Friday, April 06, 2018

Blind Item #10 - A Reader Blind

This blind is about the biggest story in London that was never reported.

In the 90s I worked in a restaurant that was located on the 15th floor of building off Oxford Street in London.  It had great views of the city with wall to wall windows.  Half the building was a hotel and the other floors were occupied by the BBC.  Due to the location of these offices we often served big and minor celebs in the restaurant.  I once made John Cleese and Michael Palin laugh (it doesn’t get much better than that).  I also once snapped at ‘Chelle and Sharon from Eastenders because they dared to try and order a drink when I was frazzled and having a minor panic attack.  I shared a lift with Ewan Mcgregor (unfortunately he didn’t hit on me) and put up with a grumpy ‘ol Dell boy!

This blind though doesn’t evolve from the mouths of celebs, but from the mouths of BBC news editors and journalists who were having a posh lunch and chat as an end of year celebration.    There were about 15 of them and of course about 90% men.   I’m Australian and one of them asked me in a deliberately condescending tone, “So, which part of the antipodes are you from?”.  Yes, they were those kind of fellows. 

As lunch was served and wine topped up, the conversation turned to deciding what was the biggest story that they had never reported.  As the conversation continued, I made sure to stay close to the table and eavesdrop.  Wouldn’t you?  They tossed around a few ideas and then they all decided on one story that they all knew about, but never reported or even whispered in the press. 

According to the journos and editors one of the most famous marriages in history ended because the fiery wife actually walked in on her A list husband in bed with one of his male friends.  So why was this never reported?  .  They all really liked the  A list man who was sprung playing sword fights with his able seaman.  (they were quite indifferent about the wife, who has never really been accepted in the upper echelons of British society).  They respected him too much personally to reveal the truth. 

Are you surprised?


  1. Replies
    1. Everybody in England hates Charles, liked Diana and Charles likes horses anyway.

    2. "Dimly bemused by" Charlie, surely?

    3. Charlie's 'closeness' to his aides has been alluded to a couple of times, though; anyone remember the Private Eye front page of him him talking to a flower (Another running Charles joke) with the caption "You don't think I'm gay too, do you ?"

    4. But I don't think this is them anyway

    5. No royals involved in this story, though one...

    6. Correct only America would love Diana more than an actual royal

  2. Replies
    1. The problem with this is that literally no one respects Andrew. He's a joke.

  3. Replies
    1. +2 @DonnaMarie

      It would also perhaps explain how they were later able to become friends and companions in the way they are now.

      I can’t imagine anyone referring to Diana as “fiery” and she was pretty well accepted by society, if not always by the Windsors.

      One of my favorite royal anecdotes is about the time Diana’s brother reminded Charles that the Spencers have been English nobility since long before the Windsors left Germany. That still makes me smile.

  4. Prince Andrew.

    Serious - what are antipods?

  5. Fiery = red hair. Totally Fergie & Andrew.

    Not surprised.

  6. Diana was beloved, has to be Fergie and Andy.

    Antipodes sounds like a type of insect.

    It's nice when insults are so far out of the lexicon that we don't even know that they are insults, like porch monkey from Jay and Silent Bob.

    1. I know what a porch monkey is. I have never heard of someone being asked if they were from antipodes. The author said they were Australian, the commenters were English. I thought maybe the word was a slur against some Australians.

  7. Antipodes (pronounced an-tip-o-dees) are just the opposite side of the globe from wherever you are. Its not an uncommon reference in the UK for Australia and is no more insulting than Down Under which basically means the same thing. I think the antipodes of the US would be China.

  8. I love this reader blind! That's all. :)

  9. Ok. From what I can piece together the men wanted the author to feel out of place, like they are less than & don't belong. Thank you.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Yep, Prince Andrew.

  12. Fiery a good tip for Fergie, but Prince Andrew was also in the British Royal Navy, so that explains the "Seaman" jibe as well.

    Weird they all like Prince Andrew, considering all the time he spent on Jeffrey Epstein's island. But I've always had my suspicions about the FT types anyway.

    1. @Ddonna There were definitely bigwigs at the BBC who did not have their hands clean in years gone by. There is no way they didn’t know about the rumours about Savile, Rolf Harris, Stuart Hall and others. Most likely they knew the whole story and kept it under wraps for monetary reasons, similar interests of both. Would totally explain their preference to defend him.

  13. Great reader blind. Well written, too!

  14. Well, I guess Andrew has varied interests. Wasn't he one who has been implicated in sleeping with teens and even underage girls (and not boys, as I recall)?

  15. Anonymous11:25 AM

    May I present Sir Bunny Wigglesworth

  16. That makes so much clear. Why they are still close and why after all these years he never remarried. I had never thought about that. But what if the stores about Prince Andrew and the Lolita express.

  17. Its Diana and Charles, Diana hinted on a number of occasions. She also had that tale about the footman of chairs being assaulted... Funny the theft trial of Burrell was halted just as he was about to reveal some of her secrets

  18. @Redhead99 - you just took the words right out of my mouth. Also, I've always heard people assume that because the Royals kept her around and still paid for her, Fergie had something big on them. This would explain it!

    Great story - thanks for sharing!

  19. The American tabloids have been reporting on Charles & men for years. The clues fit Andrew & Fergie better.

  20. Since when was Diana 'not accepted' She was one of the most popular people in history.

    1. Not accepted by the royals. Very different to being beloved of housewives.

  21. 100 % Prince Andrew. To be honest, its a story that ever needs to be told because EVERYONE in the UK pretty knows the Prince Andrew is on the team. They still live together and have remained friends though. Its probably a very nice arrangement for both parties at this points. At least he is banging kids like some family members.

  22. @T.W. - It's okay! We're taking back Porch Monkeys!

    I love a day where I can use a (Kevin) Smithism...

  23. Mad and Guy
    Paul and Heather - my money is on sir paul think i caught a pirate ref in blind

  24. Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson. The "fiery" clue = red hair and "seaman" = Navy. Andrew was in the Royal Navy. Diana and Charles would have been A++ rated, so I'm going with lesser royals.

  25. It must be a body blow to find your OH in bed with another person, never mind one of the same sex. You have to remember AIDS panic was in its heyday then so that would have been a double whammy. Makes her toe sucking very tame.

  26. Sorry forgot to say an excellent reader blind, clear and easy understandable.

  27. Fiery doesn't describe Diana but Fergie and Randy Andy dated Koo Stark plus can totally see him swinging both ways. Charles WISHES he was that interesting.

  28. This doesn't fit Diana and Charles at all. Reportrs wouldn't loved Charles who has a dullard. He was never a seaman. Diana was more beloved and not fiery like Redhead Fergie who then in turn got her toes sucked in public (probably her way of acting out and getting back at him. Plus Andrew had never gone on to another woman. Charles and Camilla's torrid affair behind Diana's back was far more rumored than anything gay.

    1. You are correct, I posted the answer at the bottom

  29. Andrew goes both ways,he has been on Epstein 's island many times, and was publicly accused by underage girls.

  30. I’d love to see more BIs from this reader, FWIW. Very well written and fun, and I think making John Cleese and Michael Palin laugh would be the highlight of my life, as well.

  31. Summary:

    Australian waitress in 90's London eavesdropped on BBC journalists. They never reported a British celebrity's divorce was due to his wife catching him with a man. They liked and respected him too much. Most likely a royal. The End.

  32. fiery has to equal Fergie!

  33. Got any good dirt on Coronation Street?

  34. Prince Edward is the gay one, Andrew likes underage girls.

  35. It was just a little good-natured sword fighting. No big deal.

  36. This story did get out back then, in fact I've mentioned it here on cdan a couple of times. Though in the version I heard, Fergie caught Andy and friend fully erect in their tighty whities having a tickle fight in Andrew's room. Very boarding-school-foreplay. Very compatible with his attraction to underage girls too.

  37. Haha Sharon and Chelle.

    This is a great reader blind, brief introduction of circumstance, then the basic story. Many other reader blinds could learn from this (except the epic one about Inxs and Kim Wilde, which was awsome).

    Anyhow, yes the clues really do point towards Andy and Fergie, and wouldn't surprise me. In the old days Andrew was quite respected in general (had apparently 'fought' in the Falklands war, iirc). Charles was seen as odd and Edward as gay (bad in those days) Andrew was seen as the solid chap.

    Amazing that Andrew gave up the very sexy Koo Stark (she had been in borderline pornos though) then went on to the frumpy Fergie.

    Of course it's quite well known in the UK (but not publicly) that Andy may have been with underagese girls, but doesn't stop him having a go with one of the man servants I guess.

  38. Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton

  39. Fergie for the flame haired woman and Handsy Andrew for the husband.

  40. I thought Prince Edward was the gay one. Maybe he and Andy both? FWIW, I think all Brit men sound gay. #RedNeckWoman

  41. I'm fairly certain Jeffrey Epstein provided treats for all his friends including people like Kevin Spacey so being aligned with Epstein shouldn't preclude one from being gay. After all, underage girls and underage boys come from the same place.

  42. IMHO Edward's gay as is his wife. Andy's emotionally stunted sexually, caught in a "playing doctor" or adolescent fantasy mode. Koo Stark was titillating because he'd seen her in soft core porns, and Fergie was a freak in bed who was willing to anything to bag a prince. Underage girls or boyfriends who remind him of boarding school are equally fine.

  43. How is Fergie and Andrew "one of the most famous marriages in history"?

  44. Anonymous5:22 PM

    This is Diana and Charles. He served in the Royal Navy, Diana was too fiery and emotional
    for the Royal family, who never accepted her, and they are the top echelon of British aristocracy. They loved Fergie in the beginning. There have been rumors about Charles being bi- for years, and one of his servants was a favorite. They were caught in the act at Highgrove. That’s why Camilla still keeps her own home. Andrew and Fergie would /will remarry once Prince Phillip is gone, he detests Fergie.

  45. Here's the story, it was told on the Geraldo show back in the day:

    "I remember a guest on the old Geraldo Rivera TV talk show saying Prince Andrew's marriage broke up when Fergie walked in on him in bed with his shipmate. The hip NY audience gasped. So maybe he's bi or 'just enjoys experimenting.'"

  46. It's Andrew- everyone knows about him... My husband knew someone who served on the same boat as him in the Navy, he had a revolving door... Think he just likes sex - doesnt care who with.... married someone who was game, but Sarah Ferguson was not approved of because she was a commoner (though they seem to have got over that for Kate, we'll see what happens with Megan, but suspect she'll be frozen out like Sarah Ferguson)... the British public never really took to her either... Diana was great at media - Sarah Ferguson was just a dumpy redhead and didnt act like a proper princess....

    Charles went to a British boarding school - of course he had male encounters - but dont believe he is gay at all
    Edward... blimey, I'd forgotten about him altogether...

  47. This blind makes it sound like the wife is still alive, so I'd say Fergie & Andrew.

  48. oh, yes, what name should we choose? Oh, Windsor, I like that!

  49. As a lowly American, may I say that I wish Princess Margaret had gotten more press.

  50. My first thought was Liz and dick
    But i now think fergie and andew fit this better

  51. Just note that probably the highlight of their marriage was appearing on Its a Royal Knockout together along with a bunch of what Cdan would call D--- celebrities and presenter Stuart 'yes another big Peado' Hall.
    Worth a look on YouTube, terrible.

  52. Just a point- Diana was a Spencer. As elite as you can be in England without being in the direct royal line.

    Related to Churchill, etc.

  53. Great blind! Thank you!

  54. Before I read all your guesses: It's Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. It's been reported elsewhere, not very loudly, that Burton liked men, as well as women. That must have been a tough one for Ms. Taylor. Burton would have the respect of the establishment for his acting in the British theatre. Ms. Taylor, not so much. Even though born British, she was too Hollywood for the Olde English Establishment to give her much credit.

  55. For the "fiery" part, Liz liked to throw things when she was angry. Yes, lots of clean-up after she was done spewing her rage.

  56. Re the antipodes slight, generally speaking it's not an insult , it just depends on 'how' it was said. Now 'which part of the colonies are you from' was generally seen as an insult to Australians, New Zealanders and West Indians. Not so much now as the questioner would likely end up with a black eye or a pot of boiling tea in their lap.

  57. Hortensia has it! Liz was never upper class - showbiz was déclassé. But they had a soft spot for the charming Welsh coalminer's son who made it to Oxford. Most nominated British actor to never win an Oscar or receive a Knighthood. So they didn't forgive him everything...

  58. It's Mick Jagger, and Bowie, at studio 54, and it was Jagger's wife, the bond one from Texas, can't remember her name right now. And it was totally reported over the years.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It didn't end the marriage(Jerry hall) used to tell the story at parties. Bowie's wife angie, also caught them in their home. That marriage likely took more of a hit.

  59. The blonde one is married to Rupert Murdoch now, god knows why, I don't.

  60. Jerry Hall and Mick Jagger were never actually married.
    And even if they had been, it was not a "most famous" marriage in history. I like the Fergie-Prince Andrew guesses.

    1. It was a Hindu wedding I believe, and it counted when it came to a divorce settlement. I've heard her tell the story, and you can Google Bowie's wife. It's been verified by the families.

    2. She said she caught them in one of the VIP side rooms in the basement of studio 54. I first heard her tell the story in the early 90's. This is not a new thing. People have known for decades.

    3. It was one of the most famous marriages in rock history, he left Bianca for her. When Mick Jagger, or Paul McCartney, or John Lennon got married, it was a huge deal in great britain, and elsewhere. The chick who supposedly wrote this is from London.

  61. Fantastic blind!

  62. Also, making John Cleese and Michael Palin laugh? My dream come true!!! Michael Palin is my hero!

  63. But wait, Plot says the mainstream media tells us all the truth all the time...

  64. Another piece of shit reader blind!

  65. Burton and Taylor's marriage fits the description. Famously married and remarried.

  66. It is not Burton and Liz. And if it is it's still not accurate. They were married and divorced more than once and she knew that he had been with men before her and she didn't care she was very open minded about sexuality and image she was not phased at all. The world loved her, and he was not upper echelon in comparison to her. He was a well respected amazing actor but grew up poor in Wales. It's not like he was bringing her into high society. He had messed around with John gielgud and some other men in his theatre days. It was never a secret from Liz.

  67. I have heard this about Rebekah Brookes and Ross Kemp.

  68. This reader should start her own site - much better written than anything else on here, and she must have more stories from rubbing elbows with all of those peeps.

  69. Diana was the daughter of an Earl so was already in the upper echelons of society when she married. Fergie was a ‘commoner’ so definitely her. What happens at sea, stays at sea....

  70. More blinds from this reader. Well written and no headache from trying to read it. That being said I'm gonna guess: George Clooney, Hillary Clinton or anyone who has stood up to president cray cray in any manner. Including any corporation that dares to oppose our new king... I mean president. So I'm.. let's see she found Amazon in bed with Netflix? Just naming everyone on his and Putin's hit list.

  71. None of these people or corporations are British but that doesn't matter .

  72. Fergie was not only a commoner and brash in her manner, but her father was equerry to the queen, making her practically servant-class.

  73. I guess you can lead a horse to water.....

  74. Thanks to CDANers for lots of great guesses and comments. Isn’t it wonderful to be spared the childish temper tantrums and slinging insults prevalent in way too many comments lately?

  75. I see old Del Boy mentioned in this blind.
    I guess Operation Yewtree ran out of steam before they caught up with him.
    Might be worth Googling what his friends got up to in his house.



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