Friday, April 06, 2018

Blind Item #15

This supposedly pious A+ list mostly movie actor hired multiple hookers while he was out of the country this week. This was in addition to the female PR rep sent by the studio from the country he was visiting.


  1. Replies
    1. Or Whalberg /Damonbut wifes werewith him

    2. He and Rhea have always had an arrangement.

    3. Really??
      Open marriage I guess eh?

  2. It's Pizza Friday! :)

    1. 🥂💃🏼🏄‍♀️🍽

    2. Pizza?! You psycho TrumpkinKillaryAlexjonesInfowars idiots are obsessed with pizza! This site is garbage blahblahblahablahablah

    3. Just kidding. Yum I love pizza

  3. Pratt fits with his Megachurch thing. Creepy. I used to like him but all that is making it really hard to keep enjoying Parks & Rec and Guardians.

  4. No Pratt is the pious one. It's also New Beers Eve today, Google it.

  5. Kirk Cameron ; )

    1. Finally something that actually makes sense

  6. OMG @T.W. that was brilliant. You have no IDEA how bads I needed that laugh today- SUCH A GIFT

    1. @La-Juice

      Glad to be of service!

  7. Josh Duhamel. I'd always heard he was a nice, good ol' boy from the mid West. He was in England this or last week and word is he has a PR romance going on with Eiza Gonzalez who's filming in Spain this week. He apparently was seen in the Barcelona airport on Easter Sunday.

  8. Jeez, he keeps it to hookers AND he keeps it all out of the country. ... by H’wood standards this guy is a Boy Scout.

  9. Chris Pratt was in Brazil this week

  10. Def Pratt. PR shots of him bumping into former costar down in Brazil.

  11. Wait? Wasn't Chris Pratt gay here yesterday? Or was that Chris Pine? Dylan McDermott Mulroney?

  12. Since politicians are the oldest actors, i am going to guess Barack Obama!

  13. The PR romance girl is not from Spain but from Mexico. So may not be Josh. Josh is known to go to hookers in the US all the time. At least according to this site.

  14. Another vote for Pratt in South America.

  15. Is this the trail of the Lonesome Pine ?

  16. Whoever it is, who gives a fuck? Dude is single, making bank, wants a taste of the local talent pool who is supposed to take the man's money and STFU.
    A hard dick has little conscience.
    In the immortal words of the great philosopher Wooderson-That is L-I-V-I-N, living.

    1. @chase. When you get the incurable gonhereea you let us know how your life is. I'm no angel either but c'mon.

    2. @chase. Yep, exactly! With all of the pedophiles and sexual abuser pervs in so many blinds, this one is actually refreshing! He's not cheating on his wife or raping someone so who cares

  17. Probably Pratt, faith won't keep it in your pants.

    @Chase, I think it's the hypocrisy which is notable. Although historically religious men have been notorious whoremongers.

  18. What hypocrisy? I haven't heard him utter a judgemental word toward anyone (I assume we are talking Pratt here).
    Young people fuck up, hopefully they see the mistakes and try their best to be better everyday.
    God knows a goodlooking guy in the entertainment industry is tested everyday. The smart move is NOT to get married until you've exhausted your debauchery. Hopefully that isn't to late to have kids and really settle down. But you gotta move out of Socal/NYC to do it.

  19. If he is single, who cares? Since when did being "pious" or being single for that matter mean that it is immoral to get GTFOOH. Just like the yaghting, as long as they are consenting adults, who cares

    1. @Nelson. I know a really dumb guy who slept with whores in Amsterdam and guess what...has the gift that keeps on giving. Damaged 4 life..uh huh

  20. It's Pratt. Why do people think he is good guy? he isn't.

    1. if he didn't pay the hookers then I would agree he's not good. He held up hos end of the bargain and paid the ladies.

      The commenters here seems fairly liberal so I'm really surprised by all of the looking down the noses at someone's private sex life choices

  21. FYI: Church people aren’t saints... they’re sinners who recognize their weaknesses and try to be better. Anyone who has faith knows they’re far from pious. It’s the unbelievers who mock their beliefs and their attempts of walking a better path. We all fall short.

  22. Don't care what consenting adults do on their own time so long as it's not hurting anyone. I guess we're supposed to care because he's "pious" but that doesn't exactly narrow down the selection, does it? They're all holy rollers for their particular causes. That being said, wasn't Wooderson the walking joke, long since graduated, who was still checking out "this year's crop of freshman chicks" at the local teen hangout? GREAT character but ...

  23. I can see Marky Mark wanting to mix it up
    with a Funky Bunch

  24. Pratt: do like I say not like I do

  25. @Robin - It's true, I have been known to mock a belief or two or 100! Those beliefs include my own existence so it would be irresponsible not to have an opinion.
    On the whole, I'm generally very respectful to PEOPLE, regardless of beliefs. Mainly because I think people are generally good and they don't think too hard about how abusive and sadistic certain concepts really are. Mostly it's more Be good, be kind, good communities of like-minded folks and strong families. Some guidance in human struggles and reassurance that life means something. Mostly that is what people want. For the majority it's a lot of pick and choose. (Thank Zeus!)

    tl;dr No idea is sacred. :)

  26. I think the point is... he's living a double life. Which makes him a liar and a hypocrite. It also makes me wonder - what else is he hiding?

  27. I knew a studio head he said you get tired of drink and drugs and an endless steam of beautiful women who will do any for you because you can get them in a movie.

    After about 50 years it gets old,

  28. Pratt. Really, it's obnoxious. The last guy I dated was a "Jesus" person. Hypocrite. That stuff is used to mentally abuse others.

    1. ^^^ this is the gospel truth. The I'm a sinner shtick is always a get out of jail free card. Cheat on your wife or husband? Woopsie I'll ask gods forgiveness and give money to my megachurch and I won't ever have to face my actions or learn from them.

  29. It is quite possible the prostitutes were forced into sex services. Not sure how "consenting" that is. We are also assuming the prostitutes were not underage either.

  30. Is Wahlberg filming out of country?

  31. Pratt. I wouldn't care, but he's a hypocrite. A guy who says he was told by someone that Jesus said he, Pratt, was "destined for great things" and quotes the bible but then sleeps with hookers, has a paid girl on hand, and who likely cheated on his wife, is a plain hypocrite.

  32. @SD Auntie ain't that the truth! 👏👏 I think it's Pratt in this blind. So Gross...

    1. Thanks Jean Grey. I know too many people permanently damaged by hiring hookers overseas.

  33. You're mostly liberal/leftists- I should think you'd be supportive of economic stimulus programs.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. plus he is a dick to animals ...

  36. I don't mind if Chris Pratt wants to get booty - after all, it is the most important thing there is. But don't try to act like you're holier than thou in the meantime, bro.



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