Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Let's Start With Some Links

I realized that not all of you would scroll down past the Cynthia Nixon story in the NY Daily News that is linked below, so I just thought I would post what you would have missed.

Suri Cruise is not even 1 year old, but the young diva has a hair appointment every single week, says an insider. "She is always naked and no one's allowed to talk around the baby," laughs the snitch.

Out Magazine ranks the Top 50 Gays.

Glad I didn't run the Keith Richards snorting his dad's ashes story. Turns out it was a joke. Well, I might not have posted it but I must have mentioned it in conversation 50 times yesterday and everyone could see Keith doing it.

Cynthia Nixon is a tightwad and/or a homeless person in waiting. Good thing that Sex and The City movie is on again so she has something else to do with her time.

Some more information on Britney's activities pre-rehab. Wasn't there a blind item about this?


Anonymous said...

so brit brit is the one found passed out on the bathroom floor?


Anonymous said...

Can I ask a question to Hez and all others who support and love this blog so much?

Wasn't it stated (when the blog first started) that ENT was friends with Britney and he wouldn't be posting bad things, blind items, etc. about her here?

I don't ask this to be rude or mean, but I'm really wondering why the blog seems so different, and I thought maybe you could help me out here.



Anonymous said...

April 1st people, the deadline is midday April 1st for jokes.

Anonymous said...

What happened to that random guy Britney was supposedly dating in rehab?

Anonymous said...

brendalove, it wasn't true that she was planning on moving in with some guy and that they were in love. its just some random guy riding her coattails.

what blind item is he referring to?

Anonymous said...

Neveranon - I think the blind item EL is referring to is something that was run by someone else like NY Post, NY Daily News, or maybe even Ted C. I don't think it was something on this site, but I could be wrong...


Anonymous said...

Silent weekly naked haircuts. Oh, to be a kid again.

Anonymous said...


Is this the post you are talking about?

November 14, 2006

"I need to start off by saying that I think Britney is a great person and one of the funniest people I have ever met. The other thing is that she is very makes people blind and she got suckered by K-Fed plain and simple..but as a businesswoman she knows what she is doing and when I have dealt with her, she has been incredible. I have not spoken to her since she got married because she kind of withdrew from the business part of her life..Right after she got married I had some talks with one of her "people" about a new product but nothing ever came of it and I honestly think she just was not that interested in anything but marriage...I hope now that she is back doing her own thing that I will have the chance to sit down with her again and get to know all the inside info..we shall see.."

That's the only one I can think of that you might be referring to. I don't remember Ent ever saying Britney was off limits for snark or BI's.

Anonymous said...

There was a post, I am too lazy to look for it now, about how Ent would never snark on Britney because apparently they are friends and she reads this site.

I personally don't really care either way. Just come here for some diversion when my brain starts to hurt from work.

Anonymous said...


i know what you mean. details are a little slippery if you think about things too much. i very much enjoy this blog but as of last week, i'm beginning to think that this place is a lot of fun for a circle of gossiping friends on the fringe of being in the know who compiled a composite identity and each contribute to the writing.

bmini said...

No, EL never said he wouldn't bitch about Britney. THe entry posted above was the only time he spoke of his opinion of her.

Anonymous said...

Here is the post from Nov. 25, 2006, in reference to our guesses on the MV blind item. Lots of people were guessing Britney, and Ent had this to say:

Some of you have guessed a certain person and I make very clear in another entry that she is a really good friend of mine and therefore could not be the correct guess. Also, she reads the blog, so be nice. lol

This is after the Nov. 14 post above, where he talks about how Britney is nice and smart, and how they almost had a business venture together.

Faerie said...

oh dear lord.. i see this comment section reaching record highs..

all these people in wood are totally out of control...

wonder when the first addict defense will be because that bitch got away with it i thought it was okay...

does no starlet see the nastiness of licking sucking ans snorting together produces disease...

Anonymous said...

Neveranon, it is a fair question.

I was never entirely convinced that Brit reads the site, but I did get the impression that EL knew and liked her. Not "party at Hyde together" kind of friends (that's not EL's bag anyway), but it seemed he had respect for her career and her down-to-earth attitude amongst all the Hollywood weirdoes and egomaniacs.

I couldn't tell you for sure whether that opinion is changed for good, but I'm sure he was affected by some of her choices (and the secrets she kept and the justifications some of her people probably gave EL when he was looking for accurate info about her).

I don't know if he feels lied to or if he just got fed up with defending the indefensible, but the lid came off and at some point she does seem to have become fair game.

That said, he doesn't hate on her the way he does some others, so by comparison I think he kind of is still being nice to her.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

I thought the BI narc is talking about was revealed on a nother site to be Brit getting laid in the bathroom by Davis. The thought totally disgusts me along with the some info that indicated Paris and Greasy bear did friends with benefits when he was living with her recently...gross.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the Out Magazine cover and Perez Hilton's blog: Why do some people obligate gays and lesbians to proclaim their sexuality? I kinda figured that Jodie Foster and Cooper are gay but that's not part of their job so why should they have to ever talk about it in interviews if they don't want to?
Why are gay professionals more obligated than their hetero professional counterparts to discuss their personal life if they don't want to? If a hetero professional chose to keep the focus off their personal life, would some magazine do a cover story on it. When a persons sexual preference becomes a non-story then that means we're making progress in the world. Remember when bi-racial relationships were such a big deal and Phil Donahue had whole shows devoted to that "taboo" subject? Now no one mentions when someone is in a bi-racial relationship unless it has something to do with the story.

Anonymous said...

I don't care if celebs are cagey or silent about their sexuality. It's not any of my business.

However, it IS a story when they force showmances on the public to sell records and movies to the Minivan Majority... in THIS day and age, when most of us didn't even bat an eyelash at Lance Bass' "big announcement".

Those kind of lies about who you are as a human being (and in Wentworth Miller's case, telling all your old friends you can't talk to them anymore) told just to make more money are probably going to add up to some gnarly karma.

I'm fine with EL being anonymous, though, and I think the fibs about his toothless, balding appearance are endlessly funny and totally harmless. (And total BS, I'll wager.)

Anonymous said...

Hez - Must say, I loves it when you weigh in on a topic. I personally am w/you on that comment 100%. Well put.


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