Monday, December 31, 2007

You Have To Have Sex To Get Pregnant

When the Daily Mail came out and said Nicole Kidman was pregnant, I didn't doubt them, I just wondered how she got pregnant without having sex. In my mind I was picturing Keith Urban shooting off across the room and Nicole trying to catch it or using some type of baster. Then I realized that would be too messy. Do you think Nicole Kidman has ever got messy in her life? Ever not been in control of the situation? I just cannot imagine Nicole Kidman having sex. I know she said she had a miscarriage, but no one actually ever said that the miscarriage was the result of having sex. This is why she and Tom Cruise were the perfect couple for each other. She probably came up to him on Days Of Thunder and asked if he would be interested in a business proposition. Attorneys worked it out, and then a few years later adopt one child, and then another. They maybe tried the invitro route, and that didn't work, hence the miscarriage.

When Tom's career started to falter, he needed someone new and fresh, so end of contract. See ya.

So whenever you hear about these Nicole Kidman pregnancy rumors I would discount them. I think she will get pregnant eventually, but it will not be with Keith. It will be with some rich old guy who she is with after she gets rid of Keith. The only reason Keith has lasted this long is she doesn't want to be the woman who forced him back on the bottle. Another thing to ponder when you think of Nicole Kidman. How does she continue to make such high salaries for her films even though they always tank. When is the last time you wanted to see a film because she was in it. I avoid films she is in, but somehow the studios keep paying her inflated salary.


  1. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Is this a hint to this:

    Actress salaries obviously vary. An A lister is going to make more than A B, etc. USUALLY. This B list film actress who is thin, usually blond, and has surprisingly good teeth can often be found in A list movies and gets paid just as much as any female A lister. She has been making A list money even when she was just C list or even just doing bit parts. How does she manage such big paydays? Have you noticed how she primarily works with the same studio for most of her films? It could have something to do with the fact that a studio boss was in love/lust with her and she seduced him and did him and filmed it with his knowledge. You can see where this goes. She has several copies of the tape and knows how to get them to his wife. Letting the company pay for your mistakes with a higher salary for an actress is much easier than having your wife divorce you and taking your personal fortune.

  2. The only hole in this theory is the Lenny Kravitz factor. There is no way that Lenny would date someone and NOT have sex with them, imho.

  3. Nicole wouldn't be considered B list, even if her movies tank. Kee-rist! Every airport in Europe is plastered with posters of Nicole selling some overpriced drop of scent or bitty swath of cloth.

  4. You have part of the Kidman-Cruise story right but the roles are reversed.

    Tom's agents at the time, CAA, approached Nicole and made a deal with her after Days of Thunder. She was completely unknown in the US (unless you count Dead Calm) and they knew she was ambitious and wanted to be more well known. They offered to put her on the map, make her a movie star if she married the very gay Mr. Cruise. The deal was to last 10 years.

    After the divorce, when Tom kept saying "She knows why it ended" that's what he was talking about.

    I'm so over them both.

  5. "When is the last time you wanted to see a film because she was in it. "
    Last week. I rented Fur. Loved it.
    In fact, I love 90% of her movies. I'm not saying I like them, I'm saying I love them. Especially the post Tom Cruise ones. Some, of course, were big mistakes, but most of them, to my taste, are stunning pictures.
    And I'm not a crazy fan of hers who likes everything she does... I just happen to really like the movies she is in most of the time. So I represent the part of the public who likes her work and therefore justifies her salary.
    I know nothing bout her sex life (or lack of), though. ;)
    I guess she has a better chance pleasing audiences outside of the US. There is something about her style...
    But I respect your point of view Ent. Happy new year.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh please, what about the possibility that Kidman's prim ice princess persona is just for show? She did that dirtbiking movie early in her career. Maybe she doesn't mind getting a little messy -- she just doesn't want it as part of her image.

    She learned the importance of image from her diminutive ex, even if he's put his in the crapper since splitting from the Komodo Dragon.

  8. Yeah, but that doesn't explain why Nicole got Oscar worthy parts (for which she was over-rated), and still gets paid in the millions for stinkers, after her divorce.

    At first, I thought it was a slap to the Cruise $cientology machine that people have been waiting for years to deliver. The studios reacted by making his Ex a bigger star. But what accounts for it now? The revenge is over. Nicole isn't even promoting her own movies now, just raking in the cash. Why do ppl keep hiring her, and why does she work constantly?

  9. I'm pretty sure that BI refers to Nicole Kidman and the director of Moulin Rouge. She had an affair with him, he has a wife, and now she's blackmailing the studios. clever, clever.

    also, she dated that rapper Q-Tip, i always thought that was so weird. she definately had to have slept with him and kravitz

  10. My local radio DJs interviewed Lenny Kravitz on several occasions, and the guy is allegedly a stinker. Doesn't bathe and attributes his natural body odor to how he attracts women.

    So, either Nic doesn't have a sense of smell, or she gets down and dirty like the rest of Hollywood.

  11. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Oh she's probably a freak in the sack.

  12. brenda - i get that vibe from her too.

  13. Nicole Kidman is a lesbian.

  14. I'm pretty sure the following story is fact.
    It is very well known in the Los Angeles Physicians social circle. They are a tight-knit crowd and don't air each other's dirt too often, sort of a silent contract amongst themselves:

    while filming Moulin Rouge Nicole hurt her knee. She had an orthopedic surgeon (top LA orthopod) do the repair. They had an affair. She got pregnant. She refused to have an abortion. The Doctor refused to divorce his wife as he would have lost half his money. Tom dumped Nicole. The Doctor dumped Nicole. Nicole miscarried. The doctor's wife shopped like a maniac.

  15. There's no way the blind is about her. Nicole won an oscar, that makes her A list in Ent's book.

  16. I love that CDAN has all but confirmed that Nicole is a total freak.
    I think that the lesbian rumors have been around for too long to be completely false.

    I'm with KellySirkus, there was always something odd about the chain of events the followed her divorce from Tom. (The knee injury, miscarriage, etc)

  17. Nicole Kidman gets such high salaries because of the whole Aussiewood mentality that has flourished the last decade or so in the TV and film industry. When one actor/director/producer from Australia got a big job or a big role in Hollywood, he hired Australians for the other roles as much as possible. Those people in turn hired Australians and the cycle continued until there were many major Australian players in the film and TV industry who had a lot of power and could make a lot of demands. Hiring who you know isn't a new concept at all, but the Australians perfected it. Case in point, the new Justice League movie is filmed in Australian with an Australian director and with mostly Australian actors and an Australian crew.

    And slightly off topic, but the words Nicole Kidman and sex shouldn't be in the same headline. Ewww.

  18. Nicole apparently has a medical problem in which she cannot carry a fetus to full term. The pregnancy rumors only put her in the headlines again at the start of Oscar season, lest the public forget.

  19. The only movie Kidman was good in was TO DIE FOR. But, then, she was playing to type.


  20. Nicole the answer to that one BI (from another site) that was mentioned here a few months ago? The one where she was a female born with male parts too? I know she was a popular guess...

  21. gammagirl - one of my very close friends is a dermatologist. her hubby is a plastic surgeon. she is very close friends with the wife of the orthopedic surgeon. Believe me when I tell you, she has made him pay dearly, and all the other wives have used him as a useful cautionary tale for their husbands to remember.

    Like I said, this is a very tight group and they are all protective of each other, but it's very common knowledge throughout all of Cedars and other L.A. physician crowds.

  22. kelly - ty, that's very interesting dirt. i always thought that tom's ambition was HOLLYWOOD POWER and nicole's ambition WEALTH (not love, children, helping others,etc.)it's like they sold their souls years ago.

  23. kelly, that makes sense of things on so many lvls. There were photos of Nicole and a doctor hanging together around the time of the breakup with Tom, and everyone assumed he was her personal MD.

    Nicole is still ice bitch-nuts to me. Who frantically works as much as she does? With 50 mil in the bank? It's not like she is a director or scaling new heights for her art. If the bitch isn't filming, she is signing a new ad campaign or making a commercial in Japan or Italy.

    Nicole at some point decided that working like a maniac is better than dealing with her demons (like 2 kids who don't call her mom anymore.)

  24. kellysirkus, why didn't Nicole just tell Tom the baby was his? Unless Nicole wanted the doctor to acknowledge paternity for some reason?

  25. jm- tom knew he could not be the father! she knew her contract as "mrs. cruise" was ending....

  26. captivagrl, how intriguing and so calculating, if true!

  27. another blind reveal?

    christmas came late! thank you ent.

  28. I always assumed that Tom was shooting blanks (assuming he was shooting any her way in the first place)
    I don't know that for a fact, but I did just assume he couldn't father a child.
    I have no clue who the father of Suri is. But I'm sure Lord Xenu scoured the earth to find the closest physical match to Crazy Cruise

  29. No kidding, if Tom's gay there's no way Nicole's baby could have been his when they're not having sex.

  30. Aww, why the hating on Nic? She's a class act, unlike most of Hollywood.

    I always heard the baby was Ewan McGregor's. They had some crazy mad chemistry in Moulin Rouge, far more chemistry than she's had with any other costar. Rumor was Tom found out about the pregnancy and dumped her. She later miscarried.

    I worked briefly with a former bodyguard of hers who worked with her during the Tom breakup. He confirmed the miscarriage. I didn't ask him about the parentage. He did say that she was a great boss to work for, very sweet and generous. She gave him an expensive watch with a nice personalized engraved message when he finished his time working with her.

    He did say she was pretty devastated when the marriage ended. She was pretty shocked by it. I think she really did love him. She was practically a kid still when they married and she spent most of her adult life up til the split with him.

    Anyway, on the paychecks I say good for her. Women make far less than men in Hollywood so anytime an actress is getting the type of pay an actor would, more power to her.

    I just wish she chose better scripts. She had a good run of movies up until the Oscar then her choices became pretty questionable.

    I am looking forward to "Australia" though. Baz Luhrman directing Nic and Hugh Jackman in their homeland. Should be awesome.

  31. This isn't the first time Ent has hinted at Nicole having an older man once the relationship with Keith is through...Hmmm...

  32. Tom has that cousin on Lost, Something Mapother, who looks enough like Tom (and a lot like Suri.) I'm guessing that he or Chris Klein is Suri's biodad.

    Also, Suri is a good 4+ months older than her stated age. She looks like a 2 year old or better, not an 18 month old.

  33. Nicole kidman had an ectopic pregnancy. they had to remove her left ovary and fallopian tube. Cruise had surgery done to correct a variocele on his right testicle. He had a low sperm count until he had that surgery done. Suri is the bio-baby of ruise and holmes.
    I know this for a fact. I am a nurse working at a medicle center in LA.
    Kidman has difficulty getting pregnant because of the ectopic and some other health issues.

  34. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I would believe Suri is Tom's...but I also believe there was probably a turkey baster involved.

  35. how does a nurse not know how to spell the word 'medical?'

  36. Kate...i was thinking the same thing. I was also thinking that if she is a nurse with professional knowledge of their medical history, she is violating HIPAA.

  37. The Kravitz factor is indeed a factor. That man oozes sex, and she seemed to be smiling quite a lot in her pictures when she was supposedly seeing him.

  38. She was w/ Kravitz for only a very short time - couple of months at most. I'm thinking either she got fed up with the smell, or he wailed on her and she fled. He's horrible.

  39. maybe medical was misspelled becuz I was in a hurry, ya know. also, hippa rules are violated everyday in the tabs.
    I have been reading ent's posts for a while now and I just started posting. you don't have to act like this is a high school click guy's.

  40. EWHHHH Lenny Thing now that is just alittle to much info for me. So where does all this leave Keith?

  41. You know, nurses can be lousy spellers.....

    And I thought about the fact that maybe advanced technology allowed Tom to get his sperm withdrawn and inseminate Katie.

  42. "You know, nurses can be lousy spellers....."

    S/he did get the other big words right though, like ectopic, fallopian, variocele.

  43. why would she have the ovary removed in an ectopic pregnancy?
    and she would still have one good ovary and tube. one ectopic preg. does not rule out a successful pregnancy down the road. a missing ovary can cause a slightly earlier menopause, only because the good one makes up for the missing one, and we are only given so many eggs in the first place.... which brings me back to my original point.

    and yes, i know all this first hand.

  44. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Hello to The world with a mouth of happiness..
    I am Michelle Wilson From Chicago USA i want to say thank you to dr for helping with a spell to conceive a baby... i was almost divorce by my husband Mr Wilson when we where together for 15years no child i cried everyday wiped all night and all to be in vain.. one day i came across a testimony in the internet of one Mrs Vanara Philip from canada on how a mighthy dr call ATAKPO helped her in getting twins childern for her husband i decided to contact the same dr ATAKPO on his email adress and my life became much better and today i am happy with my family my husband stop the divorce and we are together right now with 3kids
    Thanks to great dr atakpo for helping me in these way and saving my marriage and casting a spell that make me to conceive for my husband if you are in such condition please email dr atakpo on his email address....


  45. My mother in law hate me so much that she wanted me out of my husband house because i have been unable to give her a grandchild i never knew what to do one day when i was at my working place a friend of my told me about how she had a spell cast on her by this man named Adodo and after which her life came back to normal so i chosen to give him a trier which i did contacted him on his email: after which he get back to me and told me what i need to do and also how my problem was going to be solve and after 1month i started seeing changes in me i and so happy now that i can now give birth to my own child and my mother in law is now happy with me since i have been pregnant for her son.

  46. Narol Denison

    i am Mrs. Narol Denison from new York. i want to use this medium to congratulate Dr Jatton for the great help of spell he has render to my relationship outbreak. since the past 6 years i was in a relationship problem with my ex, he always get me beating, i never knew he has another girl outside the town, her name is Michel, until i got this great spell caster email address from the internet, so i email him and i laid all my complain to him, he promise me that i am to keep off away from him, and i really agreed on it, but on a condition that my lost ex will be back,,,, he really put some few items which he uses to consulting his great oracle, his plan for my relationship was fulfill and my lost ex was back again within 48hrs... please if you are in such mess today please contact him at Mrs Narol Denison

  47. What's it been, 13 years since this post was written?

    In 13 years, no one has mentioned Kidman's father, and his alleged proclivities. You know, proclivities that would leave his progeny F'D UP, especially sexually.



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