Friday, April 06, 2018

Blind Item #13

Looking more like a hostage rather than his loving wife, this former A list teen actor is about to get dumped by another wife. All of this is not what she signed up for and she discovered that not only has he been lying to the world, but also to her. Earlier this week she started asking around about divorce lawyers. The problem is though her husband is basically monitoring her 24/7 and she is going to have to Katie Holmes this thing to get out.


  1. And his wife/band mate Courtney Mitchell

  2. If it's her, what did she expect from marrying him in the first place, fame and fortune?? I don't think so sweetie, you gambled and lost.

    1. Free plastic surgery?🤔😂

  3. Just wanted to say that despite the grammatical error in the opening, ".... she is going to have to Katie Holmes this thing to get out," is an amazing line.

    1. @Ddonna +11. I was about to post the same thing.

    2. Yes! Katie was a true divorce ninja.

  4. DDonna- It is a cleaver line, but I don't get it.

    1. Katie Holmes trying to divorce Tom Cruise and Scientology. I assume she had to be sneaky to get out.

    2. It was a CIA-level covert operation complete with burner phones.

    3. Yes, from what I heard.


  6. Was Corey Feldman ever an A list teen actor?

    1. Oh yes! He was in all of the cool teen movies! Everyone knew who he was!

    2. The fact that this even was asked makes me feel REALLY old.

    3. This question just painfully aged some of us

  7. Now it occurs to her not to be with him? Not the sharpest crayon in the box is she.

  8. Jamie Bell and Kate Mara

  9. Tricia the surgery better be free because his ass is still broke.

  10. Noun predicate, Entern!

  11. I was thinking Scott Baio, but he doesn’t quite fit.

  12. Corey Feldman was for sure an A list teen actor. I feel like he definitely benefited from the Two Coreys juggernaut and rode Haim's coattails quite a bit, almost everyone I knew was Team Haim back then, myself included. But yeah, undoubtedly A list.

    1. Both Corey's seemed to be everywhere in the 80's. They were both A lost, however I would say Haim was more popular because he was the cute one

    2. Haim was cuter, but feldmen usually got the best lines. They bounced off each other. Without Feldman, Haim was another cute blond kid, but we remember them because the Hollywood machine pushed the whole two Corey's best friend thing. Which I bought hook, line and sinker, I was younger, and they seemed awesome!!!

  13. Courtney doesn't look like a victim to me. More like she's gotten all the mileage out of him she's gonna get, and now he's a public image liability. She was fully complicit with everything he did, but now she can tell her own sob story of how he abused her. That said I do believe that getting away from him may be hard.

  14. I'm with @DDonnaTartly on this! "Katie Holmesing this thing to get out"
    is my new spirit animal

  15. Scott Baio and wife, for the win, Alex.

  16. Anonymous1:25 PM

    It's probably Feldman but god I wish it was Kirk Cameron. He seems like the type who has lots of things to hide.

  17. @Nummi, this explains it

  18. @nummi it means she's going to have to be hella underground, silent and conniving to get out of this mess w/o her hubs knowing. KH was married to Tom Cruise who is a famous Scientologist and she basically had to pull off an act Houdini would have been proud of to arrange her escape from the grips of that "marriage". She was under watch all the time and per the blogs was going thru burner phones like crazy trying to reach out for help from friends & family. I think it probably came down to her knowing enough info to hold over someone's head along with having an excellent team of peeps that were not going to give up to get her out of there.

  19. LOL using that term as a verb...too funny!
    Yes, at one time Corey was considered A list, as part of "the Two Coreys." Problem was, he never stopped thinking about those times and as a result wants them back and refuses to consider things like simply getting a 9-5 job.

    1. Some men/woman, are just terrified of change, or growing up.

      I know a couple of hot guys, who are getting older, and older, and think dating 25-30 year olds will keep them young. Maybe in Hollywood, but not in the Midwest. They both really wanted families, but would keep dating young hot career minded (corporate ladder-chicago) girls who had no intention of starting families. I would tell the one guy, you tell me you want a family, but date girls who don't. Your getting older, and getting nowhere. But he felt he needed the hot young girls to impress the guys, show his worth that he was getting girls like "her".

      I suppose, I'm a bit afraid to grow up too. But I do own a house, am in a successful, healthy relationship, etc. Etc. So I at least have that part down?

  20. I agree, Corey Feldman was definitely A list in the mid to late 80's.

  21. @Kelly You have to be about 14. Haim was most DEFINITELY A list back in the day.

  22. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Feldman, I reckon. he has a bloody cult in his house. Run, Courtney...RUN.

  23. Totally Team Haim here (!!!!), I crushed so hard on that boy, *sigh* but yes, Feldman was definitely A list teen actor. Agree on him riding Haim's coattails to a degree, without Haim he wouldn't have been as successful for as long (in my opinion.

    That said, Haim was lucky to have Feldman as a friend. Corey Haim had a pretty awful trajectory and Feldman was there for him as a friend when they were both A-List as well as after things turned to shit. Except Feldman had to turn him away at points due to tough love but I don't blame him.

  24. Could easily be Bag.

  25. Has to be Feldman. Defintely A list teen star in the 80s. "Lying to the world..." his alegations have been all over the news the past few months. Wife totally looked like a hostage in those hospital photos last week.

  26. Um - sorry @hunter Haim was not lucky to have Feldman as a friend. Watch the ep of the “Two Coreys” where CH asked CF why he let him get raped and he didn’t do shit about it and knew it was gonna happen. I almost bought into Feldman’s shit but now see him as the creep he is.

  27. Definitely. I always got this weird vibe from Feldman, that he was insanely jealous of Haim.

    Even before the reality show, I was watching one of those Vh1 “Remember the 80’s” type shows, Feldman was interviewed and I picked up on a shit ton of contempt that he seemed to be harboring, like he had been acting since he was a toddler and really wanted to be a star, and then Haim came out of nowhere and was landing the lead roles and Feldman was always second fiddle.

    Then the reality show really made it seem that although Feldman definitely had his shit together much more than Haim, Haim was a broken soul at that point and Feldman couldn’t contain his smug, like, glee over the fact that Haim was such a mess. That Feldman had a wife and kid and seemed to have some money while Haim was selling his teeth on EBay for drug money. He tried to act like he was concerned, but Feldman never really was a great actor, so...

  28. Katie made her deal, signed the contract, knew what the terms were. Sick as that may be, it's totally normal hollywood procedure. Why she bailed/reneged, I don't know.

    She'll probably be made to pay dearly cause that org is, well, you know....

  29. Can't imagine Feldman NOT reading this blog. So does that mean she won't get out...maybe an accident if she does know so much and Ss & DG are these pages keep saying.
    Is it really cool to get the kudos just to be the first to blind the item if it totally screws up the victims escape route?

    1. Feldman reads these?

    2. +1 @rosie..

      Corey -927481037481001, you will always be the least popular unattractive one.. in fact your best shot at a come back movie is if you remake Gremlins and you can be the gremlin this time around.

  30. Feldman definitely didn't ride Haim's coattails. He had much better roles in much bigger movies that had nothing to do with Haim. I can't think if a single movie Haim was in without Feldman.

    1. Very very true. Feldman was a star before Haim was ever heard of. The Goonies!!!

  31. I am 49, Haim was A list, I just could never stand Feldman. He was everywhere though that is true.

  32. Hunny Bunny, re: Katie's escape. Her father knew early on he'd have to save her and rallied powerful friends to assist form the beginning. Her poor family just had to wait until Sci affected her Suri's upbringing enough to snap her out of it.

  33. @Southern Man

    Katie escaped for her kid. Scientologists were taking over the child. Articles at the time talked about the strange way Tom was raising Suri, moving her away from Katie. Katie had to bolt or Suri would be lost.

  34. @Plot- yeah, but what did she think was going to happen from the start?
    Makes no sense.

    You 'marry' the topmost hardcore S guy and then freak when he wants to raise the kid in it?

  35. FeldmanFeldmanFeldmanFeldman. Everything about him is just "off".

  36. Tinydancer61 good get it seems
    Brooke Burke seen for first time filing for divorce from David Charvet via

  37. Very true, Southern Man. Why Katie married him in the first place is the big old question.

    Maybe she could personally handle Scientology but having a child made it abundantly clear (yukyuk) that being one of Elron Hubbard's adults in child suits was NOT going to bode well for Suri's emotional stability.

    Leah Rimini wrote about attending a dinner at the Cruise home and hearing infant Suri screaming in the next room for an unusually long time. Leah started at Tom, then at Katie, both seeming unmoved by their crying baby. Leah left the table to see what was up and Suri was lying on the bathroom floor, simply wailing her little heart out, while Tom's sister and two minders were staring at her as though a sacred message was coming through the red faced, crying, infant.

    I don't care how or why Katie signed up for the whatever-she-could-endure contract with Tom. Fleeing that shit was a good thing, unequivocally.

  38. Who knew that Haim starred in a movie better than Stand By Me. You learn shit every day.

    1. Yes, you certainly do. Like I just learned that Corey Feldman has defenders. Please, Corey Feldman did not “star” in Stand By Me, The Goonies, etc. He played second (or third) string to more popular/attractive/talented actors. That was his entire career.

  39. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Exactly, Alli. And he was always playing second fiddle to Haim, which is the basis of his jealousy.

    1. Totally. There is no such thing as a “Corey Feldman Movie.” They were all ensemble casts with one or two standouts that were certainly NOT Corey. Find me one person who immediately thinks “Corey Feldman” when they think of Stand By Me, as opposed to River Phoenix or Keifer Sutherland, or thinks of Feldman before Sean Astin or Josh Brolin when thinking of The Goonies. And because he had one of those unfortunate faces that made him look middle aged at 14, without Corey Haim he would have been lucky to get a one paragraph blurb on the second to last page of a Bop or Tiger Beat, never mind the cover.

  40. I had read (way back before they ended) that Tom and Katie had a 5 year contract - no not sure she had to do any wrangling to get out. I think she was smart enough to not ever get under COS' thumb.

  41. Nonya

    She had to wrangle to get the kid out with her. She and Suri were watched 24/7 and the only outside contact she had was her parents.

  42. Totally Corey Feldman, and yes he was always the fugly wing man, the bad cop, the 2nd billed of the Coreys, never mind any movie he was in.



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