Thursday, January 03, 2008

Jack Osbourne Is An Idiot

After Mischa Barton's arrest for DUI, someone decided to ask Jack Osbourne for his opinion on the matter. I'm not sure exactly why his opinion matters, or why someone would seek it. It's kind of like asking Michael Lohan about parenting. People ask him, but he's no Lynne Spears when it comes to great parenting. When Michael Lohan is asked to write a book about parenting, I promise I will be the first in line to buy it. Hell, I am going to be first in line for Lynne's book. I am going to post the whole damn thing and let everyone comment on it. I'll worry about the whole copyright infringement thing later.

Anyway back to Jack. When asked about Mischa's DUI arrest he said, "Everyone gets DUIs... but you only hear about it when celebrities get them. It is a big deal but it's not a big deal, just a slap on the wrist."

I didn't realize that everyone got DUI's. I do agree that it is usually more newsworthy when a celebrity gets a DUI, but many counties publish the names of people arrested for DUI's and if something tragic happens as a result of the DUI, it almost always makes the news, at least locally. It definitely isn't a slap on the wrist to the over 13,000 people killed by drunk drivers each year or their families or their friends. It isn't a slap on the wrist to the many thousands of people who are injured each year as a result of DUI's or their families, or the fact they may lose their jobs because they can't work as a result of being struck by someone who has too much to drink and then drives.

DUI's are 100% preventable. Heart disease, cancer and other causes of death are not 100% preventable. DUI deaths are.


  1. Why is Jack Osbourne naked on a bike? I'm going to have to work hard to forget I ever saw that image.

  2. i'd like to know if there is video associated with this quote? some things sound a lot worse on paper than in a cnversation..he could be saying its about celeb justice,not the importance of the crime.

    i could be totally way off who knows.

  3. what i'd like to know is why the guy who killed a mom and her 4 kids going the wrong way pissed drunk on the higway is gettign aggravated vehicular homicide and Nicole Richie who did the same thing with much better consequences got a slap on the wrist? she could have easily killed 5 people too.

  4. Jax, the court system in CA waits until you actually kill someone before they care.

    LMAO at the comment that Michael Lohan is no Lynne Spears when it comes to parenting.

  5. I have a friend who had a hip and knee replacement at 18 and has been in and out of a wheelchair since then thanks to a drunk driver. The police didn't even test him at the scene, and he walked away with no consequences. Instead the taxpayers have picked up the hundreds of thousands of dollars of medical bills she's had. I just can't believe how casual people still are about drinking and driving.

  6. Anonymous11:59 AM

    The justice system is all about money. If you've got money, you can get through something with relatively few consequences. If you are poor, you're going down.

  7. SHITNEY actually showed up for her depo today.

    she's wearing a bright pink sundress

    btw, it's about 50 degrees here in LA today and sprinkling, about to rain.

    She looks like a 14 y/o Georgia Garden Party guest

  8. Anonymous12:06 PM

    ent: that photo is up there with rachael ray licking chocolate off a wooden spoon in a bra.

    That said, I think the reason it gets reported on when it's celebrities is because the police are intentionally saying: these people are not above the law. Unfortunately, the court system is saying that they are.

    jax: she didn't kill anyone. Doing things that are risky should be punished, but to actually harm someone/something should be punished more severely.

  9. my car was smashed a week ago while parked by a drunk driver. yesterday, i discovered the rental had also been smashed while parked - i HATE drunk drivers. $1000 in deductibles in just two weeks. So NOT a slap on the wrist for me!

  10. It looks like Jack is back to licking chocolate off of wooden spoons, too.

  11. Umm...Jack Osborne naked and sporting a porn stache on a motorcycle? There are just some things you can't UNsee.

  12. so we have the same crime excepts people die in one and people didn't int he other..the crime is the same..they both drive hammered on the wrong way of the freeway and IMO should be treated the same...less the manslaughter charge obv.

    Nicole got CJ any way you cut it..sorry but 40 mins in jail is a fuckin joke. What a coincidence that she got preganant right after that charge.

  13. In putting up a nude photo of Jack Osborne you must be feeling the need to help the readers who are trying to lose weight, Enty. My stomach is reeling and I'm skinny. My eyes, my eyes!!!

  14. babyface, where the hell do you park your car?
    outside of Les Deux or GOA?

  15. Didn't Cisco Adler say something similar? It was along the lines of "I don't want to comment on my ex-gf getting a DUI, but it happens."
    What is even more bizarre Jack's statement is that he is supposedly "sober."

    A friend of a friend got into a drunk driving accident over christmas and she is in very bad condition. (70 stitches in her face, broken heel, shattered right leg...)

    I don't know why my generation has embraced an "I drive better drunk" mentality. It's extremely disturbing.

  16. Thanks for the naked pic of Jack O - My therapist has decided I need an extra appointment a week for a while for what it has done to my emotional state.

    DUI's are 100% preventable. Everyone - drink all you want, just don't get behind the wheel of a car. The life you kill may just be your own.

  17. dijea said:
    "The life you kill may just be your own."

    Oh, IF ONLY that were true. Drunk drivers rarely kill themselves. That's the problem.

  18. When I was a teenager drunk driving was a skill. What ever happened to those days?!?!!?

    Seriously though, why are his toe nails painted???????

    And this is 2008. Nobody should be driving drunk. Ever.

  19. Damn, I though Jack was getting fit and shit. Ya know doing some crunches...obviously the only thing he's crunching into is some Mars bars.

  20. Tom Cruise is a male homosexual. Tom Cruise sucks cock and eats male sperm. Tom Cruise likes to get fucked up the ass, and he fucks other men up the ass. Tom Cruise is HIV positive.

  21. The sad truth is that the statement Osbourne makes is true. To the Hollywood set it is exactly as he says...its a reason to call the publicist, do some damage control and roll your eyes while you say you're sorry (mean while you're waitress is bringing your next drink). I think the statement, albeit disturbing, should make people think. Of course that likely wasn't HIS intention....

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. ...can't sleep....






  24. Ok, first GO AWAY Les Sucknos.
    You Suck!
    Go back to Perez, or whatever smelly crass hole you crawled out of!

    Second, my eyes are stinging from the sight of Jacks saggy body. Ouch! My tolerance level for people who are famous for being related to someone who once did cool work is over taxed!

  25. For a large majority of people Jack's age, those statements are true. It's not just celebs. I work with a bunch of ex-military guys, they have the same attitude. Go out, get shitfaced with the boys, drive home. They almost all have had DUIs in the past.



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