Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Holiday Texting The Ex--Not A Good Idea

The only good thing about holiday texts from an ex is that they are predictable. For the most part you know they are coming, especially if the ex is a repeat offender. Just simply turn off the cell phone during the offending holiday and you should be good to go until you can have a quiet moment or two to do some deleting.

Drunk texts are never predictable and so if an ex gets drunk and texts you at 3am while you are sleeping, the first you may know of it is when your current significant other is beating the crap out of you at 3:05am asking you who the hell is so and so.

Kate Moss had this same little problem with Pete Doherty and her current boyfriend Jamie Hince. In Kate's defense who would ever think Pete capable of using a phone, reading, writing, texting or even being able to stand still long enough to text.

Right at the stroke of midnight, Pete sent Kate a text wishing her a Happy New Year and asking if she could score him some coke. OK, maybe just wishing her a Happy New Year. Well, knowing Pete, it might have been both. Jamie was pissed. If this guy is jealous over Pete Doherty than he is really going to go ballistic when Kate starts spending time with some of those old guys who follow her around and buy her presents for no reason. Seriously guys. Spend the money on a model who is hot, and not some washed up, has been model.

Jamie and Kate didn't speak to each other for two hours. Then they kissed and made up. More likely they both needed a fix and no argument is going to come between two junkies and their next fix. Hell if Jamie would buy Kate a trip to Colombia she would probably marry him.


  1. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Heh heh, that's the way to work it, Pete!

    They're going to get back together.

  2. Yeah I can totally see them getting back together too...Although they probably shouldn't.
    Who is this guy Jamie Hince? That is the worst haircut I've ever seen!

  3. Anonymous4:57 PM

    who watches her kid while she is doing all this crap?

  4. Ugh, getting texts from my ex are the worst. Even worse than those are the pix texts which are usually of our dogs that he kept. The perfect way to brighten any hoiday right???



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