Monday, December 31, 2007

Blind Item Reveals

July 18, 2007

#1 Which two related musicians disappointed hundreds of fans by bailing out of a movie watching party? The reason? While being interviewed on stage one of the musicians was given a basket with filled with items for a baby. The aggrieved musician then cussed on the air and in front of the all the fans there to see him. He walked off the stage and didn't look back. So I'm guessing a baby shower is out of the question.

Joel & Benji Madden


Moosefan said...

And I think that it was someone from a Seattle radio station that gave them the stuff....Maybe-IDK...

Pity though, because your fans brought you where you are and can take it from you just as quick!

PaleBlackSheep said...

Wasn't this one already revealved?

Kim said...

Amen to that moosefan!

Kim said...

I don't think it was revealed. I think it was just blatantly obvious.

RandomRamblings said...

That is just weird. They should have taken the gift and moved on.

PaleBlackSheep said...

Well that makes sense, I guess it was the main guess when I read the blind..

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there also a blind about a musician worried the baby wasn't his? We all figured that was Joel and Nicole. He seems pretty secure about it all now though.

Anonymous said...

All that douchebaggery to deny a rumor that was actually truth (at the time).

We need a CDAN chat while we wait for more reveals or something lol

Kim said...

Lol, great idea!

Kim said...

I wonder if any celebrities are waiting to see if their names will pop up. Lol!

Anonymous said...

all the ones who would be in BI's are probably out partying already! lol

Except Shanna, she's probably blogging as we speak...err..type

Kim said...

Roflmao! More than likely true. ;)

sprinkles said...

LOVE you Ent. Thanx for the reveals.

Some of these were surprises, others not so much!

If you're looking for a new ex-wife, I'd be happy to offer my services! LOL! (Yeah, I know, stand in line.)

katespades said...

did we ever find out which actress ent picked up in the big traffic jam after her car broke down or whatever..and she was swilling vodka the entire walk?

Kim said...

Not that I know of. Maybe that'll be one of the reveals ;)

Anonymous said...

well, the only chat I know how to start is AIM, so if anyone has aim, jump into chat CDAN. I'll leave it open in case anyone wants to.

kellygirl said...

oddly, Joel has turned out to be a really good guy ... at least so far ... at least that we know of.

Kim said...

Or just better at hiding things. Lol.

bookstalker said...

Yawn. I just know there are juicier things coming. Right?

Kim said...

I hope so. I think Ent's sipping some kinda alcoholic beverages while he's going thru the BIs

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

I can't wait until Joel Madden and Nicole Richie's 15 minutes are over. We're at about 14:55, right?

Kim said...

Lol, I think the clock will start over once the baby's born.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Damn, Kim, you're right.

kellygirl said...

I actually really like Nicole now. I gotta give the girl props. Her style is inspirational, and her behaviour (of late) is admirable. Hey, credit where ...

mooshki said...

Kate, the actress got wind of the B.I. so now she knows who Ent is and she threatened to tell his secret if he tells hers.


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