids will be sent to upper crusty boarding schools as soon as they’re of the appropriate age.
      They’ll stay at a series of them, summering in Switzerland or whatnot with governesses, until they enter college.
      They’ll see their parents on holidays.

  13. Josh - jeez how many times? try firefox and adblockplus, all free. George is really going the extra mile for this beard isn't he? anyone else remember the dead twink blind from last year?

  14. I was wondering how she would be a busy lawyer with twins. It's too much work and obviously her career comes first. I don't agree with her choices if true. The lawyers that I know are type A and chose not to have kids.

    1. Shut up, moronic PR trolls with multiple sockpuppets deceiving any readers. How many posts with different names have you provided? Your objective is to express belief that she male ugly Amal Alamuddin has kids, when in fact she has none. No Clooney twins exist. Any way you lying hags spin it

    2. You seem like a person who needs to chill the fuck out

  15. Clooney has too many skeletons in his (no pun intended) closet to run for political office. He has said as much many, many times. I also think some of her clients would come into question should he run for office.

    1. Totally agree.
      I suspect background lobbying, SuperPACs & stuff. He’ll never be the face, but he’ll run the show.

  16. Going against the current here. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

    1. My mind went to them, much to my chagrin. But given how she dumped him (scorched earth), why would he bankroll this fcukery?

  17. It's pretty typical among a certain set to have nannies raise the children until they're old enough to ship off to boarding school. Does anyone think it would be healthy for the children to be around their parents' various lifestyles? That's where we get these blinds about house guests wandering into the children's rooms or the kids accidentally seeing a parent loaded on drugs or doing something awful.

  18. I don't think it can be Clooney. Moving kids THAT young into another house? Or maybe they stay around all day but when the sun goes down and kiddos sleep they are in another building? That might make sense but the whole someone saying Clooney KNOCKED HER UP. Hello, those are IVF babies. Multiples not identical, their respective ages and potentially being a faux couple. There was nothing au natural about those two making babies. But why is Clooney doing this? Political career? I mean his mysterious bachelor life kept him bankable at the box office. The erudite wife and kids makes me think HAS to be running for office. Everyone says he can't because of skeletons but celebs are different from mainstream politicians. Look at Arnold and Donald. Their 'questionable' behavior didn't deter anyone from voting for them. We have different 'expectations' of so called CAREER politicians than we do them.

    1. Clooney didn't knock up beastly ugly Amal Alamuddin, PR NETWORK trolls with your fake multi sockpuppets. Most of the morons posting here are PR network intel recruited cyber trolls spinning lies & fake agendas to public.
      George Clooney is in a sham marriage to beastly UGLY Amal Alamuddin financed by her money laundering arms dealer family like uncle Ziad Takieddine. They pay big for his fame. Clooney cannot stand ugly Amal Alamuddin, has never slept with her & no Clooney twins exist.
      The fake news blind was written by the very same intel PR network trolls who post here or the head honcho. More than likely, MI6 porker Katherine Anthony wrote it who runs a fake Clooney "fansite" as Katiedot.
      It reeks of bullshit.
      Clooney's property in LA has woods on one side & the neighbouring house is owned by someone else.
      No marriage licence exists and there are no Clooney twins.
      Ugly hump nosed Amal Alamuddin has an equally equine sister Tala Hamiyeh Alamuddin whojad surrogate born twins using her second husband and personal trainer Italian gigolo Nico's sperm. Those are not Clooney's biological children. PR network used that idea to elevate the sham marriage which lacked credibility. Always will. Seems it's a bearding gig when in fact it's Arab moneylaundering from arms dealers.

    2. Ugly Amal Alamuddin is no Clooney, not at all erudite & was no twins. Faked pregnancy wearing padding in early months then hid.

  19. I agree, I hardly see pics of the Clooneys with their kids. I'm going with the Tatums.

  20. Sounds more like Brangelina than Clooneyites.

    1. It does but it hits too many Clooney notes.
      Not to make this political but:
      Amal seems like Hillary's type

    2. She reminds me a lot of Huma

  21. Josh-I use duckduckgo, it adds a plug in and doesn't allow google (ha) to track you as often. But haven't had a pop up since? Also, know some military guys & that's their go to browser.

    +100 for the Clooney's. Wouldn't be surprised if he ran for office, his dad was mayor of Louisville ages ago

    1. @Heather
      His dad was not mayor of Louisville

    2. Lol... @Heather is a Bot. Along with a bunch more on here (and other sites) responding to 'Josh' wtf ever THAT is..?!?

  22. Brangelina. Remember the blind from some time back that alluded to a staff of nannies hired to cater to the sexual whims of the children?

  23. THe clooneys are in the UK, so if they are living way on opposite ends of the country, it doesnt fit the blind, as the UK is super narrow, and you can easily drive across in a few hours.

    It sounds like a US couple.

    1. But you’re looking at a good 7/8-hour car journey from north to south, up the middle at least. Even more from Cornwall (far south-west).

    2. No, f.. king lying PR trolls from Clooney's PR network INTEL run hag fest. Clooney has been hibernating in LA for months while disfigured ugly she male Amal Alamuddin is New York. Apparently she's been seeing her boyfriend who runs a hotel.

  24. How about Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively?

  25. I thought that sounded cool until the kids were mentioned.

  26. Seems like Clooneys, mostly, but I don't think I've ever seen a picture of their kids. Here's where I point out again that "Amal" sort of looks like "double anal."

    It was so upsetting to gradually realize the new Cary Grant is actually a Deep State psyop. At least most of America has, on some level, figured that out too. Another "celebrity" nobody pays to see.

    1. I agree wholeheartedly with your Cary Grant comment.

    2. Nice try, controlled opposition PR hack faking opposition. Clooney IS A DEEP STATE prop. He signed up for this.
      His sham marriage to beastly UGLY Amal Alamuddin is financed by her money laundering arms dealer family No Clooney twins exist nor was ugly Amal ever pregnant. Wore padding in early months then hid.

  27. not brangelina. This is a couple who are still together.

  28. The Smiths. Both closeted.

  29. "not brangelina. This is a couple who are still together."


  30. The Tatums only have one child, and the blind refers to "them," meaning multiple children. The Smiths children are both adult and don't need nannies. The Pitts both live in LA so it does not work. This must be a bi-coastal family. Amal may live in London and Clooney the mansion to the north, but that is not really "completely on the other side" of England. Maybe he purchased something further north, in say, Scotland?

  31. Amal just finished teaching in NYC at Columbia?

    whoever corrected me, absolutely right. Sorry! Got him confused with an old coworker when I started working years ago & his father.

  32. I was gonna say Affleck/Lindsay Shookus. I read it as a couple living together with the man having kids. Only thing is Ben doesnt live also in NY, he lives close to Garner.

  33. I was thinking SJP/Matthew Broderick, given that double townhouse sitch, but I don’t think either of them has moved out of NYC, have they?

    1. I wouldnt consider Matthew Broderick as an a+ actor.
      Wow if this is the Clooneys what a d-bag they are. I still wonder why the sudden marriage and kids after all these years. If for politics he can forget it.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Perhaps the Clooneys have quietly moved to the US and she lives in NY and he is in LA? She was pictured in NY this week. And I'm sure he has a west coast home.

  36. Sounds like the CLooneys to me.

    1. Souns like you're a PR network bot to me will multiple accounts. Trying to add credibility to the sham marriage. No Clooney twins exist nor was ugly Amal ever pregnan. Wore padding in early months then hid

  37. Hothot and Kiki until definitive proof is given that they aren't the bio parents, just like bet\jay's kids, we have to go along with the story. We "know" Clooney had himself fixed but until he comes out and says he isn't, and is playing the charade, he is.

  38. I still got popups when I used duckduckgo. It also took longer to retrieve results.

    On the plus side I got better search results.

  39. The only other A-List actors with children that comes to mind are Matt Damon and Matthew McConaughy (sp). But neither are married to women who need photo ops with their kids.

    And then there's Chris Hemsworth. His wife has been accused of being famewhorish, but she uses social media, so the photo ops don't seem necessary. I could be wrong, of course.

  40. It wouldn't be potato and his wife, although they are separating now?

  41. It wouldn't be potato and his wife, although they are separating now?

  42. @Josh - use the newer browser called Brave. It blocks all the ads by default. Great on mobile too.

    1. @Josh ... try Clorox for Anal bleaching!! Great in your eyes too....

  43. The last sentence sold me that this is the Clooney's.

    While Brad and Ange have more than one child ("them"), they've been separated for a while now in every sense of the word.
    As other great commenters have noted, other couples use social media or only have one kid (Tatums, Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk, etc.).

    Yet George and Amal have never been normal. Given his previous Bachelor reputation then suddenly marrying someone he was never pictured before, a person that - given on who/what you believe - came into the picture randomly (or as a status-propeller for both). Since the first day, there have been rumours about both of them and their union; if they're actually a loving couple, business/ PR couple, everything but "normal" has been associated with them.

    1. Oh, f.. K off, lying PR NETWORK hags. You write the fake blinds & then spin yarns as controlled opposition. STOP DECEIVING THE PUBLIC, HAGS. No Clooney twins exist. Ugly Amal faked pregnancy wearing padding in early months then hid. MARRIAGE IS A SHAM FINANCED BY HER MONEY LAUNDERING ARMS DEALER FAMILY.
      NO stamped marriage licence exists either.

  44. Could it be talking about his place in Lake Como? Or did he sell that

  45. Oh, it's NOT the Clooneys fgs!

    More like Brad and Angie.
    She always has a headache, and he's the typical midwestern good guy.

  46. I though Clooney married Amal because he had financial problems after all the movies that bombed and that tequila company he started with Rande Gerber.

  47. Clooney bought the house next door: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/features/at-home-george-clooney-italy-amal-twins-politics-an-incendiary-new-movie-1035363

    1. No, f..king lying PR network controlled opposition hags. That house next door is a story planted by you spooks, as is this blind leak. To deceive readers. Clooney owns Villa Oleandra & bought Margarita too. For an investment & extension.
      He's only there in summer.
      Beastly ugly Amal Alamuddin is in a sham marriage financed by her money laundering arms dealer family like uncle Ziad Takieddine
      No Clooney twins exist.

  48. And the article notes Clooney is an insomniac. As an attorney, Amal would want to have early nights and needs her sleep to work the next day.

  49. Not sure if they have the money, but torey and Dean?

  50. H1llary and V1nce Fost3r?

    .... shhhhhh

  51. I like Will and Jada for this one. Those kids are both distractions AND a block to their careers.. but they're also old enough to live somewhat on their own but in a protective bubble nonetheless. Plus, Mom and Dad can now go back to doing the things they were doing on the DL now... just more open about it without the kids in the mix.

  52. Many posting here are PR network intel recruited cyber trolls spinning lies & fake agendas to public.
    George Clooney is in a sham marriage to beastly UGLY Amal Alamuddin financed by her money laundering arms dealer family like uncle Ziad Takieddine. They pay big for his fame. Clooney cannot stand ugly Amal Alamuddin, has never slept with her & no Clooney twins exist.
    The fake news blind was written by the very same intel PR network trolls who post here or the head honcho. More than likely, MI6 porker Katherine Anthony wrote it who runs a fake Clooney "fansite" as Katiedot.
    It reeks of bullshit.
    Clooney's property in LA has woods on one side & the neighbouring house is owned by someone else.
    No marriage licence exists and there are no Clooney twins.
    Ugly Amal Alamuddin has an equally equine sister Tala Hamiyeh Alamuddin who had surrogate born twins using her second husband and personal trainer Italian gigolo Nico's sperm. Those are not Clooney's biological children. PR network used that idea to elevate the sham marriage which lacked credibility. Always will. Seems it's a bearding gig when in fact it's Arab money laundering from arms dealers.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. @Babsbunny +++++++1 I forgot about Will and Jada

  55. I thought this was ALec Baldwin and his wife..



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