Saturday, April 07, 2018

Blind Item #8

This A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee recently suffered a miscarriage fairly well along into her pregnancy. Reports were she was almost 5 months pregnant.


  1. Replies
    1. Is this RE: her weight gain Enty ( she said it’s fir a role).....? Man, chill.

  2. Well, if that is what it was about, that is a very clever way to get the press to leave her alone while she gets through it.

  3. There were a lot of guesses that Margot Robbie was pregnant earlier.

  4. This is another sad blind

  5. Why is this a blind? Uncool.

  6. Amy Adams, I was sure I saw her with a baby bump but no announcement. Poor girl x

  7. @Trisha13 I’m going to post this here, so hopefully you’ll see it.
    Thank you for your comments & posts! I know it’s been said before, but it does seem the Trolls are trying to drive you away but attacking everything you say. I’m sorry! I appreciate you & all the regular OG commentators. Stay strong!

    1. @OKC Teacher.... thank you for taking the time to write that! Yeah,‘Tis a pity that they always have to resurface and attempt to incite trouble, but hey when even the fringe of society won’t take ya what else is one to do I imagine? I feel sorry for them that they have to live in their skin and look at themselves in their own mirrors... but on my end— -all is perfect and pretty amazing🥂🌸✨🏄‍♀️- and comments like yours are part of what’s so right still here:)

      PS-ain’t no chance of me going anywhere... they got more of a snowballs chance in-Anguilla,BWI😉

    2. 🤜🍷 That's me pushing a drink across the counter to our own @Tricia13

    3. Back at ya @Sign Name Below☝️❤️🍸🍹x

    4. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Tricia is the master of blinds. She scares me a little bit. Voodoo? Clairvoyance? Spells? Momma taught me not to mess with that.

    5. Thanks ! I meant to say to Martin that mommy’s are always right... no voodoo here lol. Clairvoyance is another thing......😉

  8. Leave it to Enty to fabricate and embellish a story based on Anne's latest instagram post. Keep it classy. Anne has been keeping a low profile and decided it's time for a new blind about her.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Didn't AnnE give birth pretty recently? Yeah a little more than a year ago, it says.

    That's fast work to be 5 months along at this telling or earlier.

    Don't think it's her.

  11. Five-to-seven, but whatever. ;-)

    TeamTricia, but duh. Figured that would go without saying.

    1. Thank you DDonna Tarttty -you’re posts make me smile:) Martin - yowza 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    2. Ps/ you’re momma is right ... they always are:)

  12. Go Tricia!

    My heart goes out to the person who lost her child. No words seem enough....

    1. Tbanks@Me Again. Mine does too. It’s not an enviable thing at all.... it’s a world of pain actually. Godspeed recovery.

  13. Is Rachel McAdams an Oscar nominee? Because if so, I guess her.

  14. No, please dont let this be Rachel Mccadams! On second thoughts, I hope this is just a filler blind and not a true one.

    P.S.- ALL HAIL QUEEN Tricia13.

  15. My heart breaks for whoever this blind is about. She joins a sad sisterhood.

  16. I've been lurking on this site for about a year now and only recently felt I could offer any comments without instantly regretting my post, but I am a huge fan of Tricia. She is a total mensch, a babe and all around entertainment authority.
    My only advice to you Tricia is to not engage with the Trolls. That is one thing I really admire about this site is how often most of the people just ignore the trolls until they give up. So much better than the infighting you see so much on social media.
    Oh! and did I mention how much of a babe Tricia is? I did already didn't I? Ooops.

    1. @Someone Else
      We got rid of Rafael through totally neglect.

  17. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Reese W.

  18. Many of us would just like it if Tricia would allow others to post first before chiming in, but she refuses to, so it is what it is.

    Yes, Enty, this is a crappy blind, but you need to get in your quota of 15 blinds a day, so keep on with beating your breast over some blinds, being cruel and mocking (especially towards females) in others, and just plain making shit up.

    1. For me, it's not that she post first, it's that she just posts anything to be first, and then people get it in their head, and totally go the wrong direction, it becomes like a highway crash, and more people just keep joining the wreck.

    2. The other part, is that if you disagree, you are a stalker, a Derek, or a troll. I'm starting to think Tricia is likely the one with multiple accounts.

    3. As a lurker, yes I agree. And the posts that are urgently typed followed up by a reply with the whole answer.. like.. sigh. I know too many people like that- hence- I lurk.

  19. Great job today, everyone!

    A narcissist’s sense of superiority is like a balloon that gradually loses air without a steady stream of applause and recognition to keep it inflated. The occasional compliment is not enough. Narcissists need constant food for their ego, so they surround themselves with people who are willing to cater to their obsessive craving for affirmation.

    1. "Narcissist" lmfao
      All the grownups here knew what that meant before it was cool to throw around
      you need a new word.

      Was reddit down?

    2. Rosie, narcissist isn't a trendy descriptive term from a certain era. It's and actual diagnosed personality disorder. So in trying to put ham burglar down, it made yourself look like an uneducated moron. Your not looking like the grown up here, just a schmuck who doesn't know basic health 101

    3. Ya don't say?
      Wow. I did NOT know it was an actual diagnosis/personality disorder.
      That's crazy.
      I knew I shouldn't of dropped out of school 😞

  20. I'm another @Tricia13 fan: love, love, love your comments and posts. Keep 'em coming! I always look for your input. Just ignore the haters. Plenty of us here that love you!

  21. someone's tragic miscarriage does not equal the fun salacious gossip i come here for. :-(

  22. Wassa matter, "ham burglar", nobody scratch your ears and tell you what a good little troll you are yet today?

    1. Hahah... precisely @Low Key ....was gonna say to “Ham Burglar “NPD?
      Hey be fair.... nobody even MENTIONED You,Dereck,Donna Marie,Malibu,Dick,Riven, Trilby ,TW ... blah blah ad naseaum to all their alters lmfao
      To all else someone else,Pilot Gal,Chillip etval I run the risk by 🙏🏻Thanking you, of being called a narcissist 🤔🙄because ya know-addressing people’s respectful and kind comments is waaaaay suspect😏
      However since I was raised correctly and ain’t changing anytime soon....
      Thank you all.

  23. LOL ham burlar sounds like derek part 2, cant believe i am saying this but at times i miss DEREK, i miss his uncontrolled tirade at Tricia, (luv you tricia) but Derek lit up the board.

    1. Luv ya too— good to see you back.

    2. TriciaTroll and Amazing Quotes need to find another site. No love for mean spirited personal agenda fuckery or the quote site spam bot on CDAN. If I want the former, I’ll text my ex, and for the latter there’s Pinterest.

  24. Anonymous3:31 PM

    A miscarriage is a tragedy. One of my best friends had one, around 24 weeks. They all got to hold him; his name was David, his big brother was four at the time. His brother still speaks of baby David often. It's every bit as sad as any other loss. Is it good for one's spirit, to turn this into a guessing game?

    1. +1 Miscarriage is a devastating and very personal loss.

  25. Also teamTricia.

    She is so amazingly good at this, I figure either she knows all of these people personally, or she must be related to enty somehow! I imagine her sitting one computer over and typing her answers while waiting for enty to press enter!

    Personally I don't consider a blind answered until Tricia13 weighs in.

    She must be good. Tricia's 1-12 have already been vanquished and sent packing!

  26. +1 more for team Tricia13! I read these b/c they're interesting, but I ALWAYS go to the comments to see what she's contributed. The point (for me, at least) is to know the answer, but so many times, I don't have even a good guess. Her word is pretty golden, so that's the first thing I look for, after reading the clue. Hugs to you, Tricia13!!

    1. Well Fustian that’s a huge compliment considering you write so eloquently and atecsuch a kick ass commentator...&Niemand, well that’s an aawesome wine thing to hear... look I said it before- I’m lucky and so happy to be here... tbe good folks here make up for the-misfits. And you are right about the combination of knowing people, and being in the biz, so to speak. But it all pales in comparison to good people/humanity...of which thankfully is still alive and kicking here 🙏🏻

  27. No idea what happened cause I just joined CDAN today after a lil break cause some piece of shxt kept reporting my facebook account till it was cancelled, so I was busy trying to reach all my old contacts in there but Tricia honey I ll tell you a phrase my dad used to say

    "No gastes polvora en chimangos"

    That s like "Don waste a bullet in a shxtty worthless bird"

    Time is too valuable to be wasted in those "people"

    BIG hug and tell them to Fx off!!

    1. I like your dad already:)
      Thanks ❤️

  28. eerie if its Margot Robbie who lost the child her next movie she plays sharon tate who "lost" a child

  29. Hi Tricia! I look forward to your answers everyday! I don't know who half the people are I have to look them up; it amazes me that you know so much! Those Trolls have WAY TOO MUCH time on their hands. Hopefully they will be on their miserable way soon. Have a great night :)!

    1. Thanks @JustSayin’😘😘😘!

  30. I hadn't noticed Rafael is gone. Hopefully it is permanent. I am sorry to read about the loss of someone's pregnancy. I think at 5 months it would be considered a stillborn, not a miscarriage.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I can't believe that any of you even ventured to guess this one.
    I also can't believe that the Enty clan even posted it.
    Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

  33. Would everyone shut the fuck up about Tricia's woes, already?
    Geezus fucking christ. Stop the nonsense. This is not junior high.
    It really does beg the question of who is who on this site.
    Enough, already, please. It's become tedious, to say the least.
    Move on.

  34. Thank-you mary lamb!

  35. At least us degenerates have the moral police around here to keep us in order


  36. I'll address this subject just once more (if the planets align).
    Please stop. Tricia, you're milking this and if you have any self-awareness, you know it. If you don't, you're not well.
    Tricia, Derek and anyone else who finds this amusing, I beg you to get a freaking grip and just STOP. Be the better person. Rise above.
    Do you not realize how stupid you look?

    1. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  37. Totally agree about the junior high bully here. He's disgusting.
    But coming on to post at the end of the day to tsk-tsk people for making a guess on a blind? On a GOSSIP site?🤔
    Its funny and lightened it up for sure, ty 🤓

  38. Rosie, this isn't one sided. Let's end this now. Please.

  39. What about enough is enough don't you get? Keep your receipts to yourself. You are derailing. Stay in control.
    Derek, delete the fucking post. I've gone to bat for you in the past, I will never again, if you keep this crazy shit up.
    Do it now. Be a man.
    If you don't, you're giving Tricia all the ammo she needs, and gods how she wants it. Do yourself a favor, quit while you're ahead.
    I can't keep doing this and I'm fucking tired as hell.
    I go to check my emails before bed and damn, there you BOTH are again.
    I have to stop clicking that box.
    Good night and be well.

  40. I keep my receipts too and I fucking know you dont wanna deal with me again do you?

  41. as far as being first, nobody really minded when VIP was first when she was here. She was always right too and beloved here. People did mind when I was first because I didnt put ? after my answer. I try to do that more now, but Im rarely first and Im only here in the PM. the biggest difference between now and then is there were 8 BIs, some stories to comment on and the randoms. Now its just 15 BIs a day

    1. I never knew we are supposed to add a question mark, I just figured people added one when they were unsure if they were correct?

  42. You're an asshole, enty. Somethings should be off limits. Hope you're proud of this "scoop."

  43. My first thought was Amy Adams because there were pics of her pregnant with second child. But I checked. She was very pregnant in January so she probably already gave birth.

  44. Also just stopped by to say haters be damned, @Tricia13 is amazing and I look forward to your comments! I have been on the site since before the MV blinds, but do not comment bc it gets out of hand... don't be right so much! Don't guess first so much! don't be wrong so much! Ugh. So I just enjoy and guess privately.

    Keep doing the damn thing, Tricia!

    1. 🙏🏻 And With pleasure i shall@Honeykatt..........

  45. This is a devastating loss for this woman. I hope she's ok. Not something everyone should be gossiping about. :(

  46. I agree we should not gossip about someone's miscarriage. Also I miss VIP Blonde.

  47. Wow. Step away for a few weeks, come back to all this hot commenter drama. I miss when the comments were about the blinds.

  48. Sorry to hear this item. Have no idea who it is.

  49. Whoever it is, this very sad and this blind is inappropriate. I really hope it's not Amy Adams, I like her a lot, but it is looking likely



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